Taoist Law

Chapter 69

Li Yunhe is silent, and the footsteps are very fast.

Zhao Yunlou followed him into the room, closed the door, after sitting down, he immediately asked: "Monitoring House? Today ..."

Li Yunhe said: "The candidate on the Taoine Taoist Academy of Song Youwei is still needed."

Zhao Yunlou is a glimpse: "Is there any objection in Yue Teng?"

Li Yunhe nodded.

Zhao Yunlou is not full: "This is the business of the Taoist Tie in Sichuan Province, where is the wheel got him to finger the hand painting?"

Li Yunhe said: "I can't talk about my hand and painting. After all, I also said, let Xuanyuan Guan and Admissions to negotiate the post-war matters, as long as the adjustment has not been abolished, he has the right of this matter. "

Zhao Yunlou is angry: "That is also the right of the righteousness, the candidate you mentioned in the House, can he be able to oppose it?"

Li Yunhe said: "Yunlou, you are a lot of people ... I have said to you many times, the chest pattern is bigger, it is necessary to have different opinions. I don't stand against him, but because he opposed. The opinions are rational. "

"What opinion he is? How is it?"

"6 Tearn, last year, Johnshou Shousuan, Cheng Shousong, who is still in less than a year, suddenly pulling the high level of three provinces, the unhealthy, and it is difficult to serve."

Zhao Yunlou took a deep breath, depressed in the chest, asked: "How do you say it with 6 teachers? This is also relying on me, you should not reveal him in advance. I didn't expect this result."

Li Yunhe, Aucui: "I can't blame you, I want him to go to Song Cang, of course, I will ask him to think about his thoughts, listen to the idea of ​​going to Song Mo, as for listening to his ideas, can you pull, That is another thing. As for how to talk to 6 Tearn ... You will tell him.

At this point, Zhao Yunlou only had to nod, and asked: "Who is it in the Yantang?"

Li Yunhe hopes outside the window, for a long time, said: "Jingcheng."

Zhao Yunlou is : "How can it be him? Why is it him?"

Li Yunhe asked: "Why can't it be him?"

Zhao Yunlou is heard: "he is still forty years old."

Li Yunhe immediately replied: "This is a rich and rich."

"It is too young ..."

"Who said that the young people can't pick up the burden? When I was three people, I was only forty. When Yun Zhaoshi was only 38 years old, when the Yun Zhaowei was only 38 years old."

"Can ... How can he and supervision? How can I be more than Yun Zhaobi? He also has no prominent talents, at least in these four years, the Sichuan government is flat."

"But it can be called two words."

"This ..." Zhao Yunlou has some feelings of Li Yunhe, said: "Mon the Monitoring House, you also know, please ask the Liu Shi Di in the front day, but the scenery did not agree, with Song Dynasty Don't twisting. "

Li Yunhe silent for a moment, slowly said: "Due to Zhang Shi's death, his insussion is always in the heart, but he is Zhao Ziran, not Song Yuan."

"He is an angry, how much is it. And now the situation, he is still the case, a big way is can't run ... Now Yue Teng put it in, I am afraid ..."

Li Yunhe shook his head: "It's still some words, and the vision is much longer. Don't just stare at these small sites. Don't make the problem complicated. Can you say that the Yue Teng is not a good job? Obviously No. In this case, we only need to consider, the scenery is not suitable, can be competent. "

Zhao Yundou Road: "Monitoring House, I thought I have to prevent it."

Li Yunhe asked: "Do you have a better candidate?"

"What about Liu Shi, who is in the Fufu? He did so many years, not only experienced, the people are also wide ..."

"... I will talk about him a few days ago, he can't ..."

Zhao Yunlou was shocked: "What happened to Liu Shi?"

Li Yunhe explained: "When you often in my heart, after reading the doctor, it is chest. Today, I have been using the bloody to grasp the soup. I have already mentioned the Emperor Tianshi, and he said this time. After the age, Liu Shi brother will go to the Jade Empress. "

Zhao Yunlou took a little down, with Liu Shi Shang less than 60 years old, there is a Jade Emperor Pavilion, I will not have a major problem.

