Taoist Law

Chapter 36 Xiaoyuan Xia Lujiazhuang

PS: Thanks to Dad Dad, the poor will wish the doll healthy growth. % Top % point % small % said, thank Li Wei people, reading books, empty village, faint moon ticket encouragement. Today, there is a comment of some proud friends. Some people are looking forward to Zhao Temple and the five-color master and Pan Walking together, the poor road suddenly black, gastrointestinal discomfort, can't look down. Thinking for a long time, I don't know if I need to re-fold the next plot and the direction? How should I choose between the taste and persistence of the Taoists? It is really a swing. So and the Taoists agreed that if there is a lot of friends, there is a friend of the Gold League, and the poor road will be out, to meet the heavy taste of the Taoist friends first!

Qi Zhongze and Zhao Ran have eaten tea and fruit in Wujiazhuang. Wu Yuan enjoys the preparation of the banquet, but he was refused by Yan Zhongze: "Shouchuan has not had such a horrific case, which is a serious provocation of the practice, more It is the extreme contempt for the Duanshen order and the law. Therefore, my family is very angry, and I have been hurting to check the rollover. The wine feast is temporary, the case is tight, first take the child's child to take me. "

Lu Jia was encountered in the murderer this time, 300 people, only live a child, this child is naturally a good question. But when Wu An enjoys the child, Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran gave up this clue. The child's eyes are stagnant, as if not dreaming, nor talking, no expression, and there is no difference with the walking dead.

Wu An enjoys: "Lu Jia is such a single seedlings, and the results have become this. This child, I look at it, the root bone and qualifications are good, just started to practice the way ..." The eye is red.

Yan Zhongze tried to ask two sentences, this child has no answer, and there is no vitality in the eyes.

"Is it clear? Or else soul medicine?"

"I have used it. It can be used in half. I don't know if there is a good medicine in Qingyunguan. If I can give it a good medicine, I will cure this child, I will pay any return."

This disease is the most difficult, although it can't be cured. But the desired demonstration is extremely precious, and it is also necessary to take the power to protect the high-handed high-handed high-handed. The most critical problem is, because the mind is impaired, even if it cures the injury, there is no prospect in the practice in the practice.

Therefore, Yan Zhongze can only temporarily choose to be indifferent, and sigh: "This child is also pitiful, but now there is no better way ... first check the case, you will fall on the murderer! Wu Zhuang, let's first Go to Lujiazhuang to see. "

Wu An enjoys. But I also know that this is difficult, I have to bring the child back to the homes. I will take a good job. At the same time, I told the servant to take a few horses, and the second brother Wu'an people will lead to Zhazhongze and Zhao Ran to Lujiazhuang.

Lujiazhuang is not far from Wujiazhuang, located on both ends of the Nanshan, Zhongyang Mountain, and is about three or forty miles.

Everyone is a horse (Zhao Ran riding) galloped. Half a long time is arrogant.

Wu Jia also counted the family of the family, knowing the rules. It is not to destroy the scene of Lujiazhuang, just restart the illusion array of the original lives to hide the eyes.

Lujiazhuang's nursing array is equally simple, and it is impossible to Zhao Rua Fah, but he gave him a small enlightened, and he intended to return to the Junshan Temple. Good life refining a hill array.

After entering Lujiazhuang, Wu An enjoys the beginning of the scene in all walks of life, because the door is to be a hundred years of Wu Jiashi, so Wu Yuan is quite carefully.

"Here is the orchestra, the door and the old servant seven people died. The murderer makes the fireworks ... Here, here, there is here, there is a embers of burning, there are seven ... Although it is low order In the mouth, it is expected that it is fast, from the scope of the body, it is concentrated under the tackle, no one escapes ... "

"The murderer will be entered soon, into the ganglian, Lu's brothers in this fight ... The corpse has not been a big move, we only flip the test a few times, seeing the injury is spread out of the inside out, Yan Dao, you can check the inspection ... "

"After the Lu brothers lost, the murderer continued to ... this is the land, the wife and the female are killed here ..."

