Taoist Law

Chapter 57 of the power of big ban

PS: Thanks, Quick Knife 123, Dada Dad, Remember, Thank you Binbin, Out of Person, Water Yun, Wang Xiaogou, East China Sea Hutheracket, Star Hug, Oldman007, Gorgeous Segmentation Line, Xiao Xifeng 7030, intoxicating hometown, moonlight wolf, -, years old, rushing plexus, pig baby 5557, Yunfei speechless, ** ft9, have passed, don't remember, thousands of birds, running 11, with The wind laughs, the rookie of Hong Kong, the Fit Cat, the main resurrected in me, seven Shangqi eight, the waves of the mountain water, carefree 1, V2-1, volcanic 1889, love reading the book, KHXN, Unlimited Wireless, SA, pig breeding, monthly tickets for ice blue dance encouragement. Thank you so much, so many people invested monthly tickets, touched ing ... no one, turning back, said with the poor road, the poor pass.

History this time dare to be alone, hard Daming, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to return to the Daisong Temple to return to the treasure, his own cultivation is also an important reason. At the time of the first year, I was only a small monk in the eye in the eye, and the eye of the eye was the most basic entry in the six major realms of the Buddha. It is shallow to deeply repair "three wisdom", respectively. It is a famous color identification wisdom, the fate of smart and thinking. At that time, I just got into my name color and Identified.

At the end of last year, I saw the birth of the birth in the dream, so I crossed the color of my color to identify my wisdom. The mana was repaired.

This is flying into the moon magazine scenery, although it is dark, but he can still change all the incidents of the body.

The top of the head above the flame is fluff, and it is far from crossing three steps to the left and avoids the fireworks.

The wind behind the ear. A string of money darts is only in the dark, and it is far away, and the money dart will be bounted.

Suddenly, the white light appeared in front of him, and the body is bright, but Zhao Ran throws a light. Cold and don't prevent the darkness, I can't help but close my eyes. But his reaction is also very fast. Although I don't know what will happen, I still keep my body straight back, and then rolled on the side.

Just listening to "When", Zhao Ran's Fei Jian Pine is on the ground that I just standed.

Zhao Ran saw clearly, secretly "good bald". In the hands, the mouth is in the mouth, and the mouth is , pointing to the flying sword.

I feel that the sword is blocked, while observing the big array. How many of him is also involved in the law. I also arranged a giant stone array and Zhao Ran. Therefore, I didn't take a moment. I judge that the silver moon in the sky was this burst of this array, and when the wood fish came back. I have played in the end of the moon.

Zhao Ran's volume of heaven gas machine is dark cloud, guarding the moon array. Although I said that I have been cultivated, I can't compare the Zuo Yunfei, who is trapped in front of the law. Even the madness in the big Qingshan is not as good, so this Zhao Ran is holding the dead moon steadily.

The clouds are more, the more you get more, and you will not break the attack.

I feel the teeth and simply withdraw the attack on the moon center. I took out a piece of helper. Suddenly blocked the fireworks, the money darts, and even the flying sword is not going in.

Zhao Ran looked at this bald baby. This is clearly clear, and even the flying sword can resist. I will take out the flying sword to come, ready to be in the yin. The empty flying sword is much more sharp than the pine wind, and the pine wind can't go in, it may not be empty. It's just that the guy can be difficult to control. After shooting out, "no resort", Zhao Ran also can't grasp if it can succeed, but in turn, once it is hit, there is an unresolved effect, it is really "defense".

When I am going to sacrifice, I feel far away. He gave the wooden fish to the high altitude, sitting on his legs, and his twin ten, and the mouth had a word.

Zhao Ran, this scene is familiar, and it is not good to immediately.

Sure enough, I thought the long-distance spell, the woodfish sounded in the high altitude of the black lacquered paint, and "empty empty empty" came out in the middle, spread to the four times. It is a long-term stunt - Changming Bodhisattva.

Zhao Ran eaten the loss of this spell, which is quite taboo, when the heart is tight.

"Empty empty empty" sounds, Zhao Ranqi, pilot Zhao Ran's heart, Zhao Ran, even if you feel that the heart is going to jump out, it is generally uncomfortable. It's hard to start, Zhao Ran offensive the gas in the sea, and the whistle is straight, and the heart is guarded, and the pressure is also one of them.

