Taoist Law

Chapter 34 Back to Junshan

PS: Thank Femundler's backhand, thanks to Ren Xiwei, the darkness of the angel, the out of print, the cloud cavalry, the monthly ticket of the cloud smoke 20 is encouraged!

Zhao Ran did not leave, he didn't know his ear, and he rode his old man and went out of a small hill. He estimated about about Baizhang. He quietly opened his back, and he fell to the south, let it continue Go front, yourself leap on a big tree of branches, hiding between them, and carefully wait and see just now.

Just opened the eyes, I saw that the old woman turned out from the mountains, the left hand is cane, and the right hand will be crazy, and step towards the northeast. Looking at her trembling seems to have not lifted a few feet, but the blink of the two hills, clearly the high-profile rude road described in Zhu Qiugou-shrinking life!

Zhao Ran, this is completely unsealed. He remembers Zhu Qiuntu once said that the master brothers and children's white eyebin is more than 80 years, and they will spoke with the fashionable unparalleled gentleness. It is reluctant to touch the side of the ground, and the old woman in the distance is so weightless. It is not far from being strong. Child worry?

Zhao Ran couldn't help but take Chuyang City to compare, always feel that this old woman is light, it seems that it is not under Chuyang City. As for the "old ancestors" mentioned in the old woman ... Zhao Ran can't think about it.

After the old Taishi figure out completely disappeared, Zhao Ran took a tone, from the tree jumped 9 ♀, back to catch up with the old.

Zhao Ran and the old mouth, a sultow, a slap in the ear, the emotions are quite bad. Zhao Ran is still not willing, and go back yesterday to see the three ugly deaths, and did not find any clues, and finally can only ride the mountain.

This trip is traveling. Zhao Ran has income and lost. It is a temporary obstacle to the past, but because there is no black hand behind, therefore, hidden dangers still save. And the madman, the body of the body, the medicinal herbs consume a lot, but he is conscious and seems to have a big progress. This is a rare joy. It's just an exciting, this is a hidden worry, and I don't know how the old woman will be crazy. Zhao Ran is very expected to kill the old woman, but he thinks this possibility is not big.

After returning to Junshan, Zhao Ran directly got a small monarch mountain and called the five-color master.

"Little Taoist, come back?" The five-color master didn't know that just wake up or just went back from cultivation, fan wings and did not stop horn. A slazy ocean look.

Zhao Ran didn't have a good air: "How is the master, how is it for you?"

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"Okay?" Zhao Renxiao: "Just a 'is ok,'? Isn't it 'very good'?"


Gigg, very good, not bad. "

"That poor road and you don't say, say to the big Qingshan, why don't you remind the poor? Is there a big master in the mountain?"

"Gone? Have you went to Big Mountain? You didn't say it."

"Why didn't you say it? It's poor and said ..."

"You said to go out, who knows where? Gone!"


"I remembered it? Gomard! Tell me about the small Taoist. How did you escape from the big Qingshan? Do you have a difficult you?"

Zhao Ran said: "The Lord of Qingshan?"

Five-color master: "Both call him, what is the name, long, some people see. However, Zhuitun Yun and Zhuo Tengyi two chassis said that all the doors in Sichuan Province have a command. No Entering the big mountains. I heard that the guy is very powerful, I don't know where? "

Zhao Ran, sigh: "It is really powerful, the Lord of Qingshan is seen, it is an old woman. But people still speak, not how to be difficult to poor, but also a bottle of the poor "Say, take out a small bottle, take out a medicinal medicine, and throw a five-color master.

The five-color master took over and sniffed and sniffed. Closed on the eyes of the eye and feel a moment, praise: "Good Ling Dan!"

Zhao Ran got together, got up and down, the five-color master, carefully asked: "Master, this medicine? Do you eat it?"

The five-color master doubts: "Gone? What is wrong?"

Zhao Ran got the five-color master for a while, seeing that he did not have any vibration, so he also stuffed a Dan medicine entrance, and eating one side: "It's okay, the old lady is unknown, the Dan medicine sent by the old woman Can eat ... "

Five-color masters angered: "Little Taoist, dare you to take me?"

