Taoist Law

Chapter 60 merits and scripts

PS: Thanks to Dai Dad, Willow Only, thank you Mars uncle, deadly, Xiao Xi Feng 7030, rushing treasure, fallen, understanding, TXD2K, Qing Huan dream, monthly ticket encouragement. The child is sick, delayed to the present, I am sorry, I am going to be addressed, I can only postpone, wait for the child to be better, I can squeeze the time.

The more people are more and more joy, they are imagined how the Junshan will prosper, how will they be a scene, and the eyes are full.

Although the night is very deep, since everyone does not dissipate the meaning, Zhao Ran then said: "Let's talk about how this 10,000 silver will spend. The Junshan area must develop into what I just said, in the future The road is still very long, and you need to work together. "

Jin Long and others have said: "Temple wishes you that the old man only told it, I will do my best."

Zhao Ran's head: "What is the flower law of the silver, in fact, it is related to the development of the Junshan Temple. Now there is still a contour, but it is still more. I thought that the most important thing is the lack of manpower. Golden brother, how many people in Junshan now? "

Junshan Temple has always been a dozen business and government affairs. As a actual manager, Jin Long's situation is in the case of the people, when the road: "Zhongjiazhuang 183 households, Ding mouth 890; Two hundred and twenty of Lijiazhuang, a thousand ninety ninety of Ding, Wujiazhuang, two hundred and sixty-one households, 1,370 in Dingou. "

Zhao Rong said: "That is the mouth of Ding mouth? This is too small! We will start to create a big career in the future, it is far less than enough. So the current first order is Suckoning the population. "

Jin Long has not been ignorant of the people, and the people's lives can be presented very detailed, and immediately puzzled: "But there is no one in Junshan, now every household is divided into 20 acres. If you come to some people Where can I find a field? "

Zhao Rong said: "The terrain of Xiaolun Mountain is flattened, and if you rectify it, you can get more than 5,000 mu."

Jin Long hesitated: "It is the old forest, not like this, if it is a wasteland. It is not a three-five year."

Zhao Rong said: "You are not to build the victims temporary greenhouses? Just, don't have access to the place. In the future, there are more people, we don't have a hard block, so you can make things. Now it is. The porridge is not good, and it is lazy. And I can't stay, the victims are full, staying in a few months. I mean, but if you accept relief, you must work After the victims arrived, they should be distinguished. In the future, they are willing to stay in Junshan. Each household is in accordance with the number of Dingport. From five acres to ten acres and fields, the number of foods is the same as the Junshan, starting from the greenhouses they live now. Logging, I will find a way to purchase, the housing, and the tools. Wood can be housing,

Most of the rest are stored, and the raw materials of the home workshop will be used. "

Jin Jiu Road: "The field is less than the Junshan? The food that is rare, if it is more people, it is probably a bit bare."

Zhao Ran smiled: "It is necessary to have it to be a living in the field. Otherwise, where is the future workshop?"

Jin Long again: "If you are not willing?"

Zhao Rong said: "Don't want to organize it, you will participate in the collapse. After the autumn harvest is completed, I will take the logging. In short, I want to eat a day, I have to do it a day, until they leave."

Jin Long wants to think, shake his head: "The soil is difficult, I am afraid that there is not much to stay."

Zhao Rong said: "How much is it? Of course, you have targeted when you have specific relief ..."

Jin Dynasty, I have already understood it, if I think about it: "Temple wish, is it willing to stay, is it better?"

Zhao Ran, "For example, when it is porridge, it is divided into two pots, one pot of rice, one pot, one pot, add some food leaves, one pot, no more, for example, when building a house, directly indicate Which house is a house, which is a house, and it is unwilling to stay in the greenhouse.

Jin Long also understand, ask: "If they repent?"

Zhao Rong said: "It doesn't matter if it is too much, it will be alive. Just put it out, the house is built, he will want to go, we will not suffer, and you will make him eat more. But I still believe, With our condition, it is still very attractive. If they are refused to return to their hometown, they must not only toss and hurt, but also to endure the high taxation tax, why is it so hard? As for the soil, it is difficult to go ... Jiangyou County is not far from the soil. "

Seeing that everyone will have no doubt, Zhao Rong said: "Jin Massen is to take the town to host the Gloves Mountain Temple, so this thing is handed over to Lin Laoge. How is the biggest problem? Li, Li, a good thing to have a charitang to accommodate the victims, and organize a batch to send a batch. I expect this silver to be a big head, I plan to take out seven thousand two, the remaining silver, each three hundred and two Prepare the furniture workshop and ceramic workshop, the last 2,400 and two, what is it? "

Seeing everyone and agreed, Zhao Ran agreed to make a detailed charter tomorrow, and he had a sound, and the excited excited gold and others took out the house.

At this time, only the house is far away, Zhao Rong said: "Today's sky is late, I live in the West House, the brothers go to the East Eastern East."

"The transaction is over your temple?"

"Ah, it is finished."

"The brother does not want to ask why the poor appears in Daming?"

"Hey you look like this, afraid that you can't stay in Buddha? Therefore, it is ready to go to the poor."

I feel so speechless, and then I will smash: "I can't stay in the big thunderous Temple."

Zhao Ran smiled: "The brother is very heavy? This is not a good idea. I am in the interests of my opinion. Otherwise, the brothers are out of control, I really can't help but start, the poor is afraid I hurt my brother. "

I thought that there was a fighting method during the day. I couldn't help but kick the drum. The momentum is weak. I have a long time. "Dou said that the brother is not a poor heart ... The poor only wants to ask, the brother is What is the surname? "

Zhao Ran counsed a throat: "This is indeed the negligence of the poor, and I will talk to the brothers on the same day. I forgot to tell the real name ... In fact, the poor conscious surname Zhao, named,". "

I feel a full face and anger: "Zhao Dao brother, in order to find all the hambrance, the poor is coming back and forth in Long'anfu for half a year!"

Zhao Ranran: "Is it so long?"

I feel too much: "You are too much, and I don't know what is hidden. I have no trace of the mysterious secrets. Where is the Buddha's door, the door opened the four squares! Poor I thought Hua The cloud hall is next to the West Town Wushu, but every corner of Pingwu County is seen. It is not. The poor is running with Jiang oil, Shiquan, Yanyang, and finally listening to some news, speaking Before the built line, he was in the unpizolate ... "

Zhao Ran thinks that he is also not allowed to enter the door a few years ago. It is not allowed to hook the enemy's heart, and he said: "Who is not yet, don't pick it up! Totten the head in the evening, ghost, I don't have the need at all! "

Suduo: "..."

"Okay, the topic is far away, talk about you, how?"

I sighed: "I have suffered these years ..."

Zhao Ran is a happy, and the heart is talking about the sadness. Therefore, it is true: "Didn't see it, the brother is much more good, it is true! You are really a baby ... Beads, put me the dead, I want to know that my scorpion is not very common, the average person can't get it ... "

I'm afraid: "That is the big Lei Yucang, which is also passed down, and it is better than you have a little brother ... Let's talk about it," A Hanyu is difficult to "is my temple, the treasure In the poor, you will find a book, please also ask the brother. "

Zhao Ran, "Ah,": "Reverse the treasure? It is very important? I have seen this book is useless, I will put it again, I don't know where to go ..."

I feel hard to laugh: "Dao Xiong is toned again. This book is actually useless, but it is the ancient scriptures of the Dali Temple, the poor is willing to collect, and the temple is in the temple."

Zhao Ran knows that the scriptures are not as simple as those who are far away, but they don't say that this book is not very useful. His idea is that the idea is to see if it is unable to extort it. benefit? (Endlessly)

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