Taoist Law

Chapter 54 Qingyun Mountain's daily

PS: I am dizzy, thank you for reward, congratulations to the Raising of the Lord.

Alliance must be added, but more than one, owe it, must be added!

At the same time, I would like to thank the nine brothers, lnvv, laughing, zjzke, oldman007, nickname, is robbed, near water, green squirt, deadly, intoxicating, hometown, inferior, sword dust, flow cloud cavalry encourage.

Zhao Ran is very conscious, did not eat mixed in Qingyun Hall, the four elders of the four elders of the family for him, he all worship, sent some gifts such as ginseng, ganoderma lucidum; give him The Master of the Master of the Refining Pharmaceutical Soup, he took out a lot of medicinal materials and silver, with high prices to buy a lot of nutrients, inquiry, and cinnabarism, and made up for themselves, two It is a return.

Zhao Ran is a savior of the future owner of Qingyun Hall. He is quite good for people. It has never been able to put out the face of the benefactor. Therefore, it is quite famous for the Qingyun Hall.

Qingyun Pavilion has a long and old marriage, and even told Zhen Zhongze. It is said that he wants to give his own descendants to Zhao Ran, but he is said to be Zhao Ruyu, which is said to be, the reason is very simple, and Zhao Ran said root bone. Not good, but it has already stepped into the threshold, and it is necessary to work hard to get up and do not want to disturb the common things.

The so-called "do not want to disturb"

Of course, it is polite, this Zhang Wenyue has also understood, that means that Zhao Ran is already in practice, and will not satisfy the Taoist font in the future.

Your old man gets a vulgar woman comes with his marriage, which is this? Zhang Jia is a woman repairing and Zhao Ran, only three years old than Zhao Ran, the same is Taoist, and his granddaughter has already brought to the jade.

In the future, it should be above the Master.

It is still perfect that Zhao Ran seconds is still not perfect. It can be expected to be limited. Can you enter a child? How to give Zhao Ran? So I had to do this, but every time I saw Zhao Ran, I have to sigh a while.

When Zhenze said, when he said this, he laughed in Yan Zhongjiang and Zhen Zhonghai.

This is also added to the row of twin brothers to introduce Zhao Ran. Today, this is said that tomorrow, even the women's repairs of a few young people, saying that Zhaoran See you see.

Zhao Ran is a woman who is like a flower like a flower.

It is a pity that I am listening, that is the little girl of the brothers, the age of forty-eight, than Zhao Ran is still more than 20 years old.

Zhao Ran immediately sweaty, so he quickly stopped.

With his three views, it is really a bit of psychological obstacles, and the heart is really a "real person is not revealing"

Ah, when there is this idea in the future.

Be careful to be careful, it is absolutely not to look at people.

However, the brothers have a little girl seems to have a bit of good feelings about Zhao Ran, and the number of times Zhaoran is also.

Look at his eyes, there is also some "veins"

The state.

It is unfortunate that Zhao Ran forgot the former truck, not from the autonomous people to take people, and there is no cold in the mediocrity of this little sister, and it is a big cry.

Yan Zhongze opened a joke that Zhao Shi brother will be careful in the future.

Zhao Ran asked why.

Yan Zhongze Road: "Middle Ski sisters, the most talented children in Qingyun Hall, much better than me.

It is only sixteen years old, but it is already the end of the bill.

It will be entered into the yellow crown soon.

Don't look at me higher than him, when the real fight will come.

I can only accept things.

Middle Silosk can remember the hatred, in the future, you will meet her, you can run around, haha!

Zhao Runxiao is shocked, and the exfoliation: "Is another genius?"

Yan Zhongze laughed: "The length of the old man said that she is so late. How is it, is there any regret?"

Laugh, and yet: "The brother just said 'and'?"

Zhao Ran, I thought about Zhou Yuku, this is not good to come to the outside, so I will turn on the topic.

In the two months of staying in Qingyun Mountain, Zhao Ran's leading to the brothers of the brothers, visited the mountains and water in Qingyun Hall, and the pavilions, and won several opportunities, and they were browsing in the classics. Some Taoism.

On the one hand, it continues to increase its own manifest, and on the other hand, it will continue to condense the fine.

