Taoist Law

Chapter 68 Framework

Xuan Yuan Guan Du Du Zhao Yunlou took half an hour in the group of Daozhuang Sanbu, and he left. Although the same three are all, he feels that the three of the prime women is extremely ignorant. Many people's words have no empty, and it is not meaningful.

Later, Zhao Yunlou came to the group's group of groups to discuss, after sitting half a time, got up again.

The value of this group is Zhao Zhi Xing. He is accompanied by Zhao Yunlou, and smiled: "How is the old manager?"

Zhao Yunlou sighed and shook his head: "It's all don't think it. The number is not big, it is more than my old man. You don't learn, you will be slid."

Turned two laps, Zhao Yunlou placed back to the house and rested, looked at the time, hesitated, and he got a moment, got up and got it on the group discussion site.

The temples are divided into two groups, occupying two halls of the Guardian House next to the Governor of Sichuan, adjacent to the Governor's Tuen Mun and the adjacent to the governor.

Zhao Yunlou chose a house, still not going in, listening to the words of the inhibition of stunning, so he stopped outside the door, erected the ear.

"... What is people's livelihood? As the name, the life of the people is the people's livelihood. Simply, it is clothing, food, living, row, solving these four problems, is to solve people's livelihood issues, solve people's livelihood problems, and constantly ...... "

"... If we can't bring the real gains, we can't talk about and solve people's livelihood problems. From now, we pay attention to the food production of farmers, helping them establish cooperative mechanisms, and work together to solve such as water channels, grab , Grab a plow, etc. ... "

"... we create a more fair environment, focus on the basic life of low income poor farmers, help farmers have passed the difficulties ..."

"... We extremely paying attention to the employment problem of farmers, through the guidelines, I will create a workshop for the farmers, and subsidize their lives ... What is employment? This question is good ..."

"someone said,

This is what the government should do, we pay attention to the credibility, should not intervene in the government. However, everyone also knows that our township temples, where the place where the government is not reached, the official hand is difficult, just when we work ... this position, we do not occupy, who will occupy? "


Zhao Yunlou has always heard the applause, this is surprising, and his legs are numb. Holding the wall slightly smashed the legs, and looked at the young Taoist who came to answer the temple on the philosoprie, then turned around.

Just returned to the adjustment, I saw Zhao Zhi Xing rushed over and said: "Lao Tsui is coming back, just, Li Jun Institute asked you to go to the Book."

Zhao Yunlou saw him rushing, asking: "What is big?"

Zhao Zhi Xingtao: "It seems to be a general view to reply. Yue Wen has arrived, and the old man is in the past, I have to know the Governor of the meeting."

When Zhao Yunlou arrived in the book, see Li Yunhe, Yue Teng is present, sitting in a chair, do not say, ask: "What happened?"

Yue Teng handed over a document, Zhao Yunlou took over, it is the repayment of Xuanyuan. The reply is not long, and the blink of blink is finished.

The two documents were previously reported, one was the proposal for the entire Song Fan Dowen Road, and one was a special basis at the Hongyuan area, the establishment of the SAR, and the two officials have approved.

It seems that the general view is comparable to this solution proposed by Sichuan Province, and maybe the total will argue to fight for this, do not want to delay. In short, the approval is very fast.

Reply to the official document also said that the Xuanyuan view will be submitted to report to the overall candidate as soon as the Chuanxi Governor's Tuen Mun is considering a good candidate.

If the programs of the Li Yunhe and others, the Mono House of Song Youwei will be the provincial and three-level level, which is naturally the need to report the review of the review, this is no problem.

This is a good thing, Zhao Yunlou does not understand, how is the two people so silent in front of him?

Soon, Zhou Wei also arrived. After the people, Li Yunhe made everyone a pleasant: "There are all of the restoration of the overalls, if so, let's discuss it."

Li Yunhe suddenly taught, said: "The general view allows us to report the candidate of Shengchuan Wei Dao Quan Qi Quan Quan School, according to the proposed plan, this is the highway of the three-section level, cautious, first put it first, first Going back and thinking about it, and negotiate. I mean, starting from the most easy place, first take the shelf of Song Fan Zone Taoist system. The original 13 Temple, you see a few County Architecture? "

Yanthen said: "This is the power of Xuanyuan Guan and the Sichuan Governor's government. I am tuned to the department, it is not good to settle, or I will leave, when I want to come to the Taoist Taoist, come back?" If you want to get up.

Li Yunhe stretched out and said: "Yue Welf said this. You have been in the three years in Song Dynasty. Here, you know how to know, in a few people are familiar. In these years, the mutual cooperation is also a tacit understanding. See you. "

Yue Teng thought about it, sit back from the original: "That is good, ponder it with you, but my opinion does not have the same, only for inquiry."

Li Yunhe nodded: "Somet, there will be labor. Yue Wen said?"

Yue Teng's middle road: "Song Ming's original 13 temples, Xiaohe Temple, Songzhou Temple, and Yong Temple are already the big temple. Last year's beliefs ranked, the three temple rankings are not high, but The respective credits are also more than 100,000, which is obvious. "

Zhou Wei nodded, inserted: "Yes, so distributed, it also meets the integration of all the governor of the Governor's House. Xiaohe Temple is the Temple of Xiaoshan Wei, Baima Wei, Songzhou Temple, Song Zhan Dan, Yushan Wei, Yongzhen Temple Town Thousands of thousands of thousands, Chiang Shui, Toyo thousand households. "

The original temple of the three Temples wishes to rise to three, this is not half a grid, this is a whole piece, as for the departure of the Monitoring House, that is the staff of the Trusqu 30, Definitely impossible to give them.

Of course, who will finally choose who is using who is still determined by the Shuqi Wei Dao Palace, according to the principles of grading management, Xuan Yuanjuan only Pinushan Taoist Taoist Taoist, Song Fan Granter Song Fan Wei Dao Palace is managed.

Plus the three temples that have already been determined, the entire Song Dan's road door system is determined, including a Tao Palace (standing), four roads, 13 road temples.

Basically this framework is also a common awareness in Sichuan Province. The reason why it is necessary to take a discussion, this is also a must-have process, sitting in the location of Li Yunhe, if it falls a disturbed-specific reputation, it is very unhearted, nor does it meet the principle of governance.

In just a short time, this agenda is over. Zhao Yunlou did not touch the mind, followed by Li Yunhe out of the internal book room, go back with him. ...

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