Taoist Law

Chapter 33 Death

PS: Thanks to Dai Daxie, Qing Huan Dream, the rewards of the ocean, thanks to Xuan Yin gatherings, Kelly Valentine, Zhu Xiaosan, Wood, Dad, Miku Dad, the monthly ticket encouragement.

Zhao Ran took the array at this moment, he also had an eye-catching, which has extremely keen perception for various subtle changes in the gas plane. He saw very clearly, although the other's gold umbrellas can resist the empty scrattle of the flying sword, but this Jinshu enrich is extremely huge for real consumption, he will not believe that this crazy girl can stand!

At the same time, he also took out all the last small and half bottle of the bottom of his stakeholder, and held a last minute to keep your own mana fill.

The madness relies on the exquisite mood and the gold umbrella to resist Zhao Ran, and there is no idle in his hand. Jinpai is a fire dragon, which is surrounded by the end of the sky, or biting, or hard to hit, flames, and beer.

At this time, Zhao Ran felt hard, and the madness judged very accurate. The round of the sky was the center of the whole month. Once the moon falls, the big array will break.

Therefore, Zhao Ran also mobilized the heaven and gas machine to cover the moon.

In the array of law, countless Wu Yun floated in the darkness of the sky, gathered around the moon, forming a mutual consumption with the fire dragon. Whenever the fire dragon burns a black cloud, there will be a new dark cloud automatically floats to make up the gap.

Zhao Ran now entered a new state that did not have experienced, one side to perceive and mobilize the heavens and gas machines, to supplement the array defects, and keep the flame, darts, and flying swords. To maintain the pressure on the madness, but also calculate your own way to consume the extent of the Wuzioli, to avoid manifestation.

Zhao Ran forgot that she was desperate with people, forgot anxiety and fear, and was unpleasant and unhappy. It is not impossible to make various preparations. As if this is hands, this eyes, and even the dried shell is unrelated to him, he is just a manager, and it is better to be happy, and there is nothing to be annoyed.

The door is called "into the micro" here.

Between life and death, it is often seen, this is the benefits of fighting laws in cultivation.

Zhao Ran and the madman fight. It has entered the stage of spelling the spell consumption, which is the result of the fact that the gap between the combination of the madness will be lap flat. Zhao Ran's law is not as good as the crazy head, but his mana consumption is much lower than the other party.

Both people have begun to rely on external force to make up for consumption. Zhao Ranzi is a ward pill,

One grain, such as chewing candy, a kind of spirit liquid drinking, a drop of dripping, falling from the small porcelain bottle.

When Zhao Ruwu got a pill, the spirit of the madman bottle was emptied. However, Zhao Ran knows that it is still consumed than the spelling, still does not spend it: the fire dragon has not brought it, but it is always burning around the moon. Exquisite mood and gold umbrella finally be broken by Flying Swords, but Zhao Ran didn't know when to wait until when it came. And Zhao Ran's hand has begun to shake, and the hand has an unstable image. The legs and feet are still in the end, and the steps are almost unable to maintain.

Zhao Ran drunk: "Shang!"

The old donkey flew behind the bush, "Ang" was buzzing, and the double kick stepped into the array. At the same time, Zhao Ran scattered the compass of the fingertips. The body shape of the madness is coming out.

Zhao Ran took a light character, and the madman just took off from the darkness. Focus on one white, lower eyes in front of it. Just a flaw. It is the best sneak attack opportunity.

He looked at the old brain spoon to the brain of the old man, and only the time suddenly slowed down. Looking at the front of the old mouth is close to the top of the other side, I don't feel the breathing.

Zhao Ran left his hand pinned his last attack method - Wulei Shen Shen, the right hand held the last life-saving means - golden grain. Once the old man attacks, he will play the five thunders, and if it is still no fruit, he will play the golden grain, and then look at the opportunity to ride the escape.

- His means of the old man did not have confidence, because the gold umbrella is still hanging on the top of the crazy head, although the treasure blue mask brush is so invisible, but the old kick can break through The mask, Zhao Ranzhen did not dare to hold too much luxury.