Zhao Yunlou thought about it, and said: "We also have Xue Tengbin in Zhangzhou."

Li Yunhe said: "Can Yueteng can promise? To tell you, don't look at him only the right to mention the righteous, but as long as he does not agree, the candidates we have developed even if they report, do you think of the general view?"

Zhao Yunlou stayed and asked: "After half a day, Song Guofu is in Sichuan Province, the candidate is the summary, is this?"

Li Yunhe slowly nodded, whispered: "It looks now, at least the first supervision is so ..."

The two silent for a moment, Li Yunhe said: "Yunlou, I know, after you have a matter of playing, you will not look at the eyes, but then for some years, there is no evidence, don't lush, you Just said that the scenery is an angry, you are also anger. "

Zhao Yunlou said: "Indeed, my gas is not big. But after Zhang Missad has an accident, what kind of person is the scene? Dish, he is not a heart. This time, the Yue Teng jumped out to recommend him, more explained "

Li Yunhe said: "With a heart is not what we should care, he just keeps the door is a heart, we have no reason to stop him from doing."

Zhao Yundou Road: "Dish, you just said, do you even convince yourself?"

Li Yunhe is bumped in a hook: "You look back to him, ask him, if he went to Song, his idea, what is going on below?"

Zhao Yunlou helpless: "Know, brothers."

Li Yunhe silently gazed to Zhao Yunlou left, silenced, I went to the table, let the pen write a letter.

"The brothers came with, before the poem, the meaning is high, my heart is in my heart. Recently, I will go to Baiman Shan Yawang, I have to give, Yun and worship.


Leaves away from Nanshan,


Who is ,

Can't make a fairy.

Also said:

Jinshan silver water hangs,

The wind is full of clouds.

The fine will will will will will will will will will will will be all over the three,

The rain sweats.


Tianzhu left original,

Mingyue Yizhan.

What is the relationship between the edge?

Changsheng did not date. "

After writing, Li Yunhe took out the "Yunzi Seven Signs", turned on one by one, verified, plugged into the envelope, sealed the mouth, fill in: Yunyi brothers and brothers and other words. Then take a fly harder, put the letter behind it, and throw it in the air, the flying is a little white, and goes in the direction of the landscape.

From the room of Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou slowly went to the courtyard of the palace troops, and I felt some thirst. I turned back to my own room, soaked in a cup of tea, not slow Drink.

After drinking, I went out again, I walked again, I thought about it, turned to the inside book, and turned out the scene of the scenery in the strategic, pinched with the nose and browsed it, and then carrying hands, slow Slowly inside the scenery of the room.

I seem to speak in the house, Zhao Yunlou looked coughing a scorpion, knocking on the door: "Is it?"

The scenery opened the door, respectfully said: "Lao Tui is coming." Zhao Yunlou welcomes in the room.

One is still sitting in the room, but the Ximen, the West Rushwu Palace. Du Teng will laugh and stand up, and the audience: "Old people are good. I have something to do, I will leave."

Seeing these two people together, Zhao Yunlou is not depressed, too lazy to say more, just point to nod, Ren Du Teng will leave.

The scenery replaced a pot of new tea, giving the Zhao Yunlou, Zhao Yunlou Shen said: "I have seen it carefully. I have a very young man. But will it be too tough?"

Jing Mo Zheng color road: "Non-my class, his heart must be different, no cool means, afraid that there is a big hidden danger in the future. If there is a dry day, it will be in the future, it is in the body, for the Taoism I will wish to don't hesitate. "

Zhao Yunlou slowly nodded: "Since you have this mind, I don't say much. Today, I have already agreed that Song Fan is new, under the travele of Taoine, one of them, among which The Capital of the Hongyuan is specially governed ... What do you think about the Capital of Hongyuan? "

Jingkou: "I heard that Zhao Ziran suggested?" ...

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