Taoist Law

Chapter 31 Chapter in the mountain

PS: Thanks to Dada Dad, the ocean floating, book friends 1505301, book friends 1505200 reward. Thanks to the gorgeous division line, Qing Huan, Fanta, Xuan Yin gathering beast, wind BU, -, fatal monthly ticket encouragement.

When the old man is escaped, the speed is the fastest, and this is a more deep understanding. He rode on the back, only the trees next to him quickly returned, and it was quite a few minutes in Chuyang City with his smell. After the emotion, Zhao Ran is very dissatisfied, took a shot: "Dude, how do you run more and faster? But the matter is too cold, and there is no way, in addition to running, what else can you still do? ? "

The old donkey "Angang" called a few throats, but I didn't work hard and Zhao Ran, but I didn't stop watching it and then I would continue to fight hard. Skip the small stream, cross the deep, turn over the hill, the old man is really panicked, and it is not distinguished in the direction of the mountains.

I have been running in a small half, and the old age will finally stop slowly, the nose does not stop the hot, which is obviously tired.

Zhao Ran jumped down and carefully checked the two front ho ho in the old man and found that the hoofen swelling was obviously hurt.

"If you are injured, then you can run? He said that I should praise your perseverance tenacity, or should I use 'falling?" I can describe your wolf scorpion model? "Zhao Yan said with a wind, but in his heart But I have a solid pain, and I have been busy out of the unsatisfactory Wuzioli, and the water is opened, and apply it to the red swollen hoof. After the smear is finished, I played a birth character and helped the old man to absorb the drug.

Holding the old man looking into a mountain wall, looking at the terrain is still concealed. I decided to fall in this foot, first restore the mana.

I played a Wei Duofu, and the three feet around him was hurt, and Zhao Ran began to think about the interesting situation. The shepherd bull is obedient, and the troubles in Zhao Ran's chest and abdomen disappear, followed by Shi Shangqingquan, and the bamboo leaves followed by the wind. The body's mana finally returned to seven seven eight eight, and it was re-owned with the ability to fight.

Zhao Ran eats some cakes and meat, and then check the injury of the old age after filling the stomach. Ukouu is really good, plus the use of gums, and the treatment of trauma is not ambiguous. After this, after a long time, the swollen swollen swollen swollen shots also went most. Zhao Ran tried to knock on the swelling: "Is it hurting?"

The old donkey "Ang" has a sound, shaking a shock, that means it can.

Zhao Ran put down the heart, let the old man eat some teenagers and wild fruits. Sit down and think about the situation just now.

There is no doubt that the madness of the madman is absolutely above him. This is also normal. After all, I have just joined Taoistian. I haven't brought more than ten flames. - Of course, there is also my own body. ,

Even the factors of anti-other number of boxing, this also consumes its own mana reserves.

As for what is the interaction of crazy head, there is no knowledge. But it will be roughly understood later. It seems to be the legendary Ray, but wants to practice the lowest level of Rayt. It must be a monk, a monk, a little girl, how can it be a mage, this is very weird.

It is necessary to be vigilant that there are a lot of things in the madness, one is the body per privilege. The "" sound sent after the old and the front and the front and the front and the front and the front and the front, and this manager defensive is weak, with the principle of the old age, it will be a loss, and it will encounter it again in the future. It is necessary to keep God.

In addition, there is also a piece of Jinpa, and I have not hit myself. I can't judge how power is temporarily, but I will have no punishment, I don't know if I can resist it.

In addition, it is necessary to think about it seriously. Where is this crazy head come, talking is inexplicably, but killing people, but rather. I don't know how unlucky, the three uglies will provoke this gimmick, and it is almost suffered from the pool. Unfortunately, I haven't come to ask the three ugliness. Now I have broken the clues, but I will not be better to go.

Zhao Ran wonders for a long time, starting to hesitate, is it to check the clue of crazy? However, this gimmick is too fierce, and it is very difficult to provoke. In case of entanglement, it will not be small in the future. But if you don't check it, Zhao Ran is a little unwilling. After all, no one wants to always have an enemy in the dark.

At the time of hesitation, Zhao Ran suddenly spoiled to life - he arranged outside the Wei Dot to explore the mana!

Zhao Ran's body rolls next to it, the arms are supported, and the direction of the old man is located. Just hiding, he had a thunderous loud thunder, and the mountain is shocked, and the upper soil and stone are straight down.

Zhao Ran is unfounded, just see the opposite Daqing Panasonic station with a little girl who is embarrassed, isn't the madman?

The old donkey "Ang" has a scorpion, and it is dead to rush to Zhao Ran. After the brain is shrunk behind Zhao Rong, stealing his eyes to opposite, keep , then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

How can I catch up with me? Zhao Ran's heart is big, but it does not worry about it.

The crazy head is red and swollen, and I don't say it. I don't say it. "I am hitting a bad guy!" Two puchings waved together, and Zhao Ran did not stop the white light, thundering, and resounded the whole mountain.

Three sizes, crazy running the law, and smashing the old man and shrinking the magnetorous gold, Zhao Ran pulled the old, turned to tighten the blood, dizzy, but only seems that the heavens and the earth are shaking, not allowing When will it collapse.

It's easy to have this bombardment, Zhao Ran strives to settle the heart, the magnetoons will open, and the gravel mud will be stacked on the body, and no matter how three seven twenty eleven, more than ten flames fly out. Directly wraps directly on the mad head body.

Zhao Ran also wants to sacrifice the last mana in the sea, so that the flying sword of his home is sneak, but the cold is not secret to the top of the top of the human-shaped flame, one party Jin Ppa starts to rotate, and the slow, the more it is.

Zhao Ran suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​the death, leaing the back, don't need him to urinate, the old, the old, the speed is fast, and the speed will almost don't sit. Zhao Run.

This time, I have been running for a long time, straight to the sky, the old man finally felt exhausted, only slowed down the hoof, and the steps were trying to climb in the gully.

Zhao Ran turned over, looked at no one, busy with sitting, and began to think about the interesting situation.

Waiting for the law, Zhao Ran is angry and angry: "If it is not my way of law, today I don't have this crazy girl, I can't!" Arrogant, too arrogant! "

The old donkey gave birth to Zhao Ran, and he didn't take care of him. He just kept chewing with leaves and teenagers. Zhao Ran also wakes up ourselves a bit of an urgency, saying that these words are inexpected, and they have handed the barbecue, and the old kneel is lounged.

"How did this crazy girl find us? Don't you have a tracking instrument? Is it an identification odor or something else?"


"Well, this matter will be again. You said that we ran so far, she would not be crazy, continue to catch up?"


"Well, it is very likely. What should I do? You say that I am not a three ugly, she chases to do it? Just sure I have burned it with fire? Just sure to use the money dart to break the skin? No,, Is there so deep hatred? "


"Also, this is a madman, can't be normal."


"It seems that we have to change the tactics. If she is going to catch up, we can make her ambush, do you say it?"


"How, I can't afford me? I still have a big trick, I have no chance! Every time I am being prejected first by this madman, I have made my mana consumption too much, otherwise I have to look good! Shoot, let her taste the taste! I have a brother, I see that you seem to grow a lot, it should be a little demon style, in addition to using hoof, else tangk? "


"Useless things……"

Gossip less, Zhao Ran began to set up. He transported the sky, check the gas machine of this small gully, and then took his own set of causations, put down the month of the moon, ready to cross the crazy hoe.

Attack the enemy with your own, this is the right way. (Untransferous.)

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