Taoist Law

Chapter 64 Self-recommended and recommendation

After two consecutive days of browsing, more than 300 strategic is picked up, including the waiting, there are 13 consensitive points, and there are seven contexts.

Like the controversy in the Lushan and Chao Champion, the brilliant road thinking is roughly different from more than three hundred contexts in more than three hundred contexts. Either radical, or hold.

The radicals are represented by the Jingchuan Fuyun, which advocates three of the three sides of the Red Curve. In addition to retaining the three sizes, it is almost the whole agreement. The advantage is that decisive treatment, does not leave after the future, but the disadvantage is also obvious, easy to arouse three civil changes, and leave a stain that is not committed to the commitment, in the future, it is difficult to encounter similar things. Accept the selection of spout.

He is represented by Xue Tengbin, which is a Queang, Qingyang Queen, and advocates that we will be able to get into advance, and it is recommended to use three to five years to slowly digest and absorb. The advantage is to keep commitments, set an example for later people, and can play a stable role in the short term. The disadvantage is that once time has long been, it is easy to form customization, fear for the future governance.

There are still seven or eight articles, but either a question, either content, but in the future, or have the right to make the strategy, it is also classified as a class. Among them, the article of Song Yuan, Bai Tengming.

Zhao Ran 's comments have been a "odds and coordinate, non-adherent" comments, but the idea is still very worth learning, so it is placed in this seven eight.

Two days old, I saw three hundred policies, even if I just saw a probably, after reading, Li Yunhe, who was vigilant, was exhausted.

The rest of the twenty articles, no matter if there is no energy to carefully, then a few people scattered, each rest.

Li Yunhe returned to his room, see Zhao Qixing waiting at the door, asked: "How did you come to Xing?"

Zhao Zhitai: "The dinner has passed, see that the supervisory hospital has not used rice, and come over and ask."

Li Yunhe laughed: "This is really, I have forgotten to eat, this thing depends on me, just come over, because I am discussed to get God, I was sent out by me. I am hungry. But I am tired of the old Zhao, they have not eaten, it is really awkward. "

Zhao Zi Xing is busy: "It is unpredictable to know that it is a big event, the whole of the three millions of people of Song Fan, can not mind, and Zhao Tuo will not mind. I have already followed the kitchen. Say it, let people take the meal to each room. "

Li Yunhe nodded: "Have you, don't rest later."

Zhao Zhi Xingtao: "The Supervision does not rest, I will rest." While talking, while entering the room with Li Yunhe, I will take the food box, from the inside of a layer of layers, four-like tackles and one Bowl of glutinous rice.

Li Yunhe took the hand in Zhao Qixing's servo, clean his face, sat next to the table, put together chopsticks and eat, Zhao Qixing went to bubble hot tea.

Li Yunhe eats very quickly. If you don't take a moment, you will eat the meals. In the first glutinous rice in the bowl, I also reach the tongue into my tongue, and I have a full of hot tea. Q: "You know There are 350,000 people in Song Fan. "

Zhao Zhi Xingtao: "More than 76,200 households, more than 355,400 people, including 20,000 thousand three thousand three thousand three, this is the number of last year, does not include 60,000 in Hongyuan Eight hundred and nine hundred people. "

"Are you checked?"


Go to the Governor Tuen Mun asked the volume. "

"Do you want to go to the red original?"

"I listened to the ladie, the supervision of governance, where I went,"

Li Yunhe laughed, pointed to Zhao Zhi Xingtao: "This slit, should be played! You said that you don't want to go."

Zhao Zi Xing also smiled: "I want to go, I don't want to make a half, even if I don't mention halflage, I will go. In December last year, I went to the governor to the governor to be a Shuyi. file."

Li Yunhe nodded: "Sincerely. Song Fan Gu is not so good place, why do you want to go there?"

Zhao Zhi Xingtao: "It is to do something, real realistic. Welcome to the Xuanyuan Guest Hall, although it is also exercised, but it can't be extended in the chest. I want to know that I will do things I will do. , Can you do something. "

Li Yunhe depressed a moment, asked: "Do you think you are suitable?"

Zhao Zi Xing thought about it, said: "I don't know, after all, I only have a knowledge in Guyang County, the qualifications are insufficient, and the experience is lacking. This is my biggest short board, but I am willing to do things. I hope I can see it for our Xuanyuan. One power. On weekdays, I also taught the Song Dynasty, and I have some experiences and tricks. "

Li Yunhe said: "The qualifications and experience are not a problem, no one is born, do not practice, where is the qualifications and experience? I ask you a question, except for you, do you think who is more suitable for the red original? Hosting the brigade? "

Zhao Zhi Xing did not think about the road: "Zhao Ziran, be a Junshan Temple, I wish it."

Li Yunhe squatted: "Why is him? With his current job, he went far away."

Zhao Zhi Xingtang: "It is a good thing, so it is a pity. But since I asked me, I still can only say that it is best to go to the Red Orchard, which is Zhao Ziran. It is not in the job, but in the ability."

Li Yunhe has fun with interest: "His ability? What skills do you look at?"

"Bold, dare to do things, and be responsible."

"It is the time you have resolved in the vitality of the Qiqi Hospital in Yanyang County."

Zhao Zhi Xing recalls: "Remember that Zhao Ziran is a square, his duty is to ensure that the security, eradicate the evil, this point he is doing well, there is no point to pigeons. But in addition to doing the land, he From a charity hall, it gradually set off the reform of Qingmian money. The people of the entire Yanyu County will benefit, and they are called Zhao Shenxian. "

Li Yunhe joked: "He is originally a fairy teacher in the library."

Zhao Zhi Xing also smiled: "His encounter is really good, but unfortunately, I haven't introduced the pavilion in my generation. However, he has not yet entered the hall, and there is no practice. It is called his gods, which is praised his words."

Li Yunhe nodded: "If I have a few such 'fairy', then Daming is Taiping."

Zhao Zhixing continued to say: "When Zhang Yunzhao is dead, it is only necessary to be held by Zhang Yunzhao, and only he and Song Zhiyuan Master will stand up. Bear all the crimes, force the rest of the person, etc., so I said him. It is a person who can do business, dare to do things, and be responsible. In this case, it is necessary to host this person. "

See Li Yun River, Zhao Qingxing added: "Even if he is frustrated, he went to the Junshan Temple, and it did very well. The Supervision said that the Jiajing's 19th year of credit book, Junshan Temple More than one hundred townships in Chuan, the first credit ranking first! "...

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