Taoist Law

Chapter 62 Continue to listen to Zhao Temple to spend a story

PS: Thanks to Daxie Dad's reward, thank you, recall the monthly ticket of the year, O, the ranking, and steps. Also, I would like to thank friends from the last month, such as rain clouds, steel wires, rushed, long-lasting, small, etc., and give me a desperate gold Cancer, Dengfeng See me, wait, people will not list more. I hope that this month will continue to support the poor.

Zhao Ranfei speaking a few stories, but why did not be willing to go up. I was crying at the beginning, and later explained that the summer was in battle, and he didn't work back to honor. Later, Zhao Ran said that it is not good, wait until next year, when you send you, I feel far away, say that the people who practice are not love to the yellow white things, and the silver is not much more.

Zhao Ranzhi is very patient, and immediately said: "Talking about the practice, the brothers are unforgettable, the poor road is also practicing the middle. Come, the poor road will tell you a story. Nowadays, the Buddha is fighting, white horse Mountain a battle, I don't know how many heroes. For the middle of the people, I want to pursue Xian Dao, hey, no matter how it is good, it is also easy to get a lot, in short, I have to keep my life is not? About this problem, I am Junshan Temple There is also a consideration. In the future, here will be built, specialized production papers, and to prepare cinnabers. I told you that the main materials of Fu Wei have found in Junshan, and the reserves are very large. Established the workshop in the year, then organize production ... "

I don't believe it, Zhao Ran quickly found a Junshan topographic map, paved on the desktop, pointing to the point: "Hey, the workshop is built here, the land has already reserved, just waiting to start ... Jun Jun Mountain, next is the waiting for Qingzhu. You may not know that there is a bright spring after the hometown of the Mountain. I plan to water bamboo in the water of Liangquan. After the broccoli is formed, it is a great compass. Materials ... Cinnabar, there are also red and hills in Junsheng, the story is like this. Five months ago, I came to a thief ... "

Zhao Ran shibou, and unintentionally discovered the story of the thief, the story of the red shining and Qingzhu Forest said, there is no shortage of various twists and turns and various accidents. When it is a wonderful! After finishing. Zhao Ran has blown from the squad: "The poor refining method can be described as a thousand miles. At present, it has mastered the refining method of 10 , although the stages are not high, but the amount is more practical, it is definitely going to travel, and the human fighting method Tools! Brother brother, in the summer? Is there a few? Maybe there is some, but it is impossible to do too much. After all, the refining characters are the unique crafts of the door. If you are selling in summer, how big is this demand? "

Speaking here, Zhao Ran has opened it. More than an exaggerated posture: "My day, don't be too big!"

I was defeated by Zhao Ran. It is not that he really has a heart to the Junshan shares of this Laushia, but he is worried that if you don't make your share, you may affect the recovery of Ashi, so he bite his teeth again. I was biting from home, and I said: "I have a dip friend, don't say it, the poor will keep in stock."

Zhao Ran is busy asking: "How much is the brother?"

I asked Yuan Yuan asked: "Double brother,

The poor really has no money. It is better to recognize one hundred and two silver? "

When Zhao Ran's face suddenly brushed: "One hundred and two? Hey, dare to be poor and tensive, only one hundred and two?"

I hesitated: "Two hundred and two?"

Zhao Ran's face is cold and smiled. "It seems that the brother didn't plan to buy, hey. Today is late tonight, the brother is so late, the poor road does not delay the brother." Said that he wants to go.

"Wait!" I feel far busy to stop Zhao Ran, full of bitterness: "The brother is slow, the poor is really wanting to buy, I just don't know how much?"

Zhao Ran said that your baldness is really toasting and not eating a fine wine. I don't want me to face you! So said: "The poor road proposed to extend two thousand shares ... Not a poverty miniscroper, but they must do things, I will have a long-term vision, I will talk to you, today you bought two thousand silver stocks, next year, the lowest There are two thousand four hundred two, and you will enter at least two% of the year! "

I feel hard to fall from the storage sac, two thousand silver fell out, and Zhao Ran handed it to the next day, and I will be given the next day.

