Taoist Law

Chapter 53

ps: thanks a reward Cancer Gold, thanks, killing God Tu Buddha ,, intoxicating nostalgia, beer-, wjwym, wind legends 0, Lucifer Mitutoyo ,, reward rain clouds, Zizhu swordsman, cold ,, hair Lengjian The horse, a violent monthly ticket encourages.

The next morning, Zhao Ran came to Tianshi Temple with Yan Zhongze.

The Tianshi Temple is located in the center of Qingyun Hall, here is the main hall of the main hall. Sanqing is still the largest, the left Fearless Temple, Goddess Temple right side, and a side hall, dedicated to the god Danyang Kurtis natal should hold a true inaction Yu troops.

The duty system is created by Zhang Tianshi, so this can only be carried out in Tianshi Temple. And then in Ye Xue off as Fearless temple lobby with a positive neutrality altar, for is Zhang Tian. The table is surrounded by five-color silk, and the towns and towns are in the town, and the surroundings have a long case, and the case is arranged in the case of 36 days, the seventy-two-pointed lights, and there are also various fast-cutters.

Zhao Ran now she can clearly sense and distinguish these fasting ritual instruments used all have spirituality, but spirituality extraordinary. Not to mention the precious loose bone Dan, alone Zhefan arrangement, we can see, Qingyun Pavilion organized by the altar doors for him, can be considered cost a lot.

In order for Zhao Ran again being Gengu, Pei Ren quiet efficiency from the stage exit, personally for Zhao Ran from the ritual, in addition Kurtis is also out of the four elders, Zhao Ran prepare for law enforcement than treatment at the time of Ye Xue Guan, It's more than a number. Although the family is a report, it still makes Zhao Ran feel touched.

Yan Ren pointed to the measures, let Zhao Ran lie on. Told account of a few, then shouted: "auspicious time has come to open the altar!" Incense to Zhang Tian, ​​thanks to the table along with the word green.

Zhao Ran suddenly feel the whole lobby are wrapped in an atmosphere of silence, and the halls of Qi suddenly one of the condensate. This is the power of the new door. Its importance is in this way. In the shadow of power, Zhao then felt a powerful force of oppression in Fearless temple rises, then the body gradually paralysis, heart gratuitous, thus substantially reduce the degree of pain perception.

Lying on the bed, after taking the bones. Zhao Ran speak an hot air rising from the belly, then spread limbs Lotus, early fashion sense as warm dip in hot water, and soon after, which shares the hot springs into a Unit. In the upper and lower body without regularly kept wandering, and thereafter it harder and harder to itch, this is like scattered bones.

Zhao Ran has already experienced an experience, so the heart is bright as a mirror. Want to get into the practice barriers, must be broken up skeleton figure painting, and then wait for it to grow back - this time can not be successful, still rely on luck.

Despite palsy harder and harder, Zhao Ran still hard to endure not a little move nothing - if it could not move about. Will most likely result in failure of scattered bones, failed this time, it is likely to have serious consequences paralyzed.

In the state of this ramp, there is almost two hours. Gradually feel that the limbs are all right and weak, just like the body is completely not ourselves. I do not know how long, tingling sensation suddenly turned into pain, waves from the inside out, came from the depths of the bones, the impact of the whole body skin. Zhao Ran knows that this is the beginning of growing root bones. He bite his tento does not dare to move.

This is more difficult to suffer, so I am already a monk who entered Taoist. For the painful endurance, it is better than the past, and it has always been clear and clear.

However, Zhao did not return as generally unconscious, After about half an hour, he began to feel pain is weakening. After a few hours, in addition to the body's scattered, it is unless otherwise.

Yan Ren is always hosting the altar, consumed a lot of real effort, and his face is somewhat exhausted. In addition, four parents did not consume any consumption. The task they care was helping to help when Zhaoran couldn't live. Since Zhao Ran is fine, they can only look at it.

Yan Ren took the first to Zhao Ran, and Zhao Ran did not get together, so he had to lie down, let the ,

It must be ignorant, and Yan Ren shook his head, nodded again, said: "Singer, this orthogon is still unencut, but you have changed in your body, and it will be a successful time."

