Taoist Law

Chapter 78 Lobby

Song Zhiyuan smiled: "Thank you? You still talk about this between me? Also let him gray his face once! "

Zhao Ruarded: "I just went to the Lan Temple, and he took me to Lizhou's Zheng Jun Institute, the 12 votes in Lizhou were taken."

"What conditions do you open? I can tell you, don't directly send the silver, I know you have money, but the public is in the big instrument, I can't touch this!"

"The brother is rest assured, I am still not so stupid. Zheng Tuchuan is a good monitor, he is concerned about the pain of Lizhou's 230,000 people, I talk to him is the people's livelihood, I am ready to be the name of the Junshan Temple. And the hydrate temples supported the construction temple, fully utilizing the unique natural environment around Hydra, exhibits planting gardens, stepped into three thousand two helping to build a garden, produced, produced, all the acquisitions of the Junshan Temple, fight for five years, help More than two thousand mountains around the Hardery Temple poverty. "

Song Zhiyuan stayed, said: "The brother is a big hand ... I really don't change the color of the year ..."

Zhao Ran smiled: "It is also for the door, for Daming. Yes, how about the brother?"

Song Zhiyuan: "Dufu's 6 supervision hall does not have to say, very refreshing. There is no reply to me on the side of Zhangzhou, and Zhangzhou is always looking for. I estimate that he is definitely Going to ask the meaning of the head. On the old Liu, I haven't went yet, I also want to wait for you to come back and negotiate business, see if you have any good way. "

"What are the brothers? Liu Junyuan is not good? Oh, I almost forgot, he lasts for us and the scenery ... He and the scenery have private hand?"

"Is there a private message, I don't know, the last mediation thing does not indicate that he is biased to the scenery, at least the scenery did not give him a face."

"What is the brother?"

"I am not worried, I don't know how to say it is to be grasped. Old Liu, this person, is a famous good person,

No one is guilty. In addition to being willing to turn around, I have never like mixed and to these things. I heard that he suffered from serious illness. Now I am afraid I want to come out for Liu Jiapu, so I don't want to have sinned people ... "

"Does he look for someone? What is the disease? I have some health here ..."

Song Zhiyuan shook his head: "When we are now, the drugs such as Yangxin Dan, although it is still precious, but not can't get it. I asked the old Liu two two days. He also got a few capsules in Hexin Dan. After a month, it is only to resolve the illness. Li Jun Institute is planning him to take him Shangyu Estuary to find a monk diagnosis and treatment, but the old Liu himself does not hold too much hope. "

Zhao Rong said: "What is he? Go, I will go see."

Song Zhijing: "Thybs, so wait for you."

At this moment, it is already late, most rooms have turned off the lights, and the rooms of the Liu Jun House are the same. When the two came to the door, Song Zhiyuan quickly knocked on the door, and the Liu Jun House asked the sound "Who" , Song Yuan replied: "It is me, Song Yuanyuan."

Not much, the room lights the lights, the Liu Jun Institute opened the door to welcome the two people, smile: "Zhaolin is coming? Hey, Zhao Xiaozhen wished?"

Song Zhiyuan: "Liu Jun Institute, then there is still a disturbance, I am really sorry."

Liu Jun Institute smiled: "What is polite, just I haven't fell asleep."

Zhao Rong said: "Liu Jun Institute, just heard that you have a sound in your body, I will finish it."

Liu Jun Hospital said: "Then I will worry about Zhao Xiao Temple."

He is fifty-eight years old. It was originally in accordance with the premium of the world's ordinary people, but it couldn't live for more than ten years. However, it has been suffering from critical incidence, it can be said that there is no much day. Who doesn't want to live a day? A big family is old and old, and he counts on his care. If he is so late, what should I do at home?

Therefore, he asked Li Jun Institute, Li Jun House also promised him, after Ye Xue took a good thing, took him Shang Yu Huangge, please see the monk there.

Nowadays, it is a monk. Although I heard that it is not high, it is a monk, it is better than the ordinary doctor? The other party is actively on the door, nature is welcome.

Zhao Ran's way of seeing a doctor is still a traditional cutting pulse, and it is impossible to have it. It is not dare to run the force into the pulse. The experience of ordinary people did not practice, the meridians did not open, and the trade and leaders were in the body, the result is to die. Just like Zhao Ran, like Baotao Temple, it hurts the bone marrow.

I got on the fingers, Zhao Ran, I feel the pulse of the Liu Jun Institute, and then look at the color of the tongue, so asked: "Does the Monitoring House?"

"Sometimes it hurts."

"Is it like a needle?"

"Yes, the chest is still uncomfortable."

Zhao Ran nodded: "The crude disease, the blood stasis. Yangxin Dan can maintain, but can not be cured, need to open the leg, the pain, to enter the heart, to activate blood, Shujing Tongluo "

Liu Jun Hospital said: "Can I cure?"

Zhao Rong said: "I heard that the Supervision will go to the Yuxian Pavilion?"

"Yes, after the big agend, I went to Qingcheng Mountain with Li Jun Institute."

Zhao Ran smiled: "It's okay, supervision is wide, the means of our Taoism, the symptoms of blood stasis can be cured, Yanshou has been worry-free, and it will be adjusted in the future, even twenty years!"

Liu Jun Institute hi, pleading, asked: "You have two so late, will not be special to see the medical treatment?"

Song Zhiyuan simply opened the window: "Liu Jun Institute, tomorrow, seeking the public to promote the public, since then is the provincial three-level, we want to hear your opinion."

Liu Jun Institute sighed and said: "Zhaoli, let alone, some things want to open, there is obsession over the scenery, this can also understand, after all, Zhang Yunzhao, in his heart Too deep ... I think, maybe after two years, he will be able to see it. You are also assured, I have been in the same year, I will be invited to invite you again. "

Song Zhiyuan: "Perhaps, I went to a year and a half. I just went to visit the old 6 of the Du Fu 6, and I learned one thing from him, and the scenery was proposed to Li Jun House and Zhao Yumu. It's going to go to Song, and it is quiet under his eyelids. "

The Liu Jun Institute screamed, and the tone is somewhat reluctant: "This ... is a quiet master, the duty is precious, I am from the quiet master, step by step."

Song Zhiyuan also said: "After the presentation of the request, the Li Jun Institute and the old capital did not agree, so that the host of the Junshan Temple, the achievements were outstanding, and the Xuan Yuan governed to see him. Who knows the landscape I actually resigned, forcing the Li Jun Institute and the old capital agreed to this matter, it is said that the old capital is falling on the spot. "

If the Liu Jun Institute listens to Heaven, it is incredible, straight: "How? How is it? He is mad?"

Zhao Ranqi, hold a box, deeply, and ask the Liu Jun Institute to help me! "...

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