Taoist Law

Chapter 10 and Oriental Master

READX; PS: I can't help you, I have a lot of time, now I am still full of North Daihe training, courses and event arrangements, difficult to have time codewords, will definitely restore normal updates next week. At the same time, I would like to thank the friends who still reward the voting during the break.

When I talked about Cai Master, when I got the blood of Xuanjiao turtle, the Oriental ritual did not say, and the teapot was given to Zhao Run, and the movements were elegant and slow. Zhao Ranping waited for half a breath, but he did not stop it, can't help but indulge. He just wants to ask, just see the East Gift Tea, the eyes are looking to the mountain, seem to have fallen into the meditation, so I endured, waiting for the other side.

After a moment, the Oriental Rate: "My brother is a serious person, doing things, meticulous, meticulous, in Changning Valley, in order to test the Buddha's door, he carries a few feet high, including seven A number of resumes. I accompanied him for a few months. Every time I got someone, he had to repeatedly truss repeatedly, and I was detailed with me. "

Donned, Dongfang Ruo suddenly began to recite Zhao Ruo resume: "Zhao Ziran, the name Zhao Rong, Shiquan County Zhaojiazhuang people, parents double, home is a thin, life is poor, life is good, the industry is good. Month, for the county, the kioli, go to Chuanling copper and mine, the way to the Qing Pingshan, is difficult to save the Chu Dawei, in April, there is no hospital for the fireworks, calendar rice rice, ten years Being affected by the year, the month of the month is at the first, because helping Huayun Hall walking, he has been awarded. In June 14, he moved to the Lord, and then went to Baiman Mountain.

Being here, the Oriental Strike turned to see Zhao Ran: "... September, Feng Yuan Dynasty", therefore, the threshold of the repair, just the unregistered, the effect is not, right? "

Zhao Ran nodded.

Oriental rites and renewal: "November, the movement of the hospital is the square ... huh, Zhao Migu, the promotion is so speed ... Jiajing fifteen years November, the transfer has come so far." Like said: "I asked the day on the day. You resolve the regularity, why should you put you in the vernalence name, pay tribute. Because you have been taken to Xia Gu, the last and one Escape it back ... You also have to give respect, when you choose you, it has already been unlicensed - you have checked more than forty batches in front of you .... Just changed my principal. I gave up, I would never think of actually I can really find it. "

"Don't worry, I have a number in my heart, I will not be monsted."

"This is best ... In Changning Valley, I didn't pay attention to you because your resume is really very tight. Later, one day, I heard that the tribute to Cai Shushu, I remembered it, I remembered it. Zhao Shi did not hear. "

"Where is the advice. Teacher, despite the instructions, the brother knows that there is no uncomfortable."

Oriental Gifts Total: "Thank you for your brother.

In this case, I don't want the brother. In the twenty years of Xia Gu, I also made a lot of things, but I have never been able to pay for it. I didn't know that the teacher had heard of the summer of the summer. "

Zhao Ran: "Calan Temple?"

Dongfang Ring Road: "It doesn't matter, Calan Temple is a secret, there are not many people who know it in the world, and even the dragon hospital."

Zhao Ran said that your big brother, you misunderstood, I really listen to Zhenze said. However, he also inadvertently defile, knowing that it doesn't matter, and listen to the Oriental ceremony. Think about it, you have to distinguish it, you have to drag it in, and you have to pay more.

Just listen to the Oriental Rate: "Calan Temple integrates the net Tuzong and Mi Dynasty practice, and the ancient magic is inherited, and the cultivation means has a bit of evil, even in the Buddha. It is also uncomfortable. Therefore, this is very hidden. It has a secret method, named 'Life Runner' ... "

I heard here, Zhao Ran's heart in the heart.

"... After you can talk to me, I know that this practice is very strange, it seems to have the ability to win the house, that is, to take up the body of the body to be a Ding furnace, there is time to reach the effectiveness of the border. This practice is of course not right, but If it is matched with our door and the martial arts, it is a good party. It doesn't need to grab the body of others. The brother is also known, I also don't know how to be a bone, but I can be a member of the event. Save one, it is very common. If you can take the life runner method, it will greatly improve the chance of orthopedia, and I don't know how many people don't have a chance, when I am not more growing? "

Zhao Ran muttered: "Is this not a big merit?"