Slightly thinking, Zhao Ran has a great deal. He looked through "A Hanyu is difficult", Changming Bodhisattva is the Dharma, which is recorded in the first chapter of the script. Its essence is the heart of the curse, the more villain is, the more violent, the more violent. The problem now is that Zhao Ranxi is merit. Its mana itself is converted by merits. These man-Degre transformation of the mana to protect the heart, which is the most resistant to the spell of Changming Bodhisattva. To put it bluntly, Zhao Ran did more, and the Changming Bodhisattva curse did not have a good thing!

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Bull, and eat the poor pass, see how the taste!"

I feel that there is an attack on the spirit of the spirit, and Zhao Ran is also available. He is a step, and it is in his hand, and the nine days of Xuanlong's banquet will be displayed.

Nine-day Xuanlong Big Banquan is Zhao Ran's aspects of the convention in his mind, and it is necessary to mobilize the heaven and earth gas machine and the body, forming a percentage in a certain range. Go, thereby creating an unfair fighting environment. Understanding Zhaoran, this Taoism is to build its own foreign field.

Of course, Zhao Ran is very shallow at this moment, just entered the Taoist, nine days of Xuanlong Big Boarding only opened the first layer. He cultivated this way for more than half a year, and he could not form his own "field", and he could not put the opponent's cultivation, and it could not weaken the opponent's universal law. What he can do is that the opponent's gods appear "a blank" in a short time. He once took the hand in the hand, and the feelings of Yan Zhongze were - - - .

Yan Zhongze is a monk of Huangguanjing. It is more powerful than Zhao Ran, although "instant embarrassment" is very weak, but it is also very excited. Nowaday, Zhao Ran plans to take the practice of practice, try to try the effect of big ban on this and self-cultivation.

As Zhao Ran's last truth, I feel that I am so excused. I only feel that I have a blank in my heart, caught unconsciously, after about the bit stream, I suddenly returned to God.

Zhao Ran refedes, about three fingers, although time is not long, it is actually enough for him to complete a cast, so I really said: "How is the bulton, how is it?"

I am shocked in the heart and ask: "" What kind of demon law you make? "

Zhao Ran smiled: "Nine days of Xuanlong big ban! How? Come again?" So started to stepping, and his hand.

I feel that I feel again in the heart, and I seem to be a corpus. After he went back again, he was afraid that he was frightened, immediately accelerated the curse of Changming Bodhisattva, and wanted to confront Zhaoran's nine-day Xuanlong's big ban.

Unfortunately, Zhao Ran Gong Dehong, although it is not entirely affected by Changming Bodhisattva, but there are a few heartbeats in the district, and even the joy of the chest, he has never adapted to this.

Zhao Ran's third time to show big ban, this time I tried to cooperate with the flying sword, I want to take the moment to be lost, and complete the tactics of the flying sword. It's nothing to say that the flying sword is too bad. It is nothing to say, but it can be completely uncontrolled. !

Zhao Ran helpless, I have to replace the flying sword, this flying sword control is indeed, the flexible, the caller is not enough, and the thorn is in the distance, it is bounced, it is not allowed. Go to the door. He turned over to his home storage, and there were two five thunders in the inside and a flat flames.

The ground flame gold value is Zhao Ran to enter the river. The teacher gift from the Master is a four-way body. Zhao Ren is not available, it has been saved.

Two Wahai Langes are the baby who has been picked up in the Jianzhi in the summer. The power is strong. If you bombard your long, you will definitely fry into a pig's head, this is unquestionable. Can ... How can Zhao Ran be able to use this precious five-order ?

Turn it, Zhao Ran can no longer find the law that can be broken.

Also, if this is the case, you don't have a manner. In this bald, you can exercise big ban. So Zhao Ran continued to practice nine days of Xuanlong's banned, let the distant . ...

After another cast, Zhao Ran consciously consumed too much. When he hesitated, he heard that he heard that heard in the array was shout: "Niu nose, stop, poor The monks are not! ... don't hit ... "The voice of the voice with a thick cry. (Endlessly)

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