Just when the old and the front of the old mouth, when a soft and thick real thing was in the field, the old man "Ang" was screamed, the whole body was launched more than ten pieces of this truth. Roll up and fall into the bush.

I don't know when in the field, I have more old ladies who have a cane.

The old lady bends the waist and coughs two times, drink: "Give the old body!"

Zhao Ran is shocked, and the magnetic golden fetal care is in front of him. He saw the signs of the old woman without shot, he did not dare to move. I look at the old man and turned around, and it seems that I haven't been injured, my heart is gradually put down.

The madness is almost stepping on the hooves. At this moment, it will be returned. The face is already rising. If you want to catch fire, you will not care about the old lady, and you will wrap Jinpa.

Jinpai's illusion has just been in the air, but then disappeared between the eyes, and then looked at the old woman's hand. He was kneading the party Jinpa, squatting his mouth without coughing.

The madness is anger, raising the double boxing to the old woman, and a white light is on. However, the thunder sounded two remembers, but suddenly stopped, but he saw the crazy head and fell to the ground, he didn't stop rolling, crying and shouting: "It hurts! It hurts!" Odor! "

Zhao Ran is in the heart, the flying sword is swaying, but I want to shoot, but I still have to hurt, I am in the old woman: "The donor is compassionate, the poverty has been polite. This shauntnight is a bit, and I am in the mountains. I am afraid of her, I want to make him, and then send it home, please donor later. "

I went two steps forward, I saw that the old lady smiled and stared at himself, so he stopped his footsteps, huh, hehered two times, said: "Since the donor is coming, it will be settled by the donor. "

The old woman nodded: "Your small Taoist is also interested." The words, shake the hand, put a rope, bundle the crazy head, and noisy in her mouth, I am shot on her neck, faint.

Zhao Ranxiao, I don't know how this old woman is going to dispose of yourself, I can only lose laugh at one side.

The old woman coughs, after a while: "Little Taoist, you will fight today, disturb my old ancestors closed, it is not a small sin. You are a monk, you are a monk, you are not teaching you. Do you have to come to Big Mountain? "

Zhao Ran is busy, deeply sneak: "The poverty will go out of the mountain, not in the world, do not know that there are high people in this place, it is really tight, and it is also expected to be sin. In fact, the poor pass did not want to be born. Things, helplessness encountered a madman, this fight is purely disaster ... "I didn't know the enemy, Zhao Ran could not dare to be the door, but I had to play a horses and tiger eyes with a falday.

The old woman seems unintentional, see Zhao Ran's apologic attitude is very tight, so I laughed: "I have to fight, I have to go down, this will go down the mountain. See you really consume your huge, I have some solid yuan Dan, the effect is not more than you Taoist Yangxin Pills. "Come over a small porcelain bottle, Zhao Ran busy, and he would like to thank.

"Remember in the future, the big Qingshan party is not allowed to do, this is the rule of my old ancestors and your way, understand?"

"Yes, remember, pay attention to it in the future."

Zhao Ran cleaned up his own cavity, looked at the hunteen, whispered, but also did not explore the machine at the moment, so she took the hut to the spray, and took a gift to the old woman.

I saw the crazy hoe in the earth in the ground, I understood that I can't get it today, I have to leave.

The old lady has turned a few laps from the madness, and she picked up her a few magic weapons. Then I went to the madness to the deep mountain, and I stepped between the road, it was a zoomed inch, after a moment Come to a wild mountain. She has a method, then in one step, it is actually a good night, and it is not a blessing of Zhao Ran, who is sturdy.

When the old woman came to a hut, he kneeled him: "The old ancestors have let the little Taoist go to the mountain. The slaves looked at the object, but the Zhang Zhen people were made, but the sorrow of the Taoistist, and the disciple of Zhang Zhen ... "

The old response from the hut: "Well, I know."

The old woman said again: "This little girl is stinky. How should you have a disposal, please ask the old ancestor."

After a while, the old voice in the hut: "Send back home, and catering a good deed."

"Yes." (Untrafter continued)

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