Taoist Law

Chapter 59 urgently calls

That night, Li Yunhe, Yue Teng, Zhou Wei, Zhao Yunlou and others sat together, the Governor Zhou Wei proposed, stop discussion, changed to a policity per person.

It should be said that this idea is more pragmatic. It can re-pull the big agenda of abortion, not in the caught, and let everyone have a sufficient time to think, while avoiding the words The embarrassment when present in public. It is worthy of the Jinshi, who is born, and it is very conforming to his identity.

But this idea also solves a problem. If you still have a confused attitude written, Xuanyuan is not aware of the real foundation.

Zhao Laowu Tube suggested the selection of the right to pay, and write well. So a few people have begun to discuss what standard selection, how much is the intention, how much content is, and it is feasible to account for much, and the last linked number is restricted.

When the Li Yunhe found that the situation of the snorkeling is very serious, everyone talks to a bit exhausted. So said: "Let's stop. It's better to let people talk about today, I listen to what they have."

When Song Zhiyuan was called to prepare for the decided to the Hall, he was already in the bed. He has been lying on the bed. Suddenly be awakened, there is still a bit confused in the mind.

Zhao Zhixing toned to the night of the night, and the tea and retreat. He was very strong for the tea of ​​Song Yuan, and the Song Zhiyuan was filled with a large mouth, and many of them were a lot.

Old Trunge Zhao Yunlou Road: "Zhi Yuan, then you will wake you so late, I can't do it, please forgive me."

Song Zhiyuan is busy: "Where is the Lao Tsui, so late, a few are not sleeping, it is necessary to have something, and the old man is told."

Zhao Yunlou said: "The situation of today's agenda, you also see, the truth, we are very unsatisfactory, this, not only do not mention any suggestions, I am afraid to promote the world, will laugh for the world. We several Understand, prepare for a way to give suggestions, let everyone write strategic, in the words words. You are very good in today's speech, so I want to hear your opinion. "

Song Zhiyuan Qianxian two sentences: "Is a literary saying? Hey, this idea is good, the effect is definitely better than today's simple speech. I am an agreement, supervision hall, Xue Wong, Zhou Governor, old man, you are so fixed , Then I will go back to ponder, and strive to write the strategy. "

Zhao Yunlou said: "Zhiyuan has a heart. If you look, how can you let everyone really write good strategic, not a matter of perfunctory? We have just taken the Qichuan, and the Tengbin in Zhangzhou, they all agree The selection of delegation and also mentioned how to seize the suggestion, saying very neutrally. "

I thought about it,

Song Quan Qian Q: "The purpose of the selection is to let everyone write strategic? In addition to this other destination?"

"Only this, don't have to ask." Zhao Yunlou was very affirmative.

"In this case, I have a little foolish, please refer to it."


"I thought, I was good. The court opened the department, this is a selection, after selecting a good text, awarded it, this is award. If we selection, how do you have award? How much? Give? Can you give Ling Dan? Remember? Can you remember? Can you upgrade? "

The question of Song Zhiyuan has made a few people in the scene into meditation. As he said, how much is it? Ten two, twenty, the Taoist who is helped, basics can be ignored. Is the Ling Dan? This will definitely don't do it. Then there seems to be only successful. Can you upgrade the zone a piece of policies, isn't it too big? And the key is that there is not so much location to be promoted.

Li Yunhe nodded, slowly said: "Zhiyuan said, it is really reasonable. I have been waiting for the question from the perspective of the following people, this is a wish."

Zhao Yunlou asked Li Yunhe: "Mon the Monitoring Institute, do you want to take a few duty to come out? Or clearly remember the three people, or five people, or five people, listed in the next move Consider the column? "

This is not a small thing, the whole of the migration of the road in Sichuan Province is installed in the Li Yunhe, most of them have already arranged, don't look into three, five people come in, but I will inevitably chaos the whole Arrange.

Li Yunhe heard, the heart silently calculated, Shen Yu.

Zhou Sheng said: "Unfortunately, I have been military in the Sichuan Governor's government."

Yue Teng's middle road: "Song Taoist Institute, if there is any unreasonable words, please ask."

Song Yuan Road: "Why don't you consider the pavilion in the Hongyuan area? Three have a temple, this is three temples, and set up a hospital, this has a lot of ways. Even we don't have to put problems. Complexity, don't use the selection, say these functions, will be selected from this strategic person, I believe that every kind of strategy to report is very careful. "

Zhao Tui shook his head and smiled: "These papers, there are few people who are probably, and the stations don't say, they are still in the Song Fan fighting area. Who is willing to go? We are all prepared for forciting. If it is these , I even afraid that there is no way to act on hand, and there is no considerable point on it. "

Song Yuandao: "I have an idea, I don't know if it is feasible. If we put a half level, the specification of the Hongyuan, the specification of the Temple is half-level, is it attractive to be strong? After all, there is a new extension, The condition is hard, and the danger is relatively high. The people who are willing to go will also be in order to do, they should encourage and praise. In this way, many people will seriously treat this strategy, It also solves the problem that no one is willing to go to the red original. "

This suggestion suddenly lit up in front of the people, Zhou Yu strokes praised: "Wonderful!" I hope to ask Li Yunhe: "Whether the House, I don't know if this policy is feasible?"

Li Yunhe thought for a moment, nodded: "Sure enough, the temple is equivalent to the county family of the county, the court supervision is equivalent to the other house, the country, the future, the future, the move, this move, this, It is also a matter of reward. I am thinking that if it is only suitable for the Hongyuan three, will it be unpleasant to other Temples in Song Fan? For a long time, the entire Taoist Taoists have also done Out of great sacrifice, especially in these eight years, their selfless dedication and hard work, play an important role in this war. And in the future, they still have to be dedicated, we should pay more What? "

Zhao Yunlou agrees: "The brothers of the Supervision, the high-rise building, and more eye on the overall situation, the brother, I will give my hands."

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