Taoist Law

Chapter 63 Jiajing 16 Years Winter

PS: Thanks to the golden giant crab, thank you nickname being robbed, winding, golden giant crabs, small goldfish 3 monthly tickets encouragement. Going to Shunyi training tomorrow, I hope not to delay the update, if there is a problem, that is also the problem of the network, absolutely and the stock market, the poor road is standing around the national team, for the country's protection!

"A Han Dawei is difficult to pass", I feel that this course is reached, and I will leave. He sneaked into Sichuan for a long time, leaving the big Leungus Temple for a long time, and the heart is very concerned.

Zhao Ran has not retointed, and his relationship between him and the far-reaching is a little unclear. According to the Humming-Enemy Country, the Buddhism is not tolerable, and the two have repeatedly fighting, and there is more than the dead hand. If you don't look at the fight, you will take your strength. After the fight is completed, it is quite a few points. I feel that the opponent's character is very angry, just in the big potential and cannot be deep.

After leaving, Junshan began the first autumn harvest, the people were organized, and they were fully committed. With the beginning of autumn harvest, refugees from Jiangyou County gradually gradually, and when they were at the beginning of October, refugees were turbulent, and two or three hundred people came to Junshan every day.

According to the previously set, Lin Shuangwen is responsible for the relief of the victims, set up a level on the intersection of each entry and exit intersection, blocking all the refugees, and attracting the relief point of Xiaoling Hill West Road.

After the victims arrived at the relief point, Lin Double Wen will preach the relief policy of the Junshan Temple, and then screened the victims. It is willing to move this place. If you can't hurt the wood, you will open a flat place to think that Tian Tac, you don't want to grow here, and organize you to participate in Junshan Autumn harvest, in exchange for yourself to fill the food.

The people of ordinary people are very heavy, even if it is just a county, most of them are not willing to move. In a few days, only the 100% of the people are willing to move to this place.

In addition to the local concepts, the people in this era are still very honest. They don't have a big difference because of the distribution of rations, and they have to move, and they will be cheated. This makes Zhao Ran surprised, and many of his preparations have not been used.

What can't make the Junshan Temple can't think of it. They do their best to promote the relocation of the policies, and have promised to have a lot of roles, so that the victims have moved this autumn harvest.

The people will not easily listen to the commitment of others, they pay more attention to their eyes. When I saw a heavy rice ear in the rice field, when I knew that the land at the foot was still in the first cultivated Tintian, they didn't have a thought: Wait until this land became a ripe, how much?

Take a look at the vertical trenches, look at the new housing in the three villages, listen to the Junshan people telling the goddess of Zhao Dao, ...

When the autumn harvest is over, more than half of the people have chosen to move this place. The number of Ding Port of Junshan broke through six thousand! Jin Jiu and Lin Shuangwen divided two thousand disasters from the new movement into two parts, and part of the relief point on the Skill Side of Xiaoshan is located, and the other part is in a small basin in the northeast. Zhao Ran takes separately. "Shangxin Village" and "New New Village".

Shangxin Village and next new village have just opened a flat land. The house of the village has not been set up. In order to let these Junshan new immigrants have a house, Zhao Ran will have organized all Qingzhuang, who has just grabbed the food, helps to build a wooden house. .

At November. After the two new villages have completed, the new immigrants are happy to move into the new home.

The next step is needed to develop the basins at the two villages. Cut the woods and turn the land to the land, and build a channel to take the spring water on the mountain. This project is very vast, not a good job in the evening. However, once the project is completed, the cultivated land under the Junshan Temple will be eight thousand acres!

These two cultivated land were originally a jungle. It is not in the country of the government, the most important thing is that this is the junction of Jiangyou County and Yugang County. It belongs to the three regions, so Zhao Ran is not ready to report this ground to the government. One of the births here can be left from.

There are half of the victims still don't want to move,

Zhao Ran is estimated to come back next year, half of these more than half of the victims will eventually choose to stay, so they have been supplying relief of relief to them. Of course, it is impossible to let them eat white, some people need to continue to work, help the land reclamation, others have to build a workshop under the leadership of the craftsman, put the trees to the trees, polished, dry after drying Furniture of furniture.

Golden a long time selected dozens of Junshan people entered the Junshan Mountain, and built the mud kiln when they were leisure, and they began to build a ceramic workshop. These people will learn the skills of pottery in the guidance of the traps.

Of course, the craftsman is also not easy to fool the Junshan settlement, not only the benefits, but also promise to give the ceramic workshop, otherwise this skills are impossible to teach.

This dress, the five-color master is pouring mildew, and Zhao Ran is crafted hard. I went to the forest in the forest, and I went to the mountain to dig ditch. I took a hole in a while, and the claws were switched and used to go to the ground, and I was too busy.

Zhao Ran has completely used the five-color master as a bird-shaped automatic multi-purpose agricultural machinery, and it is only a variety of foods, which is completely unprofitted with harvest.

In the winter of Jiajing's 16th year, Zhao Shenxian hit a large number of believers in the Junshan area. The previous people saw the heavy food, and the victims of Jiangyou County were lived by him, and most of them saw the hope of a better life in the future, and added to the row of the believers.

In this winter, Zhao Ran got a big merit, and the first time, the refining speed was not expected to grow. He didn't have a cultivation of night, and the mana was soaring every day.

In the seventeen years of Jiajing, thousands of people came to the Junshan Temple. In the Yuhuang Hall, Xiang Xiang, thank Zhao Shenxian, and pray for the future of the year. Zhao Ran personally presided over the grand ruler, pray for the Junshan, pray for the people.

At the end of the fast, his reputation reached the top, and the people worshiped at his feet, expressing their admiration to the heart of Zhao Shenxian.

Gong Deli fills the speed of the gas sea, transforming the mana to rise, and Zhao Ran can teash more than more than 10 flames in one breath. At the moment, the number of more than forty, It is equivalent to the upper limit of the mana to increase!

When I went to the Lantern Festival, Zhaoran found that the improvement of his own manifest is beginning to slow down. In short, the gas sea in the body has been filled with unable to add. However, merits are still accumulating quickly, these accumulated merits are stored in the gas sea in a very small way because they cannot refine their mana.

The space and accommodation capacity in the gas sea are limited. Nowadays, the fingers and the law will be filled with the gas sea, but there is no exclusion between the two, or there is no rendezvous, just like two gas sea occupies a place. Or there is two spaces in a gas sea, but the two are not excluded.

Zhao Ran still entered a big merits every day, but he painted, his speed of refining the law has been declining, feeling the gradual increase, but can't start, Zhao Ran is very depressed.

From the perspective of mana, Zhao Ran knows that he is the edge of the burden. This is the horrible place for merit. If there is no merit, I can't practice. However, once there is a big merit, the speed of cultivation is fast, and the two normal cultivation of the Buddha, it is speed. More than ten times more than ten times!

However, Zhao Ran can't break the situation because his cultivation has a lot of short boards - he concurrently consistently not enough.

The main purpose of Taoist firus is to condense the fine, and then combine the fine gel and the mana, form an intangible colorful, and after the filling of the sea, it is three flowers to grave the top, which is calculated into the Yu Shi. .

Zhao Ran is now full of firing, but it is not possible to achieve the steps of filling. Therefore, it can't get the supershock. It can't make a breakthrough, and the increased merits can only be accumulated. It is impossible to continue to refine.

The others are full of fines and lack of manual, but Zhao Ran is just the opposite. He must make the temper to make his own short board. (Untransferous.)

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