Taoist Law

Chapter 62 of the Song Monitor

For a whole afternoon, Zhao Ran can't calm down to complete his strategy. It always stops all kinds of ordinary looks, and the three-way and supervision of the county family, in front of his house. Holding a variety of wonderful farce.

When Zhao Ran ranked the number of these shapes to Geng 2, finally gave up the pen's intended, with tea, move the chair to the door, concentration, greeted all kinds of visits, fart, chat, chat The leisurely spent an afternoon and continued to go to the middle of the night.

I feel almost the same, when I am deep in the night, Zhao Ran is close to the door, point the oil lamp, pavilion, and the ink, put the abdomen of the heart in the heart.

The ocean sprinkles more than two thousand words, with a small book of the slut, and cut into a thin book, it looks beautiful and generous.

Satisfied with his wrist, smashed some numbness, Zhao Ran pushed the door, habituality was taking a circle of all the halls, scattered with scattered bones.

Almost all the rooms are light, after the pupil window, it is a fuzzy body shadow, the noise of guests in the day, until it is not necessary to return to normal.

Slope a circle, Zhao Ran comfortably took the room, and the beautiful sleep. The next morning, the days seem to go back to the first day, Zhao Ran continued to sit in the room to meet guests. When you see Geng 3, he feels that it is already a bit wrong.

How many people who came to visit themselves to "steal experience"? Do you have long-lasting names?

In the side of the temple, I praised it. It turned out to be "Recently, the Zhao Temple Zhu Wen" is excellent, only Spring, the idea is wonderful, the article is worth reading ", and it is rumored by this rumor. Zhao Temple wishes in the province. The colleague is a popularity.

Zhao Ran did not solve, asked where this rumor came, the temple also can't answer, but he said, "Listen to them".

Focusing is somewhat incorrect, but it doesn't say anything else. Think carefully, if you have passed out, you will not be a good thing, at least you can give the above people to provide reason?

After receiving all parties in your house, Zhao Ran also felt boring, so I closed the door and went out to move.

The first thing I came first, I was a house, knocked on the door, walked into and seeing, Song Zhiyuan is buried in the case.

"How is the brother?" Zhao Ran went over and asked.

Song Zhiyuan will piled up a good man in the table and handed it to Zhao Ran.

I am leaning on the back of the chair.

Half of the manuscript, about a thousand words, Zhao Ran quickly saw it, and the brother of this Monolith is really hard.

In the strategic god of Song Dynasty, the entire Songyuan three, including the Hongyuan three, and proposed his own brilliant thinking. His thinking is still to be stable and pragmatic, that is, the current situation is not changed, and after the new road is consolidated, it is three years to consolidate and lay the relationship between the temples, establish a trip, and the Temple. After the level system, after the consolidation, Xu Chao will come to the future.

For the countermeasures of the Hongyuan three, it is to respect the original agreement, retain the three autonomy, and use three years to clean the Buddha Temple first, and establish the Temple and Temple.

It is very common.

After these two countermeasures, it is about how to make a detailed discussion.

The strategy is here, and the following has not been completed.

Zhao Ran asked: "Monitoring the Governor, how do you plan to write?"

Song Zhiyuan kneaded his eyes: "What should I do after three years, I have not considered it, it is difficult ..."

Zhao Rong said: "Do you want to go to Song Dynasty?"

Song Zhiyuan shook his head: "One is impossible. Six years, I have risen from the Qi Qianyuan Tour, all the way to Yuyang Palace Tourism, which is a bit horrific. If it is going to Song Fan, it is equivalent to Xuan Yuan's view three Level, so speed, it is unreasonable. Let's not say that Li Jun Institute will do this, even if he is doing this, brother, I also want to resign. "

"I also don't want to go. Now I am 50 people, fifty and know the life, I know my talents, one county supervision is already trying to do the best. Today, I have arrived at anical city. Location, I did two months, I feel that I am very energetic, I don't know how messy things in Song. I'm going to go to Song, I am afraid I will live less. "

It seems that this Monoaster's brother is very self-known, and also knows that this kind of person is still very convinced.

I thought about it, Zhao Rong said: "If the brother is so thinking, the brother I suggest that this kind of strategic is not written."

Song Zhiyu smiled: "Your machine spirit, like what I think, this is also a difficult place, how much, write it, it will be headache, but you will have a pen, you will be easy."

"Oh, I thought that the brother can not write, but it is necessary to add some."


"It is recommended that the brothers add some text about the integration of the row of Song Fun, improve the level of specifications, to emphasize their inevitability and analyze the meaning of this."

Song Zhiyuan doubts: "This is not all agreed? It is already in the same time and has a total of urgent contact. It is very hope to reach, what is it?"

Zhao Rong said: "But the head is still theoretical. The Li Jun Institute did have begun to do this, but he needs to be a flag shout, the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the measures, condense the heart, abandon the noise, pave the road. Teacher should stand up For the Li Jun Institute, the big flag is supported, and the firm standing around Li Jun House ... "

The focus of Zhaoran said is the last sentence. Song Zhiyuan wakes up, and the expression is more than a bit. I nodded: "This suggestion is very good, this is indeed what I should do to report the supervisor."

So the two discussed in the house. Regarding how the meaning and necessity in theory, how to advancing the horn, Zhao Ran is a hipster, as for the past experience and empirical experience from Daming Government and the Tao warehouse, Song Zhiyuan is a strong term.

On the morning, Song Zhiyuan finally took the idea and said: "Then you go back first, I add the first half of the strategy, this text is almost."

Zhao Ran went out, Song Zhiyuan suddenly remembered something, "" How do you have a mature idea about how to do it? "

Zhao Rong said: "I just want to talk to my brother ..."

Song Zhiyuan waved: "Forget it, your idea is definitely good, nor do you say it with me, I don't have the mind, you grasp it, I will concentrate this kind of strategy is."

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