Taoist Law

Chapter 81 is still the objection to Zhao Ziran

Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou has been sitting at the front of the palace, and it is half his eyes to hurt God. They have a half-tall wooden box behind them, and they are based on the box.

Taoist is pushed to the public, and the supervision is not necessarily regular. Usually, each person is a bamboo, and the name of the person to be elected is written above, and it can be put into the wooden box. If there is an opinion on the nominees, it can even write the word "oppose". If you don't understand the candidate of the nominated nomination, you don't want to make a choice, or write the word "abandonment" on the bamboo stick.

So the concerns of the scenery are very reasonable, with 6 Teng En, there is a great possibility that many people will bother to him.

Therefore, the way I think in Yanthen actually changed the way to regain, and maximize hidden dangers.

The scenery of the scenery talking to the crowd, the eyes and 6 Teng En suddenly, the smiles of the two are more sincere.

He also saw the Song Zeng and Zhao Ran who were making together, see Zhao Ran's face is not very good, the heart flashes a cold, secretly, is late!

Zhao Ran is really awkward, because he just went to the Yufu Liu Jun Institute asked by the eyes, the Liu Jun House did not give him any representation, which made his heart.

When Song Zhiyuan went to the Qingyang Palace, the Queu Huan School, the result was the same as Liu Jun Institute, and the Xue Chengyuan also did not represent any.

Now I have determined that there are only sixty-six votes, maybe you can add the 18 votes of Longanfu, but it can still be far away from the one hundred and sixty-four votes required. What should I do?

It has also been done, and the rest can only listen to life.

With the admission in Yue Teng, after the sound of the sound, more than 300 Taoists were all in this seat, and they were turned down when they were up.

Zhao Yunlou said: "Today, I will promote the big instrument in the same way in Sichuan Province. I will submit a new day of the peace of the Song Dynasty. After the Xuanyuan Guan proposal, it is proposed to push the Sichuan Province Ziyang Palace Supervision Institute. Surveillaarize the House,

Reporting the public promoters.

At the scene, Zhengde is born in the twenty-seventh year of Zhengde, the capital Huayang people, the beginning of the house, Shousong Road, the Tuanfu, the door, Zhengde in the fifty-three years into Long Jiafu Xizhenwu Palace as the mainstay, classification , All management. At the end of Jiajing fifteen years, Zikawa Ziyang Palace Tournament Institute has so far. "

Zhao Ran sat at the top, close to the position of the door, listening to the resume of the scenery, Xi Tu finds some can attack, but unfortunately admitted that this resume fills quite perfect.

There is a qualified qualification for the classroom, which means the extraordinary knowledge, and the knowledge of the people in the eight deacons has the qualifications of the supervision of the survey, and they have done the ability to deal with the business, and even other same portions. Few of the deputy experiences have been managed in three years!

After reading the history of Zhao Yunlou, Zhao Yunlou has made a simple scales for him. It has no extraordinary ability to stand out, experienced rich, character rushing, unity and the like, and the words are highly evaluated. Tianhe Palace Supervisor House is a three-part level of the three-section level, except for his scenery, no one is doing it.

These words seem to be ghosts in Zhao Ran. In a complete system, in addition to special circumstances, the role of personal skills can usually be compressed within a fixed range, so it is good, poor Also worse, change it, truly wave is the chair below the butt, not some people sitting on the chair.

The reason why gave it so high, and there was no view of the nomination of Xuanyuan. Just like this year, when I appointed Du Teng and Xu Tonglong to Xi Zhenwu Palace, I was a nominal nomine, and Xuan Yuan Guan gave a nose on the publication of the Xizhenwu Palace. The two high praises.

After these arrivals, Zhao Ran immediately left all the thoughts of chaos and eight, and the gods attached to the old manager Zhao Yunlou, waiting for him to say the most critical.

A sentence in the past, it seems that there is no light weight, but at this moment, it is a key.

"Xuanyuan Guan proposal, Jingcheng has a nomination candidate for the Tianhe Palace Supervision Institute, can you have any objection?"

With the sentence of Zhao Yunlou, Zhao Ran's eye angry seems to feel a few eyes, there is Song Yuan, there is 6 Teng En, there is Liu Yunfeng, there is Xue Tengbin, there is Du Teng, even There is Du Teng will sit by Xu Tonglong, who is sitting next to Xu Tenglong ...

Donned, I took a deep breath, Zhao Ran's entire clothes, the most upstairs, the most reliable position, raised his hand, high: "I have an objection!"

Within the Zhengtang, the audience is alive, the insider and the unknowner, more than 300 eyes are brushed over, all bets in Zhao Ran.

At the moment, most people participated in this life, in addition to a small number, there has never seen this scenario in front of you, even if there are many people who have received the news in advance, still This scene shocked, and I couldn't help but started excitement.

How much courageies are dare to under solemn, in front of so many people, call "I have an objection"?

Song Zhiyuan grew up and his body was slightly weak. Finally, it is not necessary to suffer from suffering, success, and will be reported five years ago, the other side of the stone, and exempted the future boss is the hidden danger of the enemy; and failure, it is nothing more than a deeper than this.

Song Zhiyuan looked at the opposite side of Cheng Shou Palace Tour Guard 6 Teng En, but seeing 6 Teng En's eyes have just turned from Zhaoran, and smiled with himself, the right hand hidden in the knee, secretly Pick a signs.

Liu Yunfeng, who is also looking at Zhao Ran, while looking at it, I can't help but think about myself, my heart is dark, is it really old?

The scenery is Zhao Ran standing up, and the heart is sudden. It turns out that the opponent is to make this kid, this is also reasonable, can't help but laugh, but dying is struggling! Turning back to see the surveyor's Yue Teng in the hall, the Yue Teng took a little bit slightly, and the heart was relieved.

Looking at the 6 Telen with a smile, the scenery smiled and smiled and smiled. I am a ministerial candidate, the monitor is the person of my side, you still want to mix the fish? If you die, you will look at it, and you can't give you a fight for you!

In this side, the mood is the most complicated, and it is necessary to count the Xifeng Wushen. When Zhao Yunlou pushed the scenery, his heart was tightly smashed by a palm, kneading. Until Zhao Ran got up, after the "I have an objection", he felt that his back is cold sweat.

At this moment, Du Teng will not help but be a burst of embarrass, or the same person, why it will feel that his tone is more determined than that year, the arm is higher than the year? ...

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