Taoist Law

Chapter 84

In front of this vibrating declaration, more than three hundred people present at the same time, the anti-words refuted Zhao Ran's Taoist Taoist Taoist, and after the mutually shame, he did not dare to show it again.

The scenery of the scenery, the face is not stopped with the eyes of the eye, and the Yue Teng's sinking will retreat Zhao Ran. After a long time, I wake up, I quickly knocked the bell, and the high voice: "Don't say next, here Let's go. "

Zhao Ran's hand, extremely domineering, standing in the Zhengtang, watching the audience, finally supplement: "The fifth and countdown fifth, you choose!" The whole sleeve, and retreat.

There is a little Zhao Ran without explanation, and it is impossible to explain. If the shake of the Junshan Temple, the per capita value of the entire Longanfu will drop more than one, and the ranking will also decline.

In fact, there is another one that can pick the wrong, Zhao Ran confuses the concept, and the credibility of Longanfu is on the Du Teng, but the Du Teng will be a substrate, and the plays in the ten-party jungle in this world, how What is the compulsory and court? Dosmetory is totally different!

But at this moment, there is no one to pick the wrong office. Many people have been treated from this simple order, but they have lived from no one to think about it, and their respective thinking about the per capita credit value on their own sites.

There are more Taoist who caught Zhao Ran, who was "unforgettable", and started to hit the sharpness of someone, driving more people.

Yue Teng's eyes were worse, and even drove the clock. After a while, he finally interrupted that this is about to explode, clear the throat, said: "Now start, please Friends entered the seat, then publicly raised. "

When Zhao Ran passed by Song Yuan, he was pulled, and Song Zhiyuan whispered: "It's very good!"

Zhao Ran smiled: "I tried my best ..."

Song Zhiyuan said: "I don't think too much. I should win."

Zhao Ran shakes his head: "Teacher, don't underestimate the power of habits. Say good, can't hire people's habits, they are used to listening to the arranging from the head, habiting people who are specified above."

When the public is raised, everyone should write "Can" or "not" on bamboo, and write "give up". Today, there is a nominee candidate, then fill in the name you recognized above, or Simply write "give up". After the bamboo is written, it is put into the wooden box in front of the penuts and then arranges people to sing.

This is equivalent to no nameless voting, when taking this way, "Most people in silence" will take inertial thinking, habituality will give tickets to those who are prestige, or the person specified.

Therefore, although Zhao Ran said that the sky is full of flourishing, it also applies a flicker, it is very effective, but can reverse the habits of "silent most people", it is really not very good.

Song Zhiyuan slammed, took the shoulder of Zhaoran, let him go to seat.

As a monitor, the newly nominated Du Teng will call the past talk.

"Teng Club, today's things, do you know?"

"This is definitely not my idea." Du Teng will kneel the iron to play a slider.

Yue Teng said: "Well, according to the summary of the intention, this time is to the secluded division, wait for the teacher to ask the brother to say that you are willing to withdraw from the public, let the sages, how to ? "

Du Teng will make a color: "This ... is not good? I have been in the Sichuan Province in the Sichuan Province for five or six years. I really have some of the same trends. If you quit, if you quit, you will not hurt What is the heart of these same? "

Yue Teng was swallowed in such a sentence. It immediately opened the red, a word: "You ....... Du brother, you have to think about it!"

Du Teng will laugh and sway: "Yue Shi, you think more, but it is a full room, you have to believe in the same way, this to understand that they still have. I estimate that the Jingshi's priest is not big, Yue Shi brother Reegance is. Further, the province is here, you make me self-contained, where is my old face, where is this old face? How to go to see people in the future? Don't you? Yue Mishi also understands my brother. Is it difficult, is it good? After all, I am also equipped with the general view. Why do you want to thicken this thin? "

Yue Teng took a deep breath and stared at the eyes of Du Teng, "So, the teacher, I have two ticket boxes, the brothers do not weird."

Du Teng will smile: "The brother is free, and the brother, I am all accompanying, how do you do it." It doesn't matter on the surface, but I can't help but rush.

The bamboo is very fast, but Zhao Ran strangely found that everyone only bamboo will, and there is no pen, and there is no need to set up the Taoji.

Then listen to Yue Teng, because the number of participation is too much, in order to make a simple and easy, reduce the circulatory link, avoid the occurrence of false leakage, this investment is not in the name of the public, but Two wooden boxes are put, a wooden box marks "view", and another wooden box is marked as "Du Teng", and the third wooden box is added, and "give up".

Just see the value of the value of the tricks and moved two wooden boxes, a word code is opened, and it is ranked in the front of the penut.

Is this a registration to play? Zhao Ruen is one of the eyes, this is a variable!

Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou sat in front of the first place, looking at the three finishes of only a few steps away, they couldn't help but stop. The two big giants got up at the same time, and they went back to the day and re-sit down.

Only before the box, I only listened to him. I didn't have a pair of expression: "Now I started to raise, I will recommend the nomination of Xuanyuan, and I will collect the candidate of the candidate, or to select the Junshan Temple The candidates of Du Teng will, they are self-defined. Who is over half, who will win. "

This sentence can't catch a painful, but it is too polarized and too strong. The color of the scenery is finally slowed down. If the Du Teng will feel uncomfortable, the heart is broken, you are waiting, Dangdang poor is unattended in the total!

According to the order of the investment, it should be the Taoist of Xuanyuan, but Zhao Yunlou got up and negotiated with Yue Teng, because Xuan Yuan Guan was the first of Sichuan Road, and it would be strong, it will play a guiding role, so To arrange in the final investment.

This is actually in the Yue Teng, you have no difference between you so arranged and registered, but there is no clear statement that there must be no name, so it is arranged, but the fair is still put on. Finally.

Yue Teng's mid-installed installation did not understand the meaning of Zhao Yunlou, but they did not dare to do too much, so agreed with the views of Xuanyuan. Between the people in the hall, he also had to have this face, and he really got to the hometown of anger. He didn't have a good fruit.

Yue Teng announced: "Beginning, all walks of palace will be investigated, starting from the scenery hall and Du Huanda."

The scenery took the lead in getting up, walked to the deposit box of Du Tenghui, putting the bamboo invested in the box, and the Du Teng will hold a box, which is the meaning of humility.

Du Teng will thank the head to thank him, and the bamboo will also get together. According to the rules, they will go to the scenery of the scenery, then ...

He also moved to his own sparks, and gave himself to himself. At the same time, he turned to the scenery. Since the Jingshi also believes that the poor road can do the Tianhe Palace Monitor, that is good. "

The scenery of the nose is ignored, but he has to strong support: "Yes, it should ..."

After that, I saw the Lu Te Teng En, I saw him gone, and the Yue Teng had coughs, that meant, I am looking at it here, you can don't leave!

Just a few days ago, Lu Te Tengne became the nomination candidate of Tianhe Palace Monitor, but it was hard to stir by his in front of him. Not only the nominees are got to lose, he is not convenient to be nominated in the near future, otherwise it will not agree to the lobbying of Song Yuan Yuan.

So who is to say that he is the most hated, it is undoubtedly the Yue Teng, causing hate more than hate.

Will he be scared by a cough in Yue Teng? of course not! Lu Teng En interpreted a sentence: "The character of the hamma, I will always admire ..."

I heard here, the Yue Teng's micromaine headed, and the heart is still a general.

This thought is just turned, and I will listen to Lu Te Tengneu: "Since the hammer is invested by Du Hu Shizhang, then I will follow the masterpiece." After finishing, put the bamboo will give Du Teng. Reading network

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