Taoist Law

Chapter 30 Where is the little girl?

PS: Thanks to Dad, Dad, the reward in the ocean, thank the baby's lollipop, huh, huh. At the same time, I would like to thank, Nuo, Qing Huan Dream, SK0716, TY Old Cat, Frozen Fire 2, get up x6, Fanta, the ocean floating, half q, Mars Uncle, I have a cloud smoke 20, I love Luo Song, Old Peas 1, Xiao Xifeng 7030, listen to the words, the monthly ticket of Arttp encourages. At the same time, I would also like to thank the rainy clouds, people, people, people, and people, who are listed in WHG866666, etc. May.

Zhao Ran fill the palm, and then put it out. This trick is the most basic and most common manager of the monk, but in the eyes of the people who don't know, there is a famous hill, which is famous from the rivers and lakes, and therefore He is not a quarter of him twice being mistaken.

Sometimes Zhao We will think, maybe the big name is gone in the mountains, in fact, it is from the practice of the practice, maybe a monk that is a poor root bone and qualifications, because it can't be inch, so simply mix the rivers and lakes. .

Of course, Zhao Ran has no intention to explain, what do people think in front of him, he is not concerned about it. He smiled and continued to ask: "How? Can you answer the question of the poor?"

Next to the top ten, the eyes looked at each other, and the eyes looked around the three people opposite Zhao Ran. These three people were amazed, and they were dedicated to each other. Zhao Ran also couldn't see any gods that they can use to discuss, but also Not urgent. He is rare to have such a chance to force, and it is not installed at this time. When is it? Therefore, the smile talks in the clouds, and a bamboo is in the chest.

Zhao Ranzheng, when I played a senior, but I saw a little girl who had a stunned, I saw it as if I had a thirteenth year old. The appearance is not handsome, and the top is more than a show, and there is a naughty.

When everyone couldn't solve it, Xiaoyou jumped into the stockade and spit his tongue. Laughing: "It's really lively. I turned so many places in the mountains. I am cold and clear, I am so interesting. I am more interesting here. I want to listen to something, I don't know if I don't know?"

With Zhao Ran, everyone has some hair. Zhao Ran has realized that this little girl is very weird. She is a very strange thing in the big Qingshan, which is full of thieves. It is a very strange thing. I have no trick to answer the question of the little girl, secretly put Zhu Qiuntu on the day of the magnetoration of the magnetoration from the split, hidden in the sleeves.

See no answer, the little girl has a mouth: "It's really cold. Ok. I will ask a question, from the three uncle come here? My lady said that these three uncle are different and others are different. The rivers and lakes are called them ' three ugly', um, but martial arts is very good ... Does anyone know? "

Zhao Ran turned his head and looking forward three people, is it for them? Hey, with a gold paint, cover the original appearance. It is very likely that they are .

Zhao Ran looked at them,

They also look at Zhaoran. Suddenly, I listened to one of them shouted: "I will wait. What is this girl, but please tell me, I have not seen it ..."

I saw the little girl and cheer, joy: "Oh, great, really you? This is finally found!" The right hand was pinched into a fist and waved forward.

Suddenly, the white light suddenly lit, dazzling, and the eyes were not open. Zhao Ran is not good, the body is shrinking, and the macromalastin is pulled, the golden is now open, and he protects him.

I won a thunder, Zhao Ran only felt that the magnetic mad tires came up with a lot of power, and he was pushed out to the back, and he retired a few steps. Zhao Ran only felt that the chest was bored, there were more than two ear, the throat was a sweet, and a blood sprayed out.

Zhao Ran is shocked. If he has already entered the Taoist, there is a thick man holding, and then he has been shocked after the magnetorite.

White light is deserted, Zhao Ran looks at the probe after the golden pole, I saw that I was tie and the more than a dozen ​​ ​​ ​​

The little girl "" has a sound, watching Zhao Ran, said: "Actually still alive?" The voice just fell, the right hand was grazing, and I came again to Zhao Ran again.

