Taoist Law

Chapter 32 Moonlight View

PS: Thank yourself 1404202 reward, thank Zizhu swordsman, SK0716, Old Peas 1,, Dengfeng see me, gorgeous split line monthly ticket encouragement. There is a reason why the poor novels are not fire, and it is very helpless. It is indeed a hard injury, but every day, the life of civil servants is not a newspaper, and I have to die every day, go home at night. I really don't have much time codeword, I can only sorry. As for the refreshing plot, you can only try to improve as much as possible. Thank you!


"Very good, don't pity, don't look at her, don't look at the appearance of her little girl, I have to say that I can tell you, the practice is absolutely not the appearance, otherwise she is so small, how could Islarm stronger than me? "

"Angon ..."

"I don't mean, this is a serious reminder to you, you can't step on the hooves, didn't step on the strong, I can't turn over, I will turn to the two deaths!"


Zhao Ranzhao is hiding, and it has folded some branches with leaves on it, and then I will find a big stone hidden behind. Before hiding, it is still in four directions.

When he didn't enter the practice, he was very eye-catching, it was not a common person, and he entered the Taoistian. The ear and eye movement tap, even if so, it is still discovered after being close to the little girl, and because of the arrangement of the guards, it shows that this crazy head is far away from him, maybe it is already going to enter feathers. Shri. Or simply is a proper dragonfly. Therefore, he played a full heart to observe and listened to prevent accidents.

Waiting for a long time, the crazy head has not appeared, Zhao Ran is not anxious, while waiting patiently, while continuing to observe the change in the gas machine, ensure that the monthly fantasy scenario is opened, and the maximum efficiency can be played.

I have seen it. He suddenly felt that his ambush seems to have some flaws, thinking, suddenly awake.

The range of the moon fantasy scene is probably the square, the square is seven or eight feet. According to the reason, it is not small, but it is still very inconsistent than the whole gully, it is still very inconsistent.

Zhao Ran touched a moment in the pneumatic, and his eyes lit. Take it out of the hunger of Zhang Lao Road and place it in the center of the large array. It turned around the broken house. It is also taken out from the pounding robe in the robe, and the cuffs of the robe are exposed.

After the arrangement, Zhao Ran continued to hide back to the big stone, patiently waiting.

Just stayed overnight, the madness did not appear yet, Zhao Ran couldn't help but have some discouragement. However, it is not coming, it will not come, indicating that the madman does not have a poor chasing, then, is it possible to go back, fell to the head to secretly track the whereabouts of this crazy?

Seeing that the sky is already shining. Zhao Ran is preparing to get up, pack up the pickup, then turn around to find the trail of the madness. As he has not yet been open, the gauge arrested outside the east has passed a warning, followed by a slight and urgent footsteps in the ear.

Zhao Ran quickly re-squinted, and the eyes were looking at one eye to the east.

After the gentle soil hi, he revealed a pair of buns, Zhao Ran is tight, this madman is coming!

The madness stands on the hills. When you see the top-that the tomb homes in the gully, then double punch, white light, more than ten thunders, on the hut. Perhaps it is a lesson who has been absorbed back. After the Ray is playing, the crazy head is still not allowed. On the top of the top, the party Jinpa is rotating to the hut..

Zhao Ran did not see the dragon, and he didn't heard the dragon, but he could feel the power of the strand in the snoring. His face has a little whitewash, this fire dragon and color and intensive state have made him couldn't help but hit a cold. - This manner is too powerful, it is not he can resist!

The crazy head jumped from the earth, blinking to the past. Zhao Ran does not stop : Top another step! Step again!

After the fire dragon burned on the hut,

Zhao Ran, the mobility in the back of the stone, only listening to "", a crispy response, like Baoshoe rolled down the jade plate, the moon magazi scenery started, and the crazy head circle was in the array.

If you don't stay in the madness, you suddenly feel dark before your eyes, it seems to be in the night. Heaven, a long-term moon, with a miserable micro-light, in the dark. From time to time, the sound of "" "is rare, and some people play strings in the distance. The left and right turned a circle, but I didn't know where to do it.

Some people in the night have been able to drink: "You are a mad, mad mother, honest, why do you want to kill three uglics?" Listening to the sound, identify the stinky.

This is a crazy head understands, which is among the Taoist's array. She angered: "The wrong wife! The stinky! I kill who wants you!"

"Frank from wide, resistant to strict! If you don't say, teach you to take the fierce!"

"A broken, is it rare to me?"

The crazy head is identifying the sound of the sound, and the cold is a flame flame. It frys in her hair, and a slight paste is introduced into the nose.

"Ah -" The madness screamed, and quickly touched his hair, touched the hair in the hand, is a hair of the flame.

It is also a flame to be ahead of her head, but she has already prepared it, and the exquisite mood is full of suffocation, and the flame is abdicated.

Following the five or six groups of flames while igniting her suffocating, and they have blocked them. She looked loudly: "The stinky, the wrong wife, only the fireworks, the fart is not ..."

A three-inch long flying sword is drawn from the darkness, from an extremely strange angle to the madness, before she reacted, she has already punctured the body of the body, and she is between the waist.

Just listening to "Zi Lala", the crowd sound of the hawthorn, the flying sword pulled the little girl, pulled out a deep sword mark on her silk silk armor, and then disappeared in the dark Among them.

The short sword turns an extremely awkward slash in the air, flying back to Zhaoran, is the flying sword empty.

Zhao Ran couldn't help but sigh.

This is already his fourth flying sword out, but the empty flight trajectory is completely not transferred, fluttering, swing, causing the top three sneak attacks. It's easy to hit the crazy head in the fourth time, but it's horizontal, and it is blocked by the armor crack that is passed by the crazy head.

If this sword is hard, I am afraid I have no problem with the protection of the protection.

The crazy head has ate the empty flying sword, and the face finally reveals the color. She is in the moment, I can't touch the opponent direction, and I will only passively be moved by passive, but I can't counterattamish it. It is undoubtedly in absolute lower wind. But her family's degree, although I don't know this array, I immediately judge the key to the array of law, and should be on the sky on the sky.

So she really fills the exquisite, first strengthens the first floor defense, to resist the fire of the fireworks, and remove a gold umbrella from the storage bracelet. The gold umbrella is open in her head, brushing a layer of blue mask, which will be kept throughout the body.

It coincides with Zhao Ran again, flying swords and empty, in the dark, instantly, in the treasure blue mask, I saw the Mars four shots, the flying sword is empty and returned, and returned to Zhaoran.

The madness can't see the situation outside, but Zhao Ran as a mailing manager, but the relationship between the words is clear. I saw a crazy gang and touched a piece of manager, and I actually blocked my flying sword. He is the same as the bead. Heart, this is a big trouble, this madman does not know what to do, good baby a game, now it is not a matter of death, if it can't kill her today, the different day will be infinite!

Zhao Ran made a determination, a fireworks played a piece, often clipped twelve money darts, not hurting the enemy, just to disturb the enemy. The flying sword in the palm is also in the state of being in the state. When you see the opportunity, you will only hope that you can improve your hit probability when you increase the number of shots. (Untrained ...)

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