Taoist Law

Chapter 85 Complex Surface

All states have the most criticism of the Husou Palace, and the regiment of the Supervision is the most important, because it is selected in front of everyone, it is equivalent to the name of the bamboo, basically it is equivalent to cast All of our own state governments. Just kidding, the regulatory court is put to who who is it, your kid does not have to invest in the regulatory Institute, is it to question the Choice of the Supervisor? I still don't want to mix it in the future?

Zhao Ran is looking forward to the variables, in fact, the "Ming Trip" approach to choose from Yue Teng, is equal to all the priests of each state government to choose brightly, which eliminates the "unknown truth to eat melon" in the middle. The masses, they have no chance to choose self-choice, only keep up with the Taoism Town Meminger, naturally, it is impossible to consider habits.

This variable is good, it is really bad. It is really not good at this moment, but Yue Teng and Jingshi's wishful abacus, it is destined to fail, Yue Teng can determine ordinary county courtyard supervision hall, township temple, and even the palace three It is also possible to be affected, but a monitoring teacher sent from the Mountains outside the thousand miles, even if he is a flat-class level of Zhao Laoyu, he can determine these strength regulators of the government? I am afraid it is not necessarily!

However, Zhao Ran's hard work, its impact has been greatly weakened, he can encourage this temple wish, and even the county courtyard supervision, but can encourage the government's supervision hall? These guys are people's pointers, and Zhao Ran's ficking is very powerful, but in front of these rivers and lakes, how much effect can be played, the same is not good!

Zhao Ran is calculated, Longanfu 18 votes! Du Fu thirty-four votes!

At this moment, there is already three cases in the box, and the scenery has not yet, and the situation is not wonderful. The Chinese Forestry Department of the Syrian Government grabs a few steps before, and the bamboo in the hands is put into the box.

Yue Teng nodded and gave the Forestry Academy an encouraged look.

The Forestry Institute grabbed the first and slightly looked at the Xuanyuan Guan Li Jun Institute and Zhao Yumu, and I also wanted to apply for the brothers of Sichuan Province, but found that the two indifferently looked at him. There is no expression. When I returned, my heart was dark, and the scenery is not your two elected? What did you say?

Zhao Ran continued to calculate, plus the Sichuan government, the scenery of the 31st votes.

Before the Weird House of Weird, he and the scenery were naturally voted, and it was naturally in the scene.

The scenery, forty-eight votes.

The Jiading Guardian Institute and the abbot were on the front, and the two were slightly hesitant, but they were separated from two springs. Fang Shi was a Du Teng meeting, and the court was investigated.

Zhao Ran looked at the laugh below, this two either a lot of shots, or a pair of old slides, in short, when the leadership is not responsible, they have suffered the same trend of Jiadingfu, I am afraid now every one is Who should I fight for my brain? Who should I put it!

Therefore, the number of tickets in Jiadingfu Zhao Ran has no law.

It can only be put on hold.

Song Zhiyuan has been cast before, Du Teng will grow to seventy-two votes, so that he breathe is a little urgent.

Mao Luan, Dongchuan House is going to start, these two feces are prepared, and there is a precedent for the Jiadingfu before, these two stations are all thrown, and they have a batch of batch Under the subordinate, all of them are doing brains.

The Huanqingfu's supervision was investing in, without hesitation, I chose the Du Teng, this is a surprise, the number of tickets in Du Teng will reach eighty-six votes!

The scenery of the scenery is very ugly, staring at the remaining abbots and supervision next to death.

Monitor's Yue Teng couldn't stand, stand up, and everyone will take a cough. I am hurting in my heart, but I can't help him.

Perhaps the cough in Yue Teng has played a role, and the Sichuan Provincial Division, Yongning, Xuan Fu Division, gave the bamboo to the scene, and his votes increased to sixty-nine votes.

However, the cough in Yantan sometimes has a reversal effect, and it will arouse their dislike.

The Monate Monitor in Uka is a seedlings, he originally intended to comply with the habit to give the Xuanyuan's view, and people went to the photo stored in the picture, but because of the actions, it attracted Yanthen. A series of cough sounds, this supervision is hidden in the Yue Teng, and the big eyes smashed each other for a long time, and simply changed to the depotext of Du Teng, put the bamboo and pressed. In the Yumultian, I raised my neck and went to the Yue Teng.

The same situation is also the Wulmon House, the Monachional is also threatened by the Yue Teng.

