Taoist Law

Chapter 37 Search

PS: Thanks to Daxie, hearing, the ocean floating, the reward of the Old Junshi, Yang Liu Shi, thanks to the deadly, love stars, Anhui Qiang Ge, Foshan book, Nuo, ,,, Wild boar on the roadside, small goldfish 3, the monthly ticket of the end of the world encourages.

Qi Zhongze has a full confidence in Zhao Ran, so Zhao Ran said how to play, how to play, Zhao Ran said where, Yan Zhongze is not hesitant to play.

Yan Zhongze sacrificed the bronze mirror, the yin and yang Taiji appeared on his head, the yin and yang fish in the figure, the rice, the mystery, directly hit the top of the Town, and he shouted the bamboo swords and slanting. The palm house.

Zhao Ran is also not idle, four fireworks cooperate with two salsa, start at the same time in several corners of the chamber.

Zhao Ran stared at the firewood, and he didn't take a moment.

The Zhenzhongze really output suddenly aggravated, only listening to "", the crowd house in front of the crowd seems to have changed, and it seems that there is no change at all.

Zhao Ran's head: "Brother, you can get a hand."

yin and yang Taiji map flew back to the bronze mirror, the bamboo swordsman also watched the flag, looking to Zhao Ran.

Wu Anmin smiled, and his brothers whispered: "Put the ghost."

Wu An enjoys inexplicably, but it has made a look, ▲ ▲ Shoot to your own brothers don't have much.

Zhao Ran also ignored his two, and He Zhenze came into the fireworks. I saw a huge deep pit under the main floor of Chai Huan.

Yan Zhongze is amazed: "Magic Ball?"

Zhao Ran nodded: "Very high illusion, thinking that it is used to cover up this hole, this illusion is very wonderful, it seems to be no change with the original, it is difficult to find it."

Yan Zhongze and Zhao Run. Wu'an and Wu'an people who followed Wu'an were not very good. Wu Anvili is more embarrassed. Wu Anmin stares at the hole in his face, and he can't hate it immediately.

Zhao Ran is not very much, for a few people: "Let's find a display."

Chai room is not big, but it is quite chaotic. There are firewood, and there are grocery, and there are soils that have turned out. One person is responsible for a fast area, carefully checking all the items that can be seen before.

After searching for a moment, Wu Yuan and Wu Anmin were first got up, they did nothing,

Subsequently, Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran also did not find any clues.

Zhao Ran is somewhat unassured to Wu Jia brothers, and then go to their two corners again. Wu Anmin is very unhappy. The face of just sagged down is again red: "Find a blade, Zhao Daozhang is not trustful?"

Zhao Ran stared at a piece of wood stepped on the left foot of Wu'an, slowly reached out.

There is no big difference between the wood chips and the other wood films in the crowd, but in Zhaoran, there is a very light heaven and earth gas discharge. Zhao Ran carefully observed with the eyes, then the wood chip is split into two paragraphs, in the inner circle. Just saw a paragraph of the Method.

Wu Anmin looked at the wood film and his heart was blank.

Zhao Ruyin said: "There is a master in the murderer. If Yu Huang Cai Cai Master has pointed me on the way, I have been blinded."

Yan Zhongze asked: "Is Yumangge Cai Yunzhong Master? Teacher is a blessing, Cai Master is a master of Chuan Province, and is a disciple of Luo Zhen people. His guidance, no wonder, the brother can take out this flaw."

This is true that Zhao Ran is set out from Cai Fi Master. However, if the Cai Fi is here, it is not necessarily to see the flaw. After all, Zhao Ran opened the sky, but Master Cai did not talent. The reason why Zhao Ran said that all in order to avoid Wu's brothers. As long as it is not unrecognracted, he still understands this truth very well.

Pulse a few words, Wu Anmin's face is slightly, long is long, and the anger and impatient in Zhao Ran have been completely seen. Wu An envisioned is a good value for Zhao Ran. From sincere, I'm far-sorry, I am waiting for my long, I have a big guilty, and I still see a long to forgive. "Said, pulled Wu Anmin, Drake Zhao Ran deeply.

