Taoist Law

Chapter 61 Zhao Temple

PS: Thanks to Daxie Dad, Chen111, Gold Crab, thanks to 1W2W, Qing Huan Xi Dream, Zjzke's monthly ticket encouragement.

Although Zhao Ran, although there is not much intensive, there is a little bit of cherish, and it is still more known to each other. Zhao Ran said that he can't remember where "A Han Dawns is difficult to", and he does not believe it. But the initial initiative is in Zhao Ran, and I feel that Zhao Ran has no way.

If the script is too important, Zhao Ran will start to start, and if you can't afford it. If you look at it, you will definitely don't believe it. Therefore, this is difficult to master this, let the headache feel more than the headache.

I want to go, I don't want to go to the circle in this question. He asked directly: "Double brother, I don't know how to return the book."

Zhao Ran also tried a sentence: "I really can't do anything ... It's better," A Hanyu is difficult to pass ", the poor memory is excellent, and when the brother, write the Shouwen, Guarantee the word is not bad, how is the brother? "

I feel a bitter: "I still have trouble and then find it. The book is the history of the Dalei Temple. If it is lost in the hands of the poor, I can't convincing the temple for the temple."

Zhao Ran can now be determined. This book is much more important than the three chapters described in it, but there is no trick and cannot be used. However, I think again, I think it is very big, even if I know the trick, I can use still a big problem, even after use, it is also an unknown.

Zhao Ran sinks, there are a few mouthfuls, and the cough has been coughing a few times, it does not speak, that means it is obvious. I will open the price first.

I feel a long bites, said: "There is a bitter and gratuitous, willing to share it with a brother."

Zhao Ran suddenly moved in his heart, "Zhao Ruo Ling Pharmacy", Zhao Ren remembers, this kind of fruit is produced from the foot of the Pelthe mountains of Tuboa. Daming did not have out, its effect was to repair meridians and re-build the destroyed gas sea, and the effect is consistent with the injury. Its usage is also very simple, it can be taken directly, there is no need to refine, not to find what auxiliary is matched.

The spirit of the de lacking drugs in "Chi Ling Phytology Spectroscopy", each of the effects and matching of each kind of demonstration is more cumbersome, and its complexity is comparable to "Dacheng Huang Yizhen". Zhao Ran did not have special to recite. Just taking advantage of the idle, so many of the drugs he impressed. The reason why the bitter gamble is still new, it is because this kind of soul is ranked 11th in the book!

At that time, Zhao Ran saw this here, the effect of bitter gratia is very shocking, according to the spectrum, the bitter gangfang is equivalent to the hurt, because the gas sea can be rebuilt,

In fact, it is possible to ensure that the injured is encountering a major injury. Will not fight the realm! Zhao Ran did not even have malicious speculation, and the reason why bitter gampened fruit was listed. Just because "Zhi Ling Pharmacy" is the door, if it is a very fair comparison, it is not inferior to ten princes before the spectrum.

"Bitter and fruit? I have never heard of it ... What?" When I said this, Zhao Ran himself was a bit blush.

I feel a little, I can't believe it: "Dou brother doesn't know how bitter is fruitful?"

Zhao Ran blinked. It is quite innocent: "I don't know much about the poor and poor, I really don't know."

So I thought that the efficacy of bitter gratia, the main content was roughly related to the "Zhi Ling Phytophracuue", of course, the tone of the introduction is not exaggerated, and the function of bitter gratia is rendered to the ultimate. As if there is a good energy of the world.

After listening, Zhao Ran nodded: "Oh."

"Oh?" I almost didn't jump: "Dou brother, you are a 'oh' word?"

Zhao Ran continued to install innocent: "This fruit seems good, then what is it? One, I haven't used it. The trimming world is sinister, and it may be with people anytime, anywhere, such as the poor road and brothers. Otherwise. If you don't leave God, you will be injured, you can hurt a bitterness, the second time? Third time? "

I feel unreasonably, caress the forehead and Zhao Ran, and the eyes are really passionate.