Yue Teng was also in time to reflect on himself, reducing some excessive behavior, after the Sichuan Xuan Wei Si, Zhenxiong Hall, and Zhangzhou have chosen views. This is the power of Zhao Ran's most worried, the most helpless so-called habits, these small states' abbots and supervision meetings will generally change the candidates for provoking and public nominations in the case of can't see the situation. The number of votes reached ninety-seven votes, and the Du Teng will be 16 votes.

Now I still have to vote, and I have no votes in Lizhou. Everyone's eyes look around these two, their choices will decide the final result.

Lizhou's supervision will plan to give Du Teng, which is exchanged by Zhao Ran, and the number of tickets in Du Teng will rise to 125 votes. More than 28 votes!

Finally, it is a total of twenty-nine votes in the Fufu Liujun Institute. Therefore, the last vote of the Liu Jun House is very important, it is very likely to determine the candidate of the first Tianhe Palace Supervisor!

He saw that the Liu Jun Institute came up and came up. Before the binding, he suddenly took a look at the scene. Jingcheng immediately read the meaning of Liu Jun Institute, and his face was pale. At this moment, he could not help but appear from autonomy to refuse the mediation of Liu Jun's mediation. Various tastes in the heart, and it could not be expressed in a time.

Liu Jun Institute put bamboo in the Du Tengbo box!

If the Taoist Taoist is voting in accordance with the choice of the Daozhan Taoist House, the number of votes of Du Teng will reach a hundred and fifty-four votes! More than the scenery of fifty-seven votes. The number of winnings from one hundred and sixty-four votes is still seven votes.

Of course, it is still not possible to calculate the final result, and those who can't determine who will defeat, because there are three states' abbots and supervision halls are separated, and however, what will be in the heart, it is true.

All the abbots and supervisions of the state-government road level, no one has abstained, to this level, in the case of registration, choose one may be sinned, but the right to dispose of the two people ,Why bother?

The rest of the house three-story, the county courtyard supervision, and the abbot, all the temples have also played before, because people are more, the speed is fast, Zhao Ran is not asked, but it is impossible to see the temple of several Song Fang Zong. .

These temples from Song You have no county courtyards and houses on the head, who wants to vote, who is not affected by it. They were influenced by Zhao Ran, and it was still in the heart of the tide.

It is Zhao Ran noticed that Dong Kun, who had a neutral hospital, in a corner, seems to ask Zhang Ze, and he even drove his ears and sneaked carefully.

"... Monitoring House, I am really casting."

"……Why did I not see it?"

"I really didn't invest Du Huangzhang, supervised the hall, the sky is on ..."

"You'd better!"

"Supervision, you don't invest Du Hu Shi, is it really suitable? He can look at it."

"What do you do? The scenic house promised me, then transfer me to Song Fang, I also managed to do any Du Huanda! Well? How do you still talk to Du Hu?"

"I am not talking to Du Hui, I am thinking about you to supervise the House!"

"Hey, it is best!"

Zhao Ran shook his head, the square named Dong has been chaotic, every step of doing is far more than what does not do.

He turned his head to continue to pay attention to the public.

In the last forward, the eyes of all people were staring at several highways in Xuanyuan, although their votes could not affect the final result, but everyone wanted to know, Xuan Yuan is standing Which side.

The attitude of the Li Jun House and Zhao Laobu will soon be announced.

Li Yunhe got up and slowly went to the ticket box, gave the bamboo to the scene.

Zhao Yunlou has a big step forward, and the bamboo plaque enters the picture of the picture.

In the Yue Teng, the scenery is a good breath, and the dark road is okay, but fortunately ...

Du Teng will have psychological preparation, although it is unwilling, but has to admit that this is in the reason ...

This time, Ye Xuezhi, Xuan Yuan's viewing eight major deacons came four, they got up, one by one ... no deacon follows Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou, everyone has no exception, will all of the bamboo Put the ticket box of Du Teng!

Du Teng will instantly instantly, excited to be almost homogeneous, and the body is weak, on the back of the chair.

On the side of Xu Tonglong can't help it in color: "Teacher, the vision is really supporting brother!"

Du Teng will stare at his own ticket, muttered: "Li Jun Institute is a good person, Zhao's old man is good ..."

In the Yue Teng on the stage, the scenery under the stage, the two of the two eyes are all black lines.

Olete people until at this moment, Gu knowing that Xuanyuan is supported. The four deacons must represent Li Jun Institute and Zhao Yumu's intention, and Li Jun Institute and Zhao Lao Tu, they can only choose to supply the landscape, such as their level, must be consistent, otherwise It is my own face.

The face of the Syrian Forest Supervision Hospital is very ugly. He finally knows that when you use bamboo to gain the scenery, these two eyes don't look at themselves. Reading network

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