Zhao Ran has been a serious blow in the root bone problem, so it is just a slight sense, and it is not too big. His purpose is not to change the authenticity of the door this time, but if you want to improve your own sophisticated, then I asked: "I don't know if I am in the refining, can I make anything?"

Yan Renji sinks: "You must also have a while, half a month or in January, you can know." When you don't care, in detail, please inquire about how Zhao Rukui cultivation, and what is the biggest problem in cultivation. Although it takes the bone Dan, whether it can be found to be the body factor of the Dan, but this time, it has not helped Zhao Ruku actually work all the best, and the royal Ren is effective, so I want to call it from the cultivation. One is thin.

Zhao Ran is not polite, telling the problem of inexplicate the bodder, then said: "When I built Junshan Temple, Yu Huangge Cai Master came to Junshan, please god, I used to take a pot of medicine soup. For me to make up for the bodies ... "

Yan Ren nodded: "The Jade Emperor Cai's Cai Yunxiao? He talent is extremely good, but unfortunately, the heart is mixed, and it is said to practice, but he is also a holy on the medicine."

Zhao Rong said: "Yes, after taking the soup, the Master Cai said that I have eight years. After I went into Huayun Hall of Huayuan. ** Master is a disciple, Master gave a bottle of medicinal medicine, also attending fine Yuan, I feel good after I take it. Just make up to make up, I don't know when I can get it or other monks. I have no one ... this time, I am psychologically prepared, I just hope to be able to Complete the boutique loss, it is full of satisfaction. "

Effectiveness: "It is necessary to count the blood of the bodily losses, but also the blood of the Xuanjiao turtle is very rare. I don't know where to find it, I can only have the sky."

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Just, Cai Master and my Master have said so, so I don't want to be a luxury."

Effective: "You have spent some time in the Qingyun Hall, see what changes in the body after this time."

At the moment, I was helped by Zhao Zhongze. I returned to rest.

Zhao Ranzheng failed again, and Yan Zhongze worried that he was depressed, so that it took the heart of the future, and it took Zhaoran in Qingyun Mountain. He also introduced himself to Zhao Ran. Get together with each other.

Qi Zhongze has two twin brothers, namely the Qingzhongjiang and Zhen Zhonghai, which is exactly the same, and the age is similar to Zhao Ran. Both brothers are the later period of the supershe, according to the statement of Zezhengze, maybe the mirror can be broken into the yellow crown. Zhao Ran refers to the way, if you do this, just cultivate, and their gap is about 10 years. However, from another perspective, it seems that the gap is not so big - the two brothers began to practice six years old, and they were 14 years old to Yu Shi, and Zhao Ran has been more than ten years!

Zhao Ruen couldn't help with this pair of twin brothers and yourself, and Zhuon took more than one year into Taoist, two or more years of supersties, should be placed in the first; these two brothers spent six or eight years of time in Taoist figures, definitely becoming a lot of people; I have, if there is no machine, maybe in the Taoist, six years or eight years, and this to the twin brothers. In this way, I don't matter of special waste wood, or the genius is a few, this is not here! I think that he will inevitably reinvigorate a few pieces of morale.

In this day, I will go to the days of Qingyun Mountain, Zhao Ran will receive the flying character of Rong Niang almost every day, and there is no extension process for Xianjunyuan. Rong Niang will always throw some of the reconstruction schemes of some cardiots, let Zhao Ran out, each time will make Zhao Ran feel bad pain.

One Rong Niang said, I want to change the Big Qingsong in the third into the hospital. He looked at a big eucalyptus in Wusong Mountain. If you want to plant banyan trees, the reason is that there is a "" in the big banyan tree "Word Strong, this reconstruction project is about sixty two silver. Zhao Ran couldn't help but, immediately made a letter, only wrote a word: you have enough!

The next day, Rong Niang's reply arrived. She did not entangle in Zhao Ran 's owning, but proposed another project: I have to replace all the pavilions of the back garden, and the project cost is 600.

So Zhao Ran immediately, in the case of replying, the ruled, and even the decision of Rong Niang's regenerative banyan tree, until Rong Niang returned to the back of the garden, this was a pine.

Zhao Ran is really annoyed by these trivial things, saying that the flying compliance is not easy, and should save use. Rong Niang also issued three flying characters to reply to Zhao Ran, and each fly is only one word, respectively, "Sister", "Le", "Ital". (Endlessly)

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