Taoist Law

Chapter 77 Nominates

Seeing Du Fabe is somewhat impatient, Zhao Ran's heart must be sure, said: "Let's see the scene, so I will not vote when I am in public tomorrow." 1T; / p>

"You are willing to be your business, what is your relationship with me?" 1T; / P>

"I am in advance, I will tell Du Hu Shima, I will nominate Du Hu Shi." 1T; / P>

Du Teng will listen, the face is disappointed, and then you will not say: "Do you nominate? Do you have that qualification? Who do you think you are?" 1T; / P>

"Du Hu Shizhang, which one of our doors, I have no nomination? I am just a small temple wish, but the temple can't nominate people? Anyone has nominated qualifications!" 1t; / p>

"What is your nomination? You are nominated as a monk? It is useless! Or you will nominate you with the status of the temple? Nomination, who will listen to you? Who will vote for me? You want to leave me. And the scenery department? Zhao Ziran, are you too naive? Or do you think that you want to lose your people? If you leave, I lost a big face? "1T; / P>

"Du Hu Shizi, you don't think so much, I am nominated to you, I will nominate you. I will tell you. I will tell Du Hu Shi in advance, I want to let Abou, you will talk to Xu Xu, Xu Xu, Xu Xiwu, Sanyu There are also county supervisors, Temples wish to pass a gas, and take the ticket to you. You just lose people unfavorable, otherwise give your name, the result is only one vote, Du Huanda It's really lost. I think how Du Hu Shizhen has to mix it. Thirty tickets are good. "1T; / P>

Du Teng will face the face, and you will ask: "You do this, Li Jun Institute, Zhao Tuo can you agree? You don't want me!" 1T; / P>

Zhao Rao said: "No matter what you think, Du Hu Shizi, you are a subscription, you also do it yourself, no loss, right, right? I know that you have long been with Li Jun Institute. How do they see you, you don't care, right? "1T; / P>


Du Teng will still have to help ask: "Who is you coming?" 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran smiled: "I will come, you can ask, you can only tell the abbot, you have prepared it early, so I will give yourself a few tickets." 1T; / P>

"You ..." Du Teng will be a bit anxious: "What do you want to do?" 1T; / P>

"Don't do anything, just want to nominate Du Hu Shizu to go to Tianhe Palace as a compiry department. At the scene, I looked at the eyes, I wanted to give him a touch. Of course, Du Hu Shizu does not have to be too anxious, the scenery is not good, Wan One Du Hui is better than you? "1T; / P>

Du Teng will said: "Why don't you mention Song Yuan?" 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran leng out three fingers: "First, Song brother He didn't want to go to Song, said the truth, he just went to Baingqi, many things have not been stunned, Song Dynasty said he has not adapted to a government This job; Second, Du Hu Shizi You are the Lushan, out of this, you can settle it on the point; third, because you are my boss, I will recommend you, Tianjing! "1T; / P >

Is these three reasons sufficient? Du Teng will now carefully think about it, it is true! Especially after two, it is simply tailored to yourself. 1T; / P>

But I think about it, I always feel that there is some kind of calendering, and it is difficult to deal. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ranli knows what he is concerned, said: "If Du Hu Shilu is not considered clearly, then you don't know anything, just when I haven't been there, you don't need to do anything, and if you have something, I am doing, you don't recognize it. Of course, if you get rid of the people, I feel that I am unimplete, I can tell the scenery, that is nothing. In short, I am not nominating the Du Rongshu. And also won some of the same support for Du Huandu. I just want to be between the Taoist Taoists in the province, and the extension extension is more prestige. "1T; / p>

Du Teng will snort: "Do you think me?" 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran smiled: "Du Fangxiabu, I am actually a little small matter, please ask Du Hu Shizu to help, Du Fangzi will fail, when I have never said, if it is true, please help me with my head. This book. "Saying from? Take a copy of it, put it on the table. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran wants to be a little requirement, Du Teng may also mention the heart and hang, see Zhao Ran's request, at this moment? I have seen it, I see the discount on the table, nor to talk I saw Zhao Ran like this. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran's heart is clear, got up and got the cheeks after going out, and the skill of his own big ban is still light. If you have conflicted in your heart, the effect has made a lot of discounts, and you talk about it. tired! 1T; / P>

Du Teng will take the door after being out of the door, and I don't know how long a person thinks, it will slowly put the door in the past. Come back to make the oil lamp, pick up the discount of Zhao Ran on the table, open the two pages, clear, and the heart is really a deep. 1T; / P>

Lying back to bed, but I can't sleep over, I can't sleep, and I have the scene after you get into the door. The meaning of the two parallelisms of the general view and the right to go to the right side of the road, and the spirit of the spirit is more and more footed, and I can't sleep. 1T; / P>

I took a deep breath, a bone sat up, Du Teng will suddenly remember that when there is no great place in the year, the little Mandang has a child, and a sentence makes him face. Then the stupid act, and finally, of course, he also attracted his Du Teng's retaliation. However, no matter how to retaliate, the little road is still doing others, I don't dare to think, and I don't dare to do things, under his eyelids, under all At the public promotion meeting of the courtyard, Dong Zhi Kun pulled the horse and saved the Song Yuan! 1T; / P>

He actually did it! 1T; / P>

This idea suddenly came out, growing crazy in his heart, almost helped him to breathe, slow down for a long time. 1T; / P>

Like a smile, trying to attract himself, don't think about it, the total person agrees, what is the way? 1T; / P>

But ... I can't get too ugly when I am pushed? 1T; / P>

Thinking of this, Du Teng will get up with the bed, go to the shoes - people live, who isn't a few friends? 1T; / P>

When Du Teng will go out, Zhao Ran just turned back to Song Yuan's room. Everyone was in a big courtyard. If the front and behind the feet were not hit, it hit it. 1T; / P>

Song Zhiyuan has already waited Zhaoran in the room, asked: "What is your side?" 1T; / P>

Zhao Rong said: "It should be said, just see how he chooses himself. In fact, he is willing to be unwilling to do so. In short, as long as he succeeds him, no, even no success, as long as his votes are close to the scene, count If you abstain, the scenery is not half a number, he can't succeed! The only worry is that he revealed to the scenery ... "1t; / p>

Song Zhiyuan thought about it, said: "Should not ... he is the time of Xi Zhenwu Palace, the scenery is just a management. Nowadays, the scenery will climb to his head. Can he be willing? He is willing to be low, three Punching? "1T; / p>

"What do you?" 1T; / p>

"There is no one, even if there is, it is now moving, there is nothing to say! I can only continue until the failure." Song Zhiyuan gave Zhao Ran. 1T; / P>

Zhao Rong said: "Brother ... Thank you ..." 1T; / P>

PS: In order to facilitate the exchange of Taoists, the convenience of the Taoists directly 1V1 to correct the poor pass, the two numbers: QQ17O1556, WeChat nnf1314vivi, the friends usually like which tool, which group, the poor Congratulations welcome all the way Friend's wind rain. 1T; / p> ...

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