Taoist Law

Chapter 58 Group Discussion

At the fourth day, the General Act was transferred to the department, and the right chi-Yue Teng from the landscape view of Lushan officially proposed the three issues of Hongyuan.

After the brief introduction, he added: "The three departments of the Hongyuan will be incorporated into the Jurisdiction of the Tuanmen, the future, so the meaning of the Tuan Dynasty is still to respect the opinions of the Taoist Taoist Taoist. The battle of the mountain is set, and now the war has been almost ended. It is difficult to progress in the short term, so it will also be abolished soon.

The Power Department has already returned to Lushan in advance, and arranged to exchange the general view. Before leaving, he exchanged the opinion with Xuanyuan Guan Li Jun Institute. Feasive ways. I hope that you will think about this issue, saying your thoughts, and make a slightly fate for the premise and Xuanyuan view. "

According to the arrangement of adjustment and Xuanyuan view, these three hundred and Taoists will be discussed in seven groups. Xuan Yuan's view of the eight major deacons and the 18th states of the 18 states, the supervision hall is a group (where the eleven Taoizhi has not matched the subtraction); the forty-one three in the 18 states For a group (some Taoizhi three are not collected); the abbot and supervision of the ninety-two counties are divided into three groups (abbot or supervision of the surprises); one hundred and six temples wish Divided into two groups.

The discussion period is three days, and everyone must take out their opinions. All opinions must be summarized, and they must not laverse, Li Jun Institute, Xue Wong, Zhou Governor and Zhao Tuo will personally patrol, and participate in each group During discussion.

In the discussion on the first day, the enthusiasm of each group is not too high, no him, this matter is implicated in this matter, maybe there is a few high-rise In front of the express expression, Zhitu's recognition of Li Yunhe and others, thinking that in the future, but more people follow a principle: Wan Yi, is not as good.

To put it bluntly, there is not much incoming thing to talk to you, there is no need to flush it in front performance, it is good, it doesn't necessarily be promoted, but in case, you can't cry, the opportunity and risk are not proportional, The big beat is small, this smart person is not.

Even Zhao Ran's official fan is interested in this, more people.

In addition to the Chengshou Palace, Sichuan Province Ziyang Palace, the Zhangzhou House Qingyang Palace and other famous supervisors have been talking about the ideas, most of them are playing horses. No more expensive, a channel of the ancestors, and then said that no matter whether the Dao Wai Premption and Xuanyuan Guan make any decisions and arrangements, he will promptly speaking highly sincerely. I heard several Sichuan high-rise shakeheads and disappointed.

The discussion of the Temple is a preparatory government next to the Governor's House. Zhao Ran speaks in the discussion, most of them are the mouthwy, nothing more than the table, almost grateful to the object, listen to the words, listened more than thank you The suggestions with the opinions are completely non-stained, and Zhao Yunlou, who is listening to, shaking it.

Empty emoticon spokes to the theme of the day,

This phenomenon is particularly obvious in the temple. Imagine that you will give the temple of the township temple wish to talk about hundreds of miles, how to govern the new accountout outside thousands of miles, please ask, is there a copper plate with a poverty?

There are several temples, I wish even the commentary,, words, I saw the wonderful place, applaud, and made a speech atmosphere.

It took three days, the first day afternoon, Zhao Ran's group has already been released, nothing.

The two groups in the temple are similar, and the three groups of the county counties, the three groups divided by the Monitoring House will not go, the same truth, the incident of the innocence, and there is no relationship with them.

The situation is slightly more than the eight deacons of Xuanyuan, and a group of each Fukao Taoist Taoist Hospital. In addition to Song Zhiyuan, the scenery of Songchuan, Sixty-seven seven seven seven people such as Zhuzhou have made meticulous preparations, and their statements can also be circled Society.

At night, Song Zhiyuan asked the statement of Zhaoran Temple, Zhao Ran replied, and let Song Zhiyuan is very unhappy.

Zhao Ran smiled: "Dish, this little temple, this small temple, the people sweeping the door, which is the tiles of others. This is a big thing, and I decide how to do it, directly, it is Don't know that we will know, because it doesn't have any relationship with us. In addition to the table determination, what can you do? "

Song Yuan is in the fourth year of Xuanyuan, which is deeply affected by the "big concept". It is very dissatisfied with this situation: "Xuanyuan Guan is still hesitant, just because the Li Jun Institute has not thought about maturity, Level opinions, you are so unhappy, give good suggestions, when you kick your questions back to Xuanyuan, what is the meaning of the meeting? "

In this regard, Zhao Ran can only regret.

Song Zhiyuan is a gas, depressed after a moment, and suddenly laugh, secretly is really stupid, the ghost idea in front of me, why don't you ask him what is it?

"Zhao Shi, then what do you say?"

"The Song Dynasty brother refers to the three of the Hongyuan, or the problem of a big age?"

"Of course, it is a big age, there is any way to let everyone think about this problem in my heart."

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "It is not difficult, that is, the problem of the Hongyuan three is hooked. The three people in Hongyuan are not promised to expel the Buddha Temple, and it is necessary to build a Temple, then It is definitely some people who have passed, associate both, inform you in advance, personnel choose from participating people, the effect is definitely different. "

Song Zhiyuan nodded and shakes his head: "This is a way, there is no matter what is not expected ... But I am afraid that everyone is not willing to go, tomorrow's speech may be more cold."

Zhao Rong said: "Then, the Li Jun Institute is not willing ... put the dragon, Chama and the Temple specification of the Temple of the River, implemented high, and go to the temple, equivalent to the Sandu or County Hospital Supervision, Send this decision, do you see if anyone is willing! People who want to go naturally have to think about thinking, they will be a little true when speaking. "

Song Zhiyuan pointed to Zhao Ran smiled: "I see whether you want to go?"

Zhao Ranzheng color: "For the two ribs of the road, do not say goodbye!"

In addition to Song Dynasty, Yuan Yuan is dissatisfied with the first day, Li Yunhe, Yue Teng, Zhou Wei, Zhao Yunlou and others are also dissatisfied. The feeling of listening to the opinions in each group is very bad, it is simply shaking.

Li Yunhe asked Zhao Yunlou: "Is there a good righteous question there?"

Zhao Yunlou shook his head: "According to the arrangement of the Supervision, I went to listen to their speech, I didn't say any useful strategy."

Li Yunhe frowned: "What about the Junshan Temple? How about the Holiday Temple? Tidist Temple? Nothing?"

"It's really not. I still pay attention to the temples, there is no practical content."

Li Yunhe screamed, and the rest of the people were silent.

If the two days after the next two days, the situation of the packets is like today, then this will not be able to open it.

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