Zhao Ran smiled and turned the topic on the wood film: "This blade is nothing, just a simple magic. But with the original view covering the real scene, the idea is very clever, the most critical is that the other side will take the material, It is temporarily refined in the wood chip in the fireworks, and it is still refining, and it does not have the external appearance of the object, and the Yunyi is directly written in the woods. This matter is really high. "

Qi Zhongze asked: "What kind of people can refine such a blanket?" This problem is very important, and Zhao Ran is not busy with the reasons for searching for the front.

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "At least the monk of the Master needs it? Perhaps it is higher?"

Yan Zhongze silently broke the way to see the ground hole on the ground, to Wu Jia brothers: "Please ask two guards Lujiazhuang, waiting to be tungry and Zhao Shi to take advantage of the enemy."

Wu An and Wu Anmin shook their heads: "Don't work."

Wu Anxi: "My brother is still together with two towns! I will wait for a lot of effort, but there are more powerful strengths."

Wu Anmin also said: "It is! Although the enemy is strong, my brother is not afraid, let alone Lu Jia is my family, how can my brother?"

Yan Zhongze Road: "There is also some people in this manner, but also in the search search. Further, the poor pass and Zhao Shi are not to fight with the enemy, just find the trace, have a real news, or ask the teacher . "

It is said that, I finally said that Wu Jia brothers will persuade, Zhao Ran hit a light, and the caves were under the way.

Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze have been alert, tweetted in the junction of the bend, and finally came out from the other of the authentic.

The authentic exit is hidden in a wood, and it has been buried by the soil, and Zhenzhongze and Zhao Ran have a hands and feet to re-open the hole. After coming out, I look back, I am away from Lujiazhuang Jozen Ji-three miles.

Yan Zhongze Road: "It seems that it must be reheatted. The murderer should be prepared for a long time. Look at this authentic, it is not a good fortune."

Zhao Rong said: "Yes, the fienny is not from the main entrance of Lujiazhuang, but from the sneaken, the original road will return. In order to cover the track, specially left Lu Jia Dalang a life, place him in the firewood However, it hurts his mind, which can be even misunderstood. It is also impossible to check the customs of the fireworks. It can also ensure that this child does not leak the whereabout. "

Zhao Ruo said that a salon is played. After a while, I also pointed to the southern direction: "I have been there for a long time, but the mana fluctuations have not been exhausted. The murderer should be escaped from this direction."

So the two chased it in the south.

It has been separated from the date of the incident. It is quite thinner, and if Zhao Ran is extremely sensitive to the flow of the heavens, let alone, don't talk about the yellow crown monk like Zeze, even if you come to a mage Even people, I am afraid it is difficult to shoot.

The foot is chasing a lot of time, until the fire of the county, the ruins of the mana gradually eliminated, with Zhaoran's eyes, and finally could not capture.

At this moment, if the case is in the past, the case is actually a clue, but the Zhongze should be satisfied, he originally simply put Zhao Rura to come in a bit work, with the idea of ​​returning to the way again. Report.

Zhao Ran did not only read it, but also personally participated in the investigation of some major cases, and its way is unique to Chinese characteristics, and it is very powerful, this is the case investigation.

Zhao Ran suggested that the miles of miles, west, south, and eastern three directions in the west, south and eastern three directions, and rowing searches in this scope.

Here is the jurisdiction of Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, and Yan Zhongze is not polite. Directly in the Daomen Zhongjiang County Vientiane Hospital, asked the House to visit people.

The Tonguary Hospital did not dare to neglect, immediately transferred 30 Taoist and forty fireworks in the hospital, and almost touched the Vientiane Hospital. He also wandered Zhongjiang County, and invited the county to send three-class sericulture.

Nearly two hundred people were divided into dozens of groups, and they were launched simultaneously with all households, people, stores, and even travelers in the division, and any abnormalities issued on the day or the next day.

It took only two days to compare the report, and Zhao Ran quickly discovered an important clue: the case was late at night, there were thunderstorms, and the farmers Zhang Laison woke up. Then I feel an urgent, I am going to do a small solution, but I will look forward to the rain in the door, I suddenly found that there is a black man in the house in the house in the house, so I didn't dare to go out, and I was smashed. In the room.

Zhao Ran immediately told Zhen Ze, two people came to the farmers Zhang Laofa under the leadership of Vientiane Taoist. (Untransferous.)

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