Taoist Law

Chapter 70

The three of the Hongyuan has set up a special area. From the Junshan Temple, I wish Zhao Zhao's strategic, this is already in the adjustment, and the scenery is not very unspeakable. It's just not to say, the people below can only guess.

Zhao Yunlou nodded: "Yes, a young person is very powerful, there is also a matter. I heard that you have always been seen by him ..."

Jingkou: "I don't like this person."

"Why? In addition to ... do you have anything else?"

"As a hostel of the pavilion, you will have a long life, why do you want to interfere with the customs of ten-way jungle? The library must not interfere with the ten-party jungle. This rule is not a white border? It does not follow it?"

Zhao Yunlou asked: "Which year is he entered?"

"Jiajing twelve years."

"At the time, but the monk monk?"

"... is not ..."

"Which year is he heard?"

"Jiajing thirteen years."

"At that time, but he is a monk monk?"

"... is not ..."

"Which year is he lined up? What year is the promotion of the Square? What year is Ren Junshan Temple?"


"At that time, but the monk monk?"

"... is not ..."

"When he entered Huayun Hall, he used to submit a resignation to the unprotive hospital."

"... never ..."

"I ask you again, is he still still a temple wishing for the Ease of Ease? Is there any business in the Huiyama Temple in Huayun Hall? Have you taken the name of Huayuan Temple, to the Employed Hospital, Xi Zhenwu Does the palace finger? "


"Then I ask you, since he has been doing things in the tenant jungle, he has never used his hands and feet in the name of Huayun Hall. How do you say that he has violated the troops of the ten party jungle?"

The scenery is full of red, and the face is very ugly.

Zhao Yunlou suddenly felt a lot of times in his heart, satisfied with tea drinking, said: "Don't say the rest, look for you to talk about it, you think where, you don't want to put it on your heart."

"Yes, the old people are relieved, I know."

"Talk, what do you think or suggestions about the Tujia in Song Fan?"

Jingcheng spirit, sinking, talking, talking: "Song Fan Zone is like a piece of shackles, this is because of the war. Now the army is winning, and the front line is in the White River. There is a white river in the river, and it is convenient. Stable, eight years ago, Bai Ma Mountain will never repeat the defeat of the summer army. "

Zhao Yunlou nodded and said: "Say the focus."

"Therefore, this, I thought that the establishment of the court, as negotiated with the Governor's government, strive to be consistent. For example, the Xiaoli Temple, the Zhangzhou Temple, and Yongzhen Temple are the Town Temple, and the Hongyuan Sarios, as Songshan Four roads. "

Zhao Yunlou brows picks up: "Youzhou Temple? I remember that the Zhengzhou Temple is far from the Songzhou Temple.

Why isn't the Songzhou Temple? "

Jing Mok: "Songzhou Temple is the largest Temple in Song Dynasty. I am embarrassing Songzhou Temple is the foundation, expanding as the Taoist of Song Chan. Otherwise, if you create a trip, you will not say money, time It is also necessary to drag a lot, do not meet the requirements of the summary requirements as soon as possible. "

Zhao Yunlou is more agreed with this, said: "It's hard to have this heart. What is the candidate? Including the abbot of the Hongyuan SAR, also talks."

"Yes. I am so good that Zhang Gao Song is very good, I want to recommend it to do it."

"Hey, it seems to remember this person is the case of the Sichuan Institute of Sichuan."

"This person is full of talents, reading is very hard, and after the case, it is very interested in the Taoism, so I dare to say the door. I dare to say that the three thousand Tibetan is in his chest, his awareness of the meaning It is often difficult to enter. "

"Let's say, who else?"

"The Liao Kaw of Xizhenwu."

"Is there a person who is odd, why recommend him?"

"This person wins in a single life, it is from it, and it is meticulous."

Anyone who is a host, there are several people who can be their own life, such a subordinates don't ask why, only when I asked when I started doing.

The choice of scenery, Zhao Yunlou is also an understanding. Since: "Continue."

As a result, the scenery is a few people named, some are the subordinates of the Ziyang Palace, where he is now, some is his colleague in Longanfu Xiwu Palace, which even has a Taoist from Zhangzhou, which makes Zhao Yunlou. Take a little relieved.

There is such a personal help, and the shelf of a new road is set.

Zhao Yunlou's mind, no wonder Zhang Yun Zhao has cultivated this person, this person is really called a "stable" word.

After finishing the candidates of the road in the Taoine, Zhao Yunlou made him then said that the four-seat court will be selected. Compared to the three-way and eight deacons of the Taoizhi, these four regimental people are moreweight.

The scenery is also cautious, and every person is thinking, it is necessary to think.

Zhao Yunlou listened quietly, in the middle of the time, it was only asking why, not a tendency statement.

When I heard the last name, Zhao Yunlou asked: "Why is Zhao Zhi Xing?"

Jingkou: "Zhao Gate is a person, it is very good to get along with people, and the reason why he arranges him in Yongzhen, because the people who have a thousand households in Dadai, I believe he can deal with all parts Relationship."

Zhao Yunlou pursued: "So, why not put it in the Hongyuan SAR? According to your statement, it is more good at it with the Hongyuan three, isn't him more good at?"

Jingkou: "There is different, I think it is more difficult to have a hard wrist. Since the total of the True is already ate the top of the 'Special Search', I will not change, but I think this has been slightly weak, so I should choose A dare to create, the heart is firm to go to the red original, I think that An Yue Tai Hospital is very suitable. He put out the chaos of the seedlings in one hand, so I wanted him to go to the red original, as for the deposit of the Hongyuan Is it appointed by the Governor? Who would it? "

"The Governor's government has not made a decision ... Is there still?"

"There are also a few people, I think it is also suitable for the Song Dynasty."


"The Temple of Lizhou Shuihe Temple is in good agreement, Junshan Temple Zhu Zhaoran ..."

Zhao Yunlou squatted: "Zhao Ziran?"

View of the scene: "Zhao Ziran this person, I am the heart has a mustard. But the old man is wide, my scenery is the person who is born because of the mustacha. Since the old man is already very understanding, Zhao Ziran identity and total I don't want to violate it, why don't I recommend him? "

Zhao Yunlou asked: "What do you plan to recommend him?"

Jingkou: "Zhao Ziran is in the unprofessory hospital that year, the monthly test, the end of the year is the first year, and the introduction has exceeded the same door in many years. It is related to the ability to understand the Due. Very strong, homework is also extremely solid. In the past few years in the Junshan Temple, he has a new cure, which can make a lot of novel ideas, this I must admit that I am not as good as him. " ...

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