"Good merit? Yes, it is a big merit! Such as Zhao Shi, if there is this practice method, where is it necessary to find a mysterious turtle? Moreover, the Xuanjia Turtle will only make up for the bodder, stay After the refining, there is still no bones that are not crusted, and it is still difficult to be difficult in the future ... "

"Brother said that this life will be matched with the bone Dan and the martial art."

"Yes, I was occasionally overwhelming in the Tianlong Hospital, and the life turning carriage method was actually a good law with the bone Dan and the Shengmen."

Zhao Ran is very heart, but suddenly the feelings of the heart - the Oriental ceremony is half a day, will not let yourself go to Xia Guo to find this practice? This is not a good idea, so I am busy: "It is good, but it is the secret law of Buddha."

Oriental Gifts Nice: "This matter is really difficult, knowing how Xu Xu, you can't do it. Today, I talk about this matter today, there is a problem to ask the teacher."

"Brother, please."

"At the 14th year of Jiajing, I was still in the Tianlong Hospital, I heard two cases at the time."


"One is the beginning of the year, there is a wind voice, and the students of the Calan Temple are stolen. Although I have been in the Tianlongyuan for many years, it is not known, so it is not known to the details. After he heard, he heard that I have quietly tracked this case, just there is no result ... "

"Second is the first autumn, Zhaosa Temple reported that there is a door to the mountains, the treasure tonic Baoguang second monks died in the hand of the door. I went to Daokawa, and asked Lu. And Jin Teng En - Do you still remember them? "

"Remember, after I came back from Baima Mountain, they checked me this experience."

"Yes, the way the Temple said by Zhalara Mountain is you and Yan Zhongze? But with your cultivation, Baoguang and does not seem to die in your hands."

"Yes, I have said to Luo Jin two after I have passed."

Dongfang Dynasty thought, said: "Bao Bao Temple lives the news of the treasure bottle of Zen Master's disappearance, and also reported to the Tianlongyuan. Retrace, I heard that the Calan Temple sent people to the Tianlongyuan - I didn't see, ask the treasure The drop of the bottle of the Zen Master is fruitless ... Zhao Shi, you should know what I am suspicious. "

Zhao Ran is very admired, and the brother, you are guess! So nod: "understand."

Dongfang Suddenly stared at Zhao Ran's eyes and said: "During this time, you are just in the treasure tomb."

Zhao Ran suddenly broke out, but he was absolutely not covered in the quietness of the sword. The quality is strong, and the East is not moving. "But I really don't know what exactly. what happened."

Oriental Rate: "If you can find the Bao Bottle Zen Master, I hope to get the life and runner method."

Zhao Ran sighed: "I also want to completely correct my root bone, but I really don't know ..."

Oriental ritual is silent, said: "Hey, it is a strong man, the brother should not let."

Zhao Ran smiled: "Where? I am grateful that the brother is still too late, the brother is also thinking about me."

Dongfang said, smiling, smiling, looking at Zhao Ran, and suddenly said: "The last time in Changning Valley, Zhang has exposed him is the foot of Buddha's door. Do you know that he ranked in the Tianlong Hospital? Ming 5!"

Zhao Ran asked: "That is to say, there are four in front of him?"

Oriental Gift Nice: "Yes, Ming Fif is very good as our inquiry ..."

Zhao Ran's heart has the east, and who can do not cooperate?

"... Zhang Decorates all things, plus my two decades of Tianlongyuan, if send people to the Tianlongyuan undercover, do you say that you will not take a nine stable?"

Zhao Ran immediately made: "Haha brother, you will be joking, this joke is very interesting, but I have a bad memory, I will forget it, I can't remember. I am awakened tomorrow, I will definitely forget to clean it. ! "(Untrained.)

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