Taoist Law

Chapter 63 Reading

Zhao Ran did nothing, slipping to the accommodation of white. White speaking and the same as one of the three people in Xizhenwu live in a room, when Zhao Ran arrived, Yuandu kitchen was uns, and the white speaking said he went to visit friends.

In Zhao Ran's cognitive world, Yuandu kitchen's existence is not strong. He is originally planning. If Yuandu kitchen is, he will hear. Since there is only one white to tell one person, he will fill it in the tea, and it is great to pour him a cup after adding tea.

White is very satisfied with Zhao Ran's "coming", it feels very kind, laughs: "What is your strategy?"

Zhao Rong said: "There is some thought about the debut of the Hongyuan area."

White is talking about: "That's good, you must show your vitality in the text, you don't want it."

Zhao Ran really nodded in a high degree: "Yes, it is always guilty."

Zhao Ran and Bai have said the relationship is not better than Song, and he and Song Zhiyi can not talk, even directly to the other party's opinions and suggestions.

However, Bai is very high-powered, the research of Tao and the research is very thick. The text is extremely solid. If he does this, it is "arrogant".

White speaks to the big part of the hand, said: "This is what I wrote, but mainly from the whole Song Fan, you are looking at, you and see, if there is any place to use, Take it to see you. "

Zhao Ran received a closer look at it, and the heart was greatly admired. It is worthy of the old predecessors who came out, and there is a good article, and it is said: "Lao Sheng tells this text. If you take it, please take it in the chart Temple, I can't guarantee the first three, the top ten is the people! "

Old, there is still a smile, nor to say, in the hands of the tea, teapocra, slowly.

This kind of strategy is in contrast, and Song Yuan's article is seriously pragmatic, so Zhao Ran let him join the theoretical text in front; the article talking about the article is decent, just should have a suggestion, Zhao Ran, to the Song Dynasty, to advocate theory Multiple.

See Zhao Ran turned to the end, and the old capital explained: "How? Can you have it?"

Zhao Ran is full of admiration, he is not forgotten, throwing a manuscript, can repeating the widespread sentences, add some complimentary reviews, simply scratching the itch of the white.

Zhao Ran's summary: "This text comes out, it should be the intention of the Xuanyuan Guan Li Jun Institute."

White is a smile: "You can see,

The explanation is also a level, the text itself must learn to figure out the intention, not trying out something, it is not the overall situation, this point is necessary to remember. "

Zhao Ran is busy nod: "Yes, today I have seen this text, my heart has some ideas, go back to take it out, good considering. My one is pragmatic, theoretical There is a little less, the pattern is bad. I also think about it after going back, see how to join some of the text of the Li Jun's idea. "

After Zhao Ran left, it was repeatedly thinking about Zhao Ran. I thought about it for a long time, I thought it was a long time, and I watched my article again, my heart was dark: "Joining Li Jun Institute in pragmatic The text of the idea ... is pragmatic ... pragmatic ... What kind of pragmatic is what the Li Jun House is ... "

The three days of exposure, the more than three hundred Taoist priests in the adjustment have paid their own strategic. On the day after the payment, all the colleges have resumed the relaxed and warm atmosphere, and they are talking about each other. Holding each other, complimentation, the policity suggestions that the other party will be announced.

Outside all a "Fellow chest beautiful", "fellow belly own military strategy," "big fellow was, how I would never think of" mutual touted, but within Diao Department study, Li Yun River, Yue Teng, Zhou Wei and Zhao Yunlou and others are reading more than 300 congings.

I will listen to Zhao Yunlou airway: "What is this shit?"

I looked up and looked to see him hand holds a policy theory, became angry:!? "Grossly text does not say, well written content is bullshit you see, this is where the talk sermon, the Political talk this clearly Just talking about how to do buy! "

Zhou Gao took it, read on Yimushixing, suddenly sprayed a mouthful of tea, huh Lok said: "...... three salt traders to the Ministry, the price per kilogram thirty text, the text can benefit twenty, buy back all the local fur trafficking The government, or double ... Interest, the idea is not bad ... "

Re-turn to chapter head, and looked, and said: "So is Promise Hospital of Dong prison hospital, then when I was prefect of Long An, he had come to worship interlude posted ...... This word is well written ah."

The Yue Teng and Li Yunhe took over and looked at it, smiled and shook his head, but also admitted that this word was really good.

But I do not know just praised Dong Zhikun word, Zhao floor immediately angry: "What There is also a good character, and Dong Zhikun exactly that word, I do not know who's who helped transcriptions Well, Promise Academy Longshan Temple Zhu Zhangze,?! This word is coming to Zhang Ze. "

Several people said that they are very speechless. If you say that you will make a little bit, you will do a little better. Do you have to stay at a little time?

Throwing this bad thing is not mentioned, several people continue to read. Yue Teng was suddenly said: "The scenery of this Sichuan government is good, and the things written are very considerable."

When Zhou Gao took the view, read: "...... Square Church together with armor and weaponry, not to punish those who minister, who destroyed the temple kangaroo ...... home to three guys into execution, channel volume to instruct granted expressly law The people have dated, the people are in charge ... It seems that the scenery court is ready to travel, this is similar to that of the Dynasty. "

Zhao floor to see soon, and said: "? Here there is one, is somewhat irrelevant, Western Zhenwu Palace speak Baiteng Ming made, he said Young is the money, take a look at the brothers'

Li Yun River took it seriously read through, turn a blind eye thinking for a long time, said: "indeed go the wrong, and put aside strike." Then, pick up one, he said from the side: "There is also a The part is biased, but the front part is very considerable, see? "

Zhou Gao took the view, nodded and said: "Do not stick the subject, but very useful, I look back transcriptions copy should be sent to the day, the Cabinet had also to look over."

Yue Teng saw, and agreed: "This Song Zhiyuan, still some skills, the article is excellent, I am also ready to send to the summary, you can see you."

Three people are talking about Song of yuan policy on the text, to find that Zhao floor "Hey," a cry, and shook his head, then nodded and said: "! This is interesting, is simply incredible."

After Zhou Gao took the view, it is also shook his head and nodded: "?? Junshan keepers of the temple ZHAO Zhi however, this is not what this man off the mountain word ...... it really is off the mountains." ()

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