Taoist Law

Chapter 83, I don't forget the beginning

I didn't expect Xu Tonglong, I have a few words, and the scenery is not breathed, and Xu Tonglong just said: "You ..." can't say it again. He wants to really noisy, and it is sitting in the name of "not united."

Du Fangtu quickly settled: "The Jingji Institute is not a monster, Xu Shi brother is fast, what is the saying, what is said, I apologize to the scenery department, but also look at the scenery, after the scene, don't Black him. "

When the scenery, Morns came to say that it was not going to spend, it was still talking together yesterday, and two people who made themselves. How can I suddenly turn face today? He has never been like this, and he feels so hateful.

Calm down and think, is he two people depend on the Lu Te Teng En? Thinking of this, it has been a white sweat when it is up.

In fact, this is indeed Zhao Ran, who has moved in Lingling, giving a pit to the scenery, and the scenery is also willing to jump into the pit. However, Zhao Ran did not expect Du Teng's meeting with Xu Tonglong to cooperate with Xu Tonglong. The black people will come so embarrassment, and he is a little cold and chestnut.

Yue Teng can't see it, drink: "Zhao Ziran, this is the public, don't pull the rest again. Xuan Yuan governs the Ziyang Palace Tournament, Since you have any objection, what is it?"

Zhao Ranao said: "I will recommend the Ximen Xu Teng in Xiwu Palace to be the Tianhe Palace Supervision Hospital!"

At this point, the sound of a slamming telle is ringing.

The scenery is stunned, turning the head, looking at the Du Teng, how can he be him? However, since it is not Lu Te Teng En, he is worried that there is a lot of, and Du Teng will be far away.

Du Teng will hook a hand: "How this makes it!" Anti-discovery.

"Du Jun Institute, Zhengqi is born in Hunuang Huangzhou, 50 years into the Wusheng Palace, after passing through the main, tour, tour, Jiajing three years, the same treasure is the martial art for Huangzhou Monitoring Master. In the eleventh year of Jiajing, it was pushed by Wuchangfu as a young palace. Jiajing was in the fourteen year, and the same public is in the same way by Long'anfu as the westity! "

In the past, there were few people to listen to the history of Du Teng, today was seen from Zhao Ran, and many people looked at the eyes of Du Teng will change - three consecutive publications, this resume is so domineering!

As a minimalist, Zhao Ran immediately introduced personal evaluation of Du Teng.

"Du Jun Institute this person, the talent is ascended, the character is rushing, and the same is coming to harmony ..."

These evaluations were originally like Zhao Laozu's set, and the words were used in the case of evaluating the words. In the following, many people immediately laughed, and the heart didn't say that this Zhao Temple wities, no matter who used to evaluate who is right, there is no one on his head.

There are also those who have suffered from the Wenxia, ​​and I have to go to seek the truth of the road, I have to come to the paper pen, carefully record, I plan to move back.

There are also some Taoist priests. For a small temple, I wish you a state that the paneese is very funny, can't help but live, and it is easy to listen.

When I was standing, I was hip hip hip hop, and I got a big light in Yue Teng, and I took the prostitute.

Zhao Ran's evaluation is completed, laughs, said: "You said friends, do you think that the small road is talking? I know my Taoist know,

The trail speaks until the facts, never make up. Since I say that Du Huangzi is talented, it is naturally a basis. "

Said, Zhao Ran took out a book from his arms, horing in hand, said: "This is the newly printed Sichuan Provincial Code Book, the newly printed Sichuan Provincial Society, and the same vocal hand, and the trail me hands This is the same. Why did I take this book? I want to study research with everyone, compare the rope ranking of Longanfu and Sichuanfu. "

Zhao Ran turned to the part of the state, said: "We will take Jiajing nineteen years, which is compared with the number of last year. The total credit of the Sichuan government has three hundred and forty-eight million Gui, row in the 10th of Sichuan Province The ninth position of the eight states, Longanfu's total credit has two hundred and forty-five million, ranking eleventh in the province. Hey, Sichuan Province will be ranked by the top two, The total credit value is also one hundred and 130,000 ... "

When the Sichuan House was neutralized, there was a proud of ridicule Zhao Ran: "You have a clear look at this small temple? Who is low? Who is more exciting?"

Zhao Ran said: "I have a good thinking on the same day. I have not seriously thinking, I have made a similar conclusion. But I have been talking about this credit book these days, I can't think of a problem, if My state government, the land is large, the population is more, the rank I am in the book is not big, because this is the ranking, the total value is based on the total value, how will it be changed? "

Zhao Ran also took a piece of paper, and wrote the number, to the people: "So I specially went to the Chuanxi Governor's Government a few days ago, copy a population of the states, this is From the statement, the states have reported the number of embassies, I believe it can be used as a comparison. Do you have any opinions? "

In fact, he is pinching in his hand is the number of the 18th year of Jiajing. Daming six years aggregate a population, and the number of Jiajing nineteen years did not. However, Zhao Ran did not have to explain so much, and these people did not have this concept. Moreover, only a year, the numerous itself is not large, and the changes can be ignored.

"Seven counties in Changchuan, the total population is 59 million, ranked fourth of the fourth counties in the province, more than 20,000 population in the province, is the twelfth population. Simple calculation, The per capita credit value of the Sichuan Province is six k. The fourteenth place in the province, huh, huh, the fifth countdown; Longanfu's per capita credit value Bigu seven millet, ranked fifth! "

After calculating, Zhao Ran's improved volume, Lang said: "Trial, a countdown fifth, a positive number fifth, who is more exciting, is it?"

The whole court is silent, and all in detail the algorithm of Zhao Ran, I feel that it seems to be so ranked, it is really more reasonable?

The Sichuan House has any antagonus: "Simply use the credit rankings, you can't explain the problem ..."

Zhao Ran pointed to the people of antigens, loudly: "The credit can not explain the talents, what can explain? We have the people in the ten-way jungle, the Taoist gave us so high status and treatment, so many What is the resources and power? What else is it? "

After the other side, Zhao Ran turned to the same way, and he worked as a long way: "Don't forget the junior heart, the friends! I don't want to relish my eyes, forget your own responsibility! Forgot you I have a good ideal belief in my childhood! I forgot that when we were in the same year, the vows issued under the Sanqing Road! "...

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