Taoist Law

Chapter 82

See Zhao Ran standing up and raises his hand, Zhao Yunlou has no expression, and why no objection? "

Zhao Ran referred to the location of Zhao Yunlou standby: "Lao Tuo is sinful, I want to stand there, everyone can hear it more clearly."

This is not a matter of removal, the location of the speech is very important, will have psychological hints to the listener, stand in the center position, persuasive is much higher than standing next to the side.

Zhao Yunlou nodded, and a face is gone, returning to his seat.

Zhao Ran did not hurly, Zhao Ran did not hurry to the middle position, stabilize and stabilize, and glance on the audience. As a "disagree" person in a hundred years, Zhao Ran doesn't have to say anything, he is from the moment, it is already a focus of all people's attention.

To Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou, Yue Teng, three people in Yue Teng, and turned over to rush to all more than 300 same dexes of all-China, after the number of gifts, high voice: "You said friends, I am Longanfu Yanyu Zhao Zhari, Zhao Zhao, I wish Zhao Zhao, first need to state that as a part in the jungle in the Tangmen Temple in Chuan, Zhao Tuo, Zhao Tuo, is extremely admired and revered, and has worked as a surplus teacher. Yueji made a very respectful, but I have to say a deep-wing Taoist Taoist, I have to say this, this public, Li Jun Institute acts not to observe, Zhao Tuo is not convinced! I want to build a general view Appeal, the recommendation of Li Jun Institute and Zhao Tuo, I am uncomfortable! "

Zhao Ran came straight to the goal of the opening refers to the Li Yunhe and Zhao Yunlou, and complained to the surveyor of the surveyor issued by the survey. I gathered at the whole game. I immediately got up and refuted: "Li Jun Institute, Zhao Tuo The management of the Taoist Taoist Taoism will be exhausted, but it is not unbelieving. "

"You a little temple, and also dare to blame the Li Jun Institute unfair, where is the courage?"

"When Li Jun Institute enters the door, can this doll come from?"

The scenery couldn't help but laugh, and the dark road said that this person is smarter. It turns out that it is a grass bag, and it is a strain bag.

Du Teng will listen to it, and the heart says that Zhao Ziran, what is this!

6 Teng En frowned,

Looking forward to the Song Yuan, but I saw Song Yuan'an, but I smiled and laughed, so I laughed, and the fat-resistant pendant continued to listen.

Only Li Yunhe and Zhao Yunlou have a look at the eyes and secretly tone. After Zhao Ran, at least from the way, he has clearly cleared his relationship. After the publication, the responsibility of the jump ticket is greatly reduced.

When Zhao Yunlou, the more I saw that Zhao Ran was pleasing to the eye, but this kid did not only dare to fight, but also so kind, no wonder Zhang Yun Zhaoshao and Song Zhiyuan are good.

There was a noisy in the hall, and I can't do it. I have to come out in the Yue Teng in the monitoring teacher. He strongly held the smile of his stomach. He knocked on the bell around him. Even shouting with drinking, On the back, Zhao Rong said: "Don't bring yourself."

Zhao Ran continued: "What is the chapter of the Taoist Chapters? The small road has just said that I have been very admiring and revered on Li Jun Institute and Zhao Tuo, which is different. But the gold is not enough, people have no It's hard to recommend the candidates of Tianhe official supervisors, I think they are unfair! "

"Why is it unfair? You are clear today, otherwise you will not finish with you!" There is still someone shouting.

So holding! Zhao Ran secretly broke his eyes, I couldn't find a friend who arranged for a time, so I said: "I just listened to the reason why Zhao Yumu pushed the scenery department. It is because of listening. I have to carefully, I want to don't understand. I don't understand. What is the talents? What did the scenic hall do? Can you get this evaluation? What is the standard? If not, or if you don't, or Zhuozhi standard, that small road I thought that in the same way in Sichuan Province, nine-nine can be a standard, even half of people, can be rated as talented! "

There is no one to think about it, but let all people feel deeply, especially when I heard the last sentence, I have a laughter. The role of the holding appears again, shouting below: "What is your talent?"

Zhao Ran is aiming, the goal is an old qualified temple wish in the government. When the next road: "If it is a small road, when the last acquisition is dry, it is very different."

It is a laughter in the field.

At the scene, the scenery is angry, but it is involved in the evaluation of personal talents. He can't stand up and defile, is it self-selling? Do you want to face? He also looked at several three-section and county courtyard of the family, the court, seeing them, the expression seems to be very angry, but no one stands out to refute, can not help but secretly: a bunch of waste, see How to pick you up.

In fact, he blames the wrong person, it must only blame himself. These Taoists in the Sichuan, of course, I want to refute Zhao Ran. I can think about it. What should Zhao Ran should be refuted? The scenery did not have any merits of the book of special books, don't say big books, and even worth mentioning, how is this?

Just listening to Zhao Ran and said: "Zhao Laodu Tube also said that the Jingji Institute is a human rush, and the same is coming to the same, trial, is this scenic hall to do?"

The scenery, finally couldn't help but, he couldn't be able to praise himself, but with the same way, he still didn't have a problem, and he was inspired by Zhao.

The scenery is getting up, and it is dressed to keep your own universal, and it is: "How is the talents of the poor road, not your small temple wishes to have a qualification to comment, to be written by Xuanyuan, as for the poor. Is a person, whether it is in harmony with the same portals, I think you have the same information, you have a small temple wish, where is the opportunity to work with the poor! "

One of the Taoist Taoists of the Sichuan House finally had the opportunity to jump out, and the people of their own head boss have been good. How to treat and care about how to treat them, and so on.

Zhao Ran smiled and did not say, uu read the book www. Uukanshu.com, such as the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist, even I feel embarrassed, this stopped. Your scenery is the boss of the Sichuan government. The people under your hand boast you that there is a lot of convictions, how many persuasions can you?

At the scene, it is certainly aware of this, thinking about thinking, said: "The poor road is in the Xizhenwu Palace and Du Hu Shi, and the Xu Jun Institute has worked. You can both question the poor road, you can ask him two."

Said, Du Teng and Xu Tonglong, turning to not far: "Two, how is it in the west of the West,"

Xu Tonglong got up, not panic, smiled: "The Scenic Academy is busy in the Xiuru Palace, and there is no time and the same trend should be, this is, but to say cold refuse The same, harsh, it is slightly slightly, not here. "

What is black, this is called true black! ...

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