Taoist Law

Chapter 56 is a thief

PS: This chapter is more than the Rongsheng League.

An old man in the store ran over, crowded into the crowd, passed a moment, and gasped up to ran back.

The treasured hand is asked: "Why didn't you call people?"

The man is said: "The hassle said, owing money is Zhu Meng ... The road is long, and there is no relationship with others, it will have to see the trendles."

The golden handline is happy, to Zhao Rao: "Temple wish, have you heard it? People are designed to see Zhu Yun, maybe the rumor is true, haha."

Zhao Ran also a little bit of the letter, think about it and Zhu Meng lived in an eaves, suddenly got a chicken skin, secretly there was a broken sleeve, said that it would be far away from him later. But right, is he not secretly loved? Is it difficult to be a bisexual?

The curiosity of the curiosity, Zhao Ran can't sit, and I will join in the golden handle.

The Chinese people have a good look, no matter the ancient and modern, no matter how time and space, what is going on, there is no exception, at this moment, there is a three-storey three floors in the mountains, and the people inside the smile Go, the people outside are squatting in the foot.

The golden handset is open, and it is not stopped: "Excusend, let one let ..." is driving, borrowed ... "It's better to be more famous, the golden palm face is big enough, and he really let him take a passage, cover up Zhao $ ≈ rhinely drill.

It is also separated by two layers, Zhao Ran sees a high-hiring wooden sign from the intensive head of the head, and writing the word "debt payment, the sky", and there are two words below, it is " Mongolian". Strive to insert it, I saw a long-term young little little little little smashing that took the brand turned. That means letting more people see the words on the brand.

Zhao Ran looked with a small smashing, I felt that I saw it, but I couldn't see it for a while. At the time of the suspicion, I listened to the little loud voice: "Huayun Hall Taoist Zhun, owe me silver, eight hundred and two, it has not returned in the past two years. I heard that he has been practiced in the unprofessionalist. Come here. If you know if you know, please help find this person, then chase the debt, you will pay for half of the silver money ... "

Zhao Ran heard the back, suddenly wake up, and then carefully resolved this little , finally recognized it, this is not that the baldness you encountered in the swamp?

I feel that this moment has been turned over. Zhao Ran's heart is panicked, even the head is low, step out of the crowd step, do not know how to see you, when you don't want to say hello, just run back to Jinji shop, and take the old flying On the other hand, I will open it directly.

It's not far to run out.

Zhao Ran looks back and looks at it, and the dark road is not good. I saw that I have already squeezed out of the crowd and I am looking for myself. So he quickly smashed his belly, and urged the old man to speed up.

The old donkey sprinkled four hooves, along the official path "Ang and Ang", ran up, after a moment, Zhao Ran will look back, and it has not been shaped.

Zhao Ruyong took a tone. Wiping the sweat on the amount, to the old man: "So hanging brother, almost caught, but also routine running fast ..."


Zhao Ran ride on the back, take a book from the pneumon. It is "A Han Du". This book is all all, and when the two times respectively made a means, it will feel the attention of the book, but did not mention the return of the book. Listening is far away, this scripture is the refinement of the Daleng Temple. I think this is still in danger, I have to sneak into Daming, and it should be for this book.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran can't help but take a head, but you will be confused. Here is the big tomorrow, it is good, it is the absolute power range of the door! I am a righteous Taoist, send a few flying characters, and trick a few hard myces in minutes. Why do you want to run? It is clear that the baldness running is the authentic! The so-called thief is true, it is really so truth.

Zhao Rule turned his head, took the old man's head: "Dang, I don't run, my site, I am the master, go, go back to destroy the bald!"

The old and ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Zhao Ran found a piece of barbecue from the split, stuffed into the old mouth, this only calm the old man, so one person and the official mustacked and returned.

For a short walk, I will see a lot of people in the official road. Every step is a long. Zhao Ran smiled, it seems that these two years have not been idle, and it is very fast.

Zhao Ran's self-repaired, and there is an old man to help, when it is not afraid, the two sounds are clear, and the old age, I will have a long time, while waiting for thinking, what should I be humiliated? Fan, I also have a bad gas that I am "shocked".

But I haven't waited for him to open, flying out a bowl of wooden fish after I felt the power, and the top of Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran quickly took out the magnetic golden fetus, turned into a golden shield, and the wooden fish was on the golden bowel, and suddenly arouse the sound of "when".

Just ate a hit, Zhao Ran is dark, after two years, I feel that the long wooden fish strikes, and Zhao Ran's arm is put on the magnetic gold fetal. It seems to be heaven. Falling boulders are general, the whole arm is painful. If it is not the material of the magnetic gold fetus, I am afraid that his arm will immediately be broken!

Zhao Ran looked at the magnetic gold fetal can't resist, and quickly sacrificed the green wooden black mask. The wooden card flew out as a side of the water wave, wrapped Zhao Ran's whole body, and the water waves were not rippled with a blue-colored optical pattern. It seems that it is extraordinary.

This green wood is seized from Zuo Yunfei, although the order is not high, but the defensive power is extremely strong, according to the Eastern respect, even if it is a supershend, Zhao Ran and the same order monk It is also easy to protect your body.

When the green wood, the tap of the woodfish was blocked, and the wooden fish only stated countless cyan lights on the Xuanang cover, and could not come in.

I feel "", said: "Niu nose, it seems that you grow up!"

Zhao Ran is standing, laughing: "District wooden fish, can you resist me? Bull, you are alive, you can't see it, how do you still eat old? Is there a new trick? Let it come out, everyone is happy Well."

I feel a small net from the arms, shaking in the air, the net is instantly bloating, and Zhao Ran has a pocket in the green wood.

"Don't break your turtle shell, the Buddha will receive you!"

Zhao Ran smiled and took out three flames: "Bull, your website seems to be called 'Linglong.com' Is it? Just take it out, you are looking at it, it seems that you seem to say, this website is afraid of fire Is it? Do you want to be a poor to burn a burning? "

I feel far and hysteresis, Strong Sound: "The poor remembers can't play? But the vocalism is scared."

Zhao Ran smiled: "Haha, let you see the insight of this baldness!" The hand shakes, three flames and fantasy, turned into a three-year flame, and ignited the exquisite network.

Looking at the exquisite net of the bears, Zhao Ran is incentive, and it is a bit of a little fang: "Bull, the poor pass has awakened you, do not say that it is not in the same! Now the baby is destroyed, The poor pass is hot! "

Just finished, Zhao Ran felt that it seems wrong, just see the signs of a smashing net in the flame, but more tighter, the outer layer wrapped his own green wooden meat shroud. It is necessary to change the shape.

I saw that I was a little laugh: "Niu nose, are you stupid? Tell you too, the Buddha has a new method, I will renew this exquisite network! Today, let you know what is windy. , Is a fire! What is the taste? Haha! "

Zhao Ran is still trapped by fire network, the old man is not dry, "Ang" has a throat, and the electric shot is so long. There is still three feet away from the distance, and the double hooves are treated to the distance.

I didn't think that this scorpion can also hurt people. I will hurt them in the horror, and I will embark on the hooves. I hangled. When I was very awkward.

The old donkey double hoof, and the foldback will come back. In the distance, it flew out a string of beads, set on the neck. Old is on the beads, and suddenly bite the beads, a one is full.

I really shocked: "Good farm!" Handshand 10, the mouth has a word, full of beads to re-aggregate, and turn to the old man again.

When I was entangled with the old man, I only listened to "" a few sounds in Yuanyuan, and the whole person fell into the darkness, I saw a sleeper silver moon slowly rising the night sky. (Untransferous.)

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