When Zhao Ran, there was a preparation, and even if I was busy, the body was contacted after the magnetic golden bowel, and I threw a gap and formed a turning barrier.

After the loud noise, Zhao Ran was once again forced to retreat, but this time did not be injured, but still felt tinnitus.

The little girl brows, cry, drink: "You this Taoist, why don't you die?" It's a touch of powder.

Zhao Ran once again throwing the satellite and biting his teeth, starting against the huge sound.

Zhao Ran's foot is wrong, flashing to the circle, shivering a fireworks. The fireworks are straight to the little girl, and the head bursts a flame and wrapped her body into the flame.

The little girl is softly low, and the white light is full, and the flame is extinguished.

"It turned out to be a monk? Dao Shi Uncle, which homes are you? How do you call?"

Zhao Ran can don't have time to talk to him, do not report the house when there is no loss to win? The fool is so dry. If it is defeated, isn't it waiting to find a door to go to the door?

Zhao Ran shakes a fireworks, and the little girl smiled and smiled. He opened the flame, : "Dao Shi, you can't do it, just enter the Taoist? How to mix it with ? Let's join? What is your relationship? Uncle talks about it, maybe we can't play it. "

Zhao Ruyi ignored, and continued to put a fireworks a piece, Xiaoyou's eyebrows, angry: "Uncle Are you dumb? Or is it a deaf? Is it a trick? Uncle is useless, Don't hit it. "Said, gently jumping, in front of Zhao Ran, the powder fist again, the speed is suddenly accelerated.

Zhao Ran's anti-three thunder, shocking the chest again, I was extremely bored, no longer throwing, and the way to make a flame, hidden in the flame, hidden twelve money darts.

Xiaoshou saw Zhao Ran no longer fight, laughed: "Don't you have anything!" The little hand waved in front of him, but the flames, but the twelve of the fire behind the flame. Money dart. She can't prevent it, she can only hit the arm with her arm, and have a string of bright red printers.

The money dart is not an authentic law, can't hurt the little girl, Zhao Ran is not unexpected, his true means is still behind.

The little girl was hit by the money dart, and he snorted. He just took a step, he suddenly appeared in front of him. These Fujun entered together, ignited the raging fire and wrapped her.

Zhao Ran played the twelve fireworks, which is already the maximum number of his current mana can support. After the finish, the eyes are black, the mana can not help, the legs are soft, they will fall on the ground. If it is not supported by a magnetorous gold, I am afraid he has to lie directly.

Zhao Ran is temporarily unable to make a trick, but he does not mean that he has not continued to the enemy. He has a whistle in his mouth and begins to recruit old people.

When Zhao Ran shot, he wanted to feel the high-person style of his own, so let the old age are on the side, so the old man has been shrunk in the corner of the bottom of the stockade. At this moment, I listened to the whistle, and Zhao Ran had a tacit old man immediately rushed up, and the little girl wrapped in a wrapped in the flame before playing.

Just listening to "" crumpled, the old mouth of the old mouth did step on the chest of the little girl, but it seems to step on the iron board. The old donkey "Ang" has a throat, and I ran back to Zhao Ran, rushing up, Zhao Ran bowed, the hoof seems to be swollen.

Zhao Ran helplessly whited to the old man, reparing: "Useless!"

The old man is "Ang", and the head is squatted to Zhao Rong.

The opposite flame has been burned out, from the little girl from the flame, the face is dark, and it is frightened to cry, and "Wow" is crying.

Zhao Ran is shocked, the heart is not, there is a crying of fighting? It's really unheard!

In the cry, the little girl floats next to Jinpa, stretching in the air, slowly rotating, then getting more fast.

Zhao Ran said that there is no effort, now is anger by himself, and it is necessary to sacrifice! Although I also have flying swords, there is even a ball, but the law has not responded yet. At this moment, there is no longer fight.

I hope to the old man, ask: "Brother, can the hoof can move?"

The old donkey, "Ang", nodded with tears, Zhao Ran did not hesitate, pulling it, shouting: "Run!" (Untrained)

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