"Here is the back garden, Lu Laobo is here and the murderer fight ... These are all the traces of the fight ... Lu Lao Bo makes the nine palace light, but now the instrument has lost, it is not allowed, it is estimated to be the murderer ... The abdominal dirty is dead, but it can't see the fierce spell ... "

With the explanation of Wu An, Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran stepped into the entire Lujiazhuang past, and the situation is clear.

Qi Zhongze asked: "Is it a direction and route to investigate the fierce flight?"

Wu Yuan shook his head: "The murderer is high, it is not that I can see it. The guard also tried it, but I can't find which direction escape."

Qi Zhongze asked: "What are the abnormalities in Lufa recently? For example, what is the enemy? Or what is the treasure?"

Wu Anxi: "If you have no enemies, he is a life relationship with my family. If it is true, my family is definitely knowing. As for the treasure, I have never heard ..."

Yan Zhongze looked at Zhaoran, said: "Teacher, what do you see?"

Zhao Rong said: "I will try." So I entered the god, opened the sky, viewed around, and then selected a corner, buried a gauge.

Wu Anmin saw Zhao Ran to take out the most ordinary sanctuary, and the heart is dissatisfied. He feels that he and brother tell the detailed explanation of the trees. It seems that people have not heard it at all, and they don't believe in themselves. : "Yu Dao Chang, my family has already viewed the guards. I really can't find a murderer. This small road is probably it is difficult to find that it is not easy. Do you want him?"

Wu An envy calmly stabilized Wu Anmin, laughed: "People are monks who have a greatry, I am in a high-profile means you don't understand, and the second brother has taken a lot, and the small manager is the means. "Listening to light, it is very close to the surface, but it is very wrong, and it is clear about the small monk of Zhao Ran's first juniori.

Zhao Ran smiled, not to say, just put a guard in Zhuangzhuang. After the layout is completed, Zhao Ran hits the hand, steps, and starts the guard at the same time.

His action is even more likely that Wu Jia brothers don't think about it. This lowest level in the use of the Wei Digu is still so solemn, not only, but the steps, it is obviously not enough. For example, Wu Anmin, he is now in the supershend, and there is no steps to stepping, and Wu Yuan enjoys, even if it is no longer used.

Yan Zhongze is very understanding about Zhaoran's ability. He is not concerned about whether Wu Jia brothers will look at Zhao Ran, and even look at himself, but the eyes are staring at Zhao Ran.

The Wei Duo is the favorite of Zhao Ran, not only because of the defense and warning effect of this hunger, but also in this conform to match the heavens, Zhao Ran can better give the effect and own Special.

This time, he did not hesitate to choose this low-class , once used six, basically covered the entire Lujiazhuang. After the launch, he was standing in the original place, quietly experienced the change of the heavens from the guard.

After a moment, Zhao Ranzhu Zhongze nodded, when he first went to the moon hole of the left hand of the House of House. Through the two colleges, Zhao Ran is set in a jacket. Aciding ** has three rooms, one is the kitchen, the second is the firewood, and three are all debris.

Wu Anmin couldn't help but questioned: "Is there a problem with this jacket? It is impossible! We use the satellites and photo in the whole seat, every exterior wall has no traces of the murderey, so I And the brothers believe that the murderer can fly the way, must be taken by the law and escape. "

Wu An envyed his brother: "Second brother, talk less, watch the small road." Subsequently, Zhao Ran smiled: "Small Taoist ..."

Zhao Ran listened to him to be a "small road manager", there is a "small road man", sighed: "Wu Zhuang, the poor conscious surname Zhao."

Wu Yuan's voice is hysteresis, and then laughs two: "Oh, Zhao Dao Chang, my family's second brother has a collision, but also forgiveness. But ... The murderer has not been here, one of the outer walls We are After that, the two Lu Jia Gang is hiding here, and thus she escapes ... "

Zhao Ran asked: "Which room is hiding?"

Wu Anyi fingers: "That Chai House."

Zhao Ran pushed the door to search, did not find any abnormalities, and retired, and ignored Wu Anmin's laughter, once again played a guard in Chai House.

The Wei Duo issued a manifest to cover all the inside and outside the Chai House, and then the volatile feedback passed to Zhao Ran. Zhao Ran's heart, move to Yan Zhongze Road: "Please ask the brother." (Untrained ..)

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