After receiving the silver, Zhao Ran got to be a long stock, although I didn't have to take it back, but I didn't think about it, but Zhao Ran did back to have a pair, don't give stocks, it is not hard, Zhao Ran is absolutely not Do this. He used to take a paper pen, according to the fifty-two faces per share, four yellow paper wrote 40 yellow paper. Each yellow paper indicates the words "Junshan Shares" and "a shares" and other words, then in mind, leaving his own knowledge in Yunyi.

Give a stock to the far away, Zhao Ruyao said: "The brother is to lose, one year later, you can hold the money, all the allocated benefits of the Junshan area, all divided by 20,000 shares When the brother can come to the silver, you can let others come, find Jin Dynasty, you can - is the teacher who saw the brother, the poor brother ... This thing is paid, and the ticket does not recognize people. Of course, the brothers don't think of the imitation. I am a technique of refining characters. I will have a special inquiry to dock the check ticket, false. "

After receiving the silver, I received three bitter gratuities. Zhao Ran, this will be difficult to take it into the ignorant, and the heart is full.

I felt that I took a book carefully, and I was confirmed to be complete after the head until I was confirmed. This is long and solemn. After returning to Dongwu, I took out the stock of "Junshan Shares" and looked at it. When a bad breath, he wanted to burn this waste paper.

But when I got into the oil lamp, I thought it was still sighed, and I took it back, and then she was sleeping with her stomach.

The next day, Zhao Ran came over and gave him the two thousand silver that he thought about him, indicating that this is the "THP" in the shares.

When Jin Jiu suddenly beced a bit, Zhao Ran looked funny, and he said: "You are worried that you will be thinned next year, and you will be less than your home?"

Jin Jiu did a few times: "Where can we be there in a big movement, and the silver sea is going to go. When it is lack of money, the brother friend is willing to take the money, this is support Junshan ... Well , Construction, this is a good thing. Again, people recognize stocks, naturally they have to consolidate, and there is no reason under the sky, and I can't talk. "

Zhao Ran slammed his mouth and said, "You are discomfort this, you have just said it is half. Yes, our Junshan is going to be very fast, absorb the resettlement of victims, reclaim land, establish a workshop, need The big pen is put, so I flicker him into the stock. There are two thousand silver, the furniture workshop and the ceramic workshop, but it is not part of it. "

Jin Jiuyun is busy until the front, the small sound asks: "How do you say this?"

Zhao Rong said: "I wrote some stocks, um, that is, the voucher of the sharing, this is finished."

"... is over? The meaning of the brother ... He is going to take stock for money next year. Let's not pay?" Jin Long suddenly, smiled.

Zhao Rong said: "First, he will not necessarily change the money next year ..."

"do not understand……"

"His family lives far, the traffic is inconvenient ... Second, if he is really changing money, let's talk about it this year, it has not yet gotten."

Jindu is thinking: "If he comes back, let's say it, it's nothing, it is."

Zhao Ran shook his head and said: "Stupid! Even if you have shown a work, we have to do beautiful. What is the discount? ... Remember, let's open an shareholder meeting, will vote at the meeting, It is said that the incoming of the year is not allocated, and it will be reopened later. "

Golden a lot of smiles: "Teacher is really good ..." I thought about it, and I have a dedication: "The brothers are in love, give him credentials, I mean by the teacher, simply, I want to be the old man. When a friend walked, I told the Junxiang Mountain, Jiang Zhuzi, they had a few halfway robbery, how is the brother? Reassured, never hurt people, and the far away, will not show a horses feet. "

Zhao Ran said that you still rob it, don't put it in it, it's good, because I don't have to, the stock is now given to him, maybe there is nothing, but maybe one day will let you Surprised, huh, ... "

I didn't want to understand that he also wanted to understand that Zhao Ran's deep missed the other world of the world, could not understand Zhao Ran, who had the kind of love, and hate the special emotions, no May I want to understand why it will be shocked. Sustainable continued. 118

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