Taoist Law

Chapter 86

Bamboo will finally have finished over, and the precise results also need to search on site, and no one will be able to defeat.

Zhao Ran calculated the number of votes, in accordance with the number of votes of the states, this number is not the final result. Although according to probability and logic, the Taoists of the states should follow their own abbots and supervision. Run, but you are not allowed to be every person's thinking is in line with normal logic.

Sichuan 18th and three local divisions, a state government as long as a brain regenerate guy, at extreme conditions, will be twenty-one votes, while adding a reduction, enough to affect the winning and negative results.

In the face of Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou, when the province's more than 300 Taoist faces, Yue Teng did not dare to play with tricks, and the public pushed this step, he could not force, only hope that the results of public push can be rendered Wishing, not, being buckled with an incomplete hat after returning to the mountain.

Six Xuan Yuan's view of the trendo boy came in, one group, opened three bottled boxes, respectively, and paved a red silk in the air in front of the box, in front of everyone, the bamboo in the box Playing on the red silk.

The first thing to complete the spot is the deposit box of abandonment, there is a lot of bamboo, and the total will reach sixty eight. Zhao Ran is estimated that most of these bamboo, most of them should be from the three abbots, and the state governments that are deployed separately, these same witnesses are asneetatically, and the voting waves may be a good choice.

There is still two hundred and fifty-nine pieces in the rest of the bamboo, that is, as long as I get one hundred and thirty, the Du