In the few days after the rewards of the door, Zhao Ran is unpart from the speed of the enemy and the previous factor, but since the seventh day, there is a little accelerated trend. Although the increase of growth is not obvious, no If you pay attention, it is difficult to detect it, but the days have long been, you can't underestimate it.

At mid-August, the increase in condensing efficiency has been obviously perceived, approximately more than around it.

About 10 days, the Royal Ren will ask Zhao Ran to inquiry, by him personally to Zhaoran, and then take the prescription, and consolidate the evil for Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran saw the prescription, in which a good thing such as the lack of grass, it is a lot of goods such as ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum.

These medicinal materials are available free of charge, and the Master, a master of the Pharmacology, condensed into a pill and medicine soup. The spending of this is not dare to count, and it has exceeded the category of silver.

After entering September, the speed of condensed bodies begins to gradually slow down, and in mid-September, the final stop is not.

Zhao Ran made a few more than two months ago.

If Zhao Ruoqi needs to hover six to eight years in Taoist, then it should be improved to four to six years.

And this is not just a problem of condensed the fine, the essence is the improvement problem of Zhao Ran, according to the , his root bone has improved almost 30%, although compared with normal monks, but it has been far more .

That is, the road to his practice is more smooth than before, and will be more traveling, after entering the Yu Shi, the speed of practice will increase, even hope to enter the yellow crown!

Zhao Ran's first time is actually failed. It didn't bring him any physical benefits on cultivation. It is just a score that can practice.

This second time is the root bone, according to the awareness of the road, although it is also failed, but in fact, Zhaoran, but it is successful - at least half of it.

In addition to the joy, Zhao Ran knocked on the side of Ze Zhongze, there was no possibility of taking the orthodontican in the third time. Yan Zhongze returned to his father.

Yan Ren is essential to open the door altar, but the risks must be clearly considered clearly. He does not recommend Zhao Ran to do.

The expense of Zheng roull is not only precious, but also the consumables of the Shengmen Altar, but this is not the reason why the Royal Ren is in the case, but the family has paid so much, of course, I don't mind more In order to seek better results.

The key to the problem is that after taking the scattered bone Dan, it will re-regenerate Zhao Ran's root bone, which means that his second bone effect will be erased, and then the regeneration is completely luck, can not reach This effect is only known to God.

In this way, Zhao Ran hesitated. After a long time, he decided to give up again and again.

Two days in Qingyun Pavilion, Zhao Ran said to Yan Zhongzhi.

Yan Zhongze wanted to stay in a few days, but Zhao Ran said that the situation of the Junshan Temple is not good, and it will be in the mountains.

When I left, Zhao Ran went to the Qing Dynasty, and I didn't say goodbye to Zi.

Zhao Ran took out a five-flowers in the line, said: "This is when I have fled in Xiaoyan, I have obtained the things in the Buddha Gaotao Temple. I have a good brother, just a brother Large, I don't want to ask me, and after I returned to Baima Mountain, I didn't see the brother again, so I delayed it.

Last year, I have never went into the father of Huayun Hua, Jiang Shi, seeing the Daxion of Huayun Hall, and Xu Zhuo Shu once visited this medicine, and gave two teachers.

"Lingzhi Zhilan Score" said that this medicine helps practice ... and ask the master to take ... "

Yan Ren looked at the five flowers and fragrant clouds, and looked at Zhao Ran. "" The Lanzhi Lanzhu "is probably not recorded another use of this fascinating, just the match with the tilant, Directly smashed into a pill, take a slightly after refining, it can help the monk broke the mirror.

Under the mage, the effect is excellent, and the sage is not as good as it is, and it can be used in the future.

Zhao Ran knows that when Daxie, Xia Zhuo Shu continuously looking for tongue vines and five flowers incense, dare to have such a use, it seems that "spiritualizes Zhi Lancus" can't believe, I don't know how many years There is no revision.

He certainly has some unresponsive, but since it takes it out, there is a reason to get back, and simply a large square: "This spirit has been retrieved from three plants, and a strain gave Huayun Hall. This teacher is In the case of the revenue, the brothers will be used in the future, and I still have a place here. If you have any questions, if you have any questions, you should not ask the teacher.

Yan Ren nodded, no longer resigned, and then collected the spirits.

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