Zhao Ran explained: "The master's mana is deep, the district Dan medicine is poisoned by the master ...? Master, say good luck! Hey? Master, you can do this like this ... Master, the Temple of the Temple, first step first ,See you!"

Going back to the Junshan Temple, just Li Jin, Guan 2, Lu Jin, Lin Shuangwen, Zhong Sanlang and others are there, so there is something else.

After the golden arrived, she comforted: "The brother should not be discouraged, there is a smooth sailing in the world, the so-called road is long, I will go up and down ..."

Zhao Ran blindly: "Don't learn me, don't go up and down, you can't use your comfort, why do you go!"

Jin Li and others are relatively speechless, and the neck is retired.

Zhao Ran came to the backyard, just took the hut on the small water pool. He looked around with this top, look at the right, and he didn't see any flowers, and drilled into the drill and drums for a long time. He also booked a few flames, and finally gave up the patience of exploration. .

It is not damaged in the madman and the fire dragon, this hut is definitely not a million product, just with his eyesight, actually did not see half a spiritual power on it, but it is very unique.

Looking at the hut, Zhao Ran also thought of the , I don't know where to go, now I have been three years. Recalling the days of being with the old road, I only have a little stupid, it seems that it is uncomfortable, but there is no worries.

Zhao Ruye grinded, is this old guy or a high person? Look at this hut, although it is broken, it seems to be a baby! I remembered this, he quickly took the broken fish from the split, and didn't see it, but there was no damage to the flying sword, but there was no gray mark.

Zhao Ran directly in the way in the past, directly went into the water chamber, and immediately hook a big white fish.

This fishing rod is undoubtedly a good law, Zhao Ran is more and more affirmation, Zhang Lao Road is very problematic!

Re-recover the hut and fishing rod, Zhao Ran re-entered the cultivation. This time and crazy head bucked a life in Datun Mountain, letting him have a deeper understanding of the cultivation of the practice.

From the Taoist, it is necessary to condense the extinct. At this point, Zhao Ran temporarily can't think, there is Cai Master and the soup of the cheap Master and make up for the panacea, Zhao Ran, should be content, as long as one Think of Zhou Yuko, the progress of Mongolia, etc., he is deeply worried. It's just that this thing is in a hurry, I can only listen to the fate of the sky. If the opportunity is not arrived, it can only accumulate step by step.

Thinking of the genius of Huayun Hall, I thought about the madness of the old age, Zhao Ran only helplessly shook his head.

Among this fighting law, Zhao Ran also deeply appreciated the lack of mana in the gas sea. Zhao Ran's law improved, it was not slow, there was the existence of the monarch temple, as long as he worked hard, and the people in the Junshan area will continue to supply me to him. I really want to get up, his mana in the country is quite horrible - this is also the benefit of merit cultivation. Unfortunately, the object he compare is not good, so I have been very depressed.

Of course, he is eager to engage in a larger-scale people's livelihood, so that the rise in merits is again accelerated, but now today, people are very sensible, the influence is only the Junshan area, so it is temporarily unable to think.

Zhao Ran has been put in the "Nine-Day Xuanlong Big Bain". When he is a big Qingshan fight, he also wants to show this Taoist, but it is unfortunate that the big ban is thought to practice familiar, but In several ways, there is no time to use, I want to go, still failure to completely integrate.

I have been practicing ten days. Zhao Ran consciously applied to the use of big ban, Ji Jiuyi said that there is a Taoist who claims to be Zhao Ran to visit, now I am in the Jade Hall.

Zhao Ran is very wondering, there are not a few friends who know, generally follow themselves to the Junshan Temple, and the other half is still in the Ease of House, which is the golden not know?

When I came to the Jade Hall, I saw a thirty-year-old Taoist Taoist who was giving the Jade emperor to seek fragrance. When he put the burning incense into the incense burner, he turned back and Zhao Ran regarded his eyes, smiled: "Zhao Shi, the year See, don't come true? "(Untrained ..)

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