Zhao Ran's heart, this bitterness, he is very important. He and the long-eyed process have been observing and guessing the mood of the long-term mood, and it is ready to have a remember of the diaper. I promised immediately.

After the half-column perfusion, Zhao Ran can't hold it, he decided to agree. Just, he just nodded, he felt the opening: "Two!"

Zhao Ran almost did not be lick, heart: "It's okay, it seems to be strong!" He served as a tea cup, ready to drink the water, and then promised to feel away.

Drinking the mouth of the water, Zhao Ran put the teacup on the table, just want to open ...

I feel far bite the teeth: "Three! Can't!"

Zhao Ranli interface: "Transaction!"

I feel the heart of the heart, the face is like a trick, take three bitter gratuits from the storage sac, put it on the table, and reach it to Zhao Ran: "The scriptures are coming."

Zhao Rui looked at the bitterness of the table, while the records in the "Zhi Ling Pharmacy" were carefully confirmed, while the side: "Teacher's sex is anxious, the book I have found it, I am relieved. Talking To. Ssts is the firing, let's talk. "

I feel a black eye, I didn't breathe for a long time, and I said: "Is there anything?"

Zhao Ruyou said: "Judi Hui brother is from summer, exotic style, thinking about the problem, will inevitably be more beneficial to the poor, the poor road is naturally advisable."

I feel strong, my mind is angry: "What is your requirements?"

Zhao Ran smiled: "The brother can't help but the heart of the heart, what is the requirements? Just something about listening to the brother's idea."

"you said."

"It's such a brother, just in the rivers, I don't know why, I don't know why."

I feel far: "Just now?"

"Yes, that is, the poor road will be a matter of the contract of the contract, and the brother has just understood it. Is there any good suggestion?"

I don't have a good airway: "There is no suggestion."

"That is to say, this thing is a good thing?"

"Well, good things, very good."

Zhao Ran smiled: "Since the brothers say it, do you want to know a few shares?"

I really listen, it's broken, is this going to make me money? When I quickly shook my head: "The Temple is very small, there is no floating money, even if there are two silver children, I have to take into account the food and clothing of the monks in the temple, and the income is really hard."

Zhao Rong said: "It is because of the sleep of the brothers and the Dalong Temple. Therefore, this poor road will endure love, intend to fold some shares to brothers, the so-called blessings."

I feel far frown: "How do you say this?"

Zhao Ran personally got up to felt the tea, then took the chair to see the long-standing, with a little mysterious road: "Come to Li Yuan brother, poor a poor to tell you a story. It is not only the natural disasters, the harvest is not only good, but the big household is more crushing, this time, what is the most lacking in the sky? Of course, it is a grain! The so-called hand is not panic ... "

After Zhao Ran finished the story, I thought about it: "You said that the food must be harfered in Junshan? And as you say, the number of orders of the official is that?"

Zhao Ran Chickens nodded: "Just! Teacher, please, where is it, where is the silver? Just recognize the strand of Junshan, you will be divided into yourself every year, Daleius Temple must be poverty up, straight Running! "

I feel refined: "I can listen to you before I can say that Junshan is only 10,000 acres, even how much is it?"

Zhao Rong said: "After the harmony, he said that it is about five thousand acres of land to the west of Xiaojun Mountain. Could it hose to leak? I told you a brother, this is just the beginning, in the next three years, the poor road is ready to be in the Junshan Mountain The mountain is also planted on food ... "

I feel curious: "How do you Open the field on the mountain?"

Zhao Ri Lima pulled the paper pen, and painted a sketch in front of him. The mouth was uncomfortable: "Teacher, this is another story. Teacher, let's start from the foot of the mountain, dig out a mountain channel, high Cast, low, one lap, this is a lot of fields? It is called terraces on the hometown! Target is called terrace! Terrace is built, the field is watering, crystal clear, daytime, a scene, evening scene Each of spring and summer is a scene, when it is really beautiful! Well, then organize some people to visit the beauty, this is a gain! ... "(end continued ..)

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