Taoist Law

Chapter 11 refers to the second

PS: Thanks to the quick knife 1, gradually farther, Xiaochen, BNSS, book friends reward, thank you for your monthly ticket encouragement. new address:

Under Songzhu Peak, the East went to the eyes, asked in any way: "Why have you suddenly want him to go to the Dragon House? No matter which point, he is not a fake five suitable candidate. Zhang Decorate is the yellow crown The Tianlong Hospital will pay a little attention to it, you can know the physique, one, so enough to let him fall into a million! "

Dongfang is slightly smile: "The teacher is not angry, the adequate medicine is nothing more than saying."

"I am just joking?"

"Yes, talk to him, he refused."

"Of course he will refuse ... What are you doing? Let's say good, ask him to go to Xia Guo as a dark pile, why suddenly changed his top five?"

Oriental gifts hook: "The brother is not anxious, listening to me. Taking Zhao Ziran, you gave me before, he is likely to be willing to do this dark pile, he is a pension. If you are, if you come out, please, He will not reply. "

The East is frown: "He is not a three-clear cabinet, it is normal, it is normal. This is not forced. The blood of the Xuan takes turtle should give it to it, Cai Shuse knows that I know this condition. He definitely can't promise. "

Oriental Rate: "Cai Shusi is in the side, not anxious, he is not in the past ten days and a half months this time. Teacher, you and Zhao Ziran have smly, this point I understand, you want to protect him, I also Understand, but he is indeed a good seedllar to Xia Guo as a dark pile. If you don't go, I am very can't bear it. I have to have some understanding of the summer country. There are also many things to the Buddha's door. Second Qing Yunzemus, Qing Yun, also said, can escape from Xia Guo, in fact, most of the credit is on the head. You think, when he is falling in the summer. Today, there is no, today, it is poor. In a few, he became a temple of a temple in just five years, and the macro, it is not a general person to have. "

The East shouted his head: "It can't say that he is a suitable candidate ..."

Oriental Gifts and Word: "Why can't you? Ok. Teacher, I will ask you, what is Zhao Renran?"

The East has attached to the mouth, but suddenly I don't know how to answer this question.

Oriental Rate: "Is it repair? Is it a tactics? Is it a root bone or qualification? Is it a metrical or full of talent? Is it a proud bone or can I say? Or do something else ..."

Dongfang respect: "..."

"I can't answer it? So such a person without a long place,

Why did you enter your eyes of your brother? "


The East is a smile and ask: "There is another problem. In addition to the root bone, what is Zhao Ziran? What is Zhao Ziran? What is the big evil? Can you make a difference? Is it unbearable? Taoism is very bad? Even if his biggest short board, it is not that the root bone is not right. It seems that it does not seem to be too bad. How many years he enters the practice? But I will see it, the Taoist mana has been a few times, you said Don't blame? "


"I have been with the brother, I can't find Zhao Ziran. I think so, even myself is also strange, a person without a short man. Why do I think he is normal?"


"I didn't have to turn over the hand before, and today, I talked, but I felt very pleasant, such as Mu Chunfeng, I didn't know how many words. But when I recruited it carefully, I really can't think of it. He Say something, in addition to refused to go to the Tianlongyuan undercover. Since the brother, is it true? "

The East has wondered a moment. Have to nod to admit: "Indeed."

Oriental Rate: "Such a person, don't go to Xia Guo as a dark pile. It is a waste!"

The East is silent, said: "But he will still refuse, I just said, he is a cherished."

Oriental Rate: "I know. He should be able to hear what I hide, I want to get the blood of Xuan takes turtle, I have to go to the Tianlongyuan, of course, I don't know, because this condition is not established, really So, Cai Shusher must not spare me. Although he refused, I knew that the blood of the Xuan took a turtle is very tempting, but it is not enough to let him get rid of the danger ... Then I added one, Tell him that the Buddha has a practice, you can solve the incomplete problem of the root bone once again. "

"What practice?"

"The life of the Temple of Calan Temple."

The East is stunned, busy asking: "Dish, do you listen to this practice?"

Oriental Gifts shake their heads: "Where is it easy? Just a little bit of the head."

Dongfang attacked: "The brother should not be he."

Dongfang Ring Road: "Division, brothers, brothers, but I have already met ... but I have some intuitiveness. It seems that I have to go back to life, I really want to fall on him, this is what I want to let He went to Xia Gu to say by the head. If there is such a reason, I believe that Zhao will carefully wear it. So I first put forward him to replace the fifth, he did not think about it, I have been waiting for two days, I Then put the conditions, don't let him replace the fifth, let him make dark piles together with the five, retreat, maybe he will answer. "

The East shook his head: "Texas, you are so big, why bother? Dark pile is not ."

Dongfang sighed: "I haven't moved so much, you can understand him, the more I feel that he is a good seedllar, and it is a pity that it is not cultivated."

"It doesn't matter if he still doesn't agree."

"That can not be able to add, only give him the enemy, let him go down the mountain. Huang Teng crane in Huayun Pavilion is not a person, now in the middle, it is not dare to sin."

The brothers and brothers talk about a moment, and the Oriental is left, and the Oriental respects goes to the mountain and Zhao Ran. See Zhao Ran, he still does not naturally. I am afraid that Zhao Ran will ask him to him, and I will think about the way, but after meeting, Zhao Ran did not mention this, but I was here. The feelings, talking, and let the East have won your tone.

Zhao Ran asked the situation of Cai Master, saying that I want to go to hope that Cai Master is closing and closing, and it needs to be dragged, and the day will be seen.

Zhao Ran said that is it to make up for the sophisticated medicinal herbs? So there are more than a few silk expectations, but also add a lot of entanglement you have refused to go to the summer Tianlongyuan counterfeit empty, how to open a lot of medicine?

After a few days on Songzhufeng, the Oriental Ceremony came to Zhao Ran. He didn't ask Zhao Ran to go to the top of the "Ming 5" identity of Zhang's empty, but proposed another condition.

"If Zhao Shi is not willing to go to the Tianlong Hospital, we will find another people ..."

"It's really not to go, I don't want to be afraid, I am afraid of getting a difference. I have returned from Xia Guo, there are many monks, although I must be heavy, I have changed, but I can't say it. That gang has a poisonous, if you meet, my heart is really true. "

"Teacher, this is enough, even if you have seen it? Who can say that you are not a fifth? There are not a few people in the Buddha's door."

"But I am still a heart, and I am also a Junshan Temple ..."

"Who can say that the Junshan Temple is not a fifth? It's good. Zhao Shi didn't worry, this matter is purely voluntary, I can't force the brother."

"So, thank you brothers. I am really not going, huh, huh ..."

"Since the brother is not going to go, I have another thing here, I don't know if I can bother?"

"Oh? Teacher, please say, as long as I can do it, I will try my best!"

The Oriental Site is praised: "I know that the brother is not afraid of fearful people!"

Zhao Ran listened to this, the heart suddenly ignited a few hopes, and the heart didn't seem to make up for the sophistication. I am busy: "This is natural! Teacher, please tell me."

"Top replacement, we will find another person, will find the right candidate, but I will be able to do it in the summer for 20 years, I feel unpredictable, and I have a lot of time to sigh. Teacher you have been to Xia Guo, It is more familiar to the Buddha Gate. We intend to send several people to summer, and secretly cooperate with 'Ming 5' ... Well, maybe after you go back, you will be back, and Stable, I don't know if the teacher is willing to join it? "

Zhao Ran wondered and asked: "How long does it take to go to summer? Dish, you know, I still have a Junshan Temple, I have been afraid of the temple in the temple."

Dongfang rites and laughs, said: "You don't have to have been for a long time. Less than half a year, more than half a year, just build a few dark lines, you can return to Daming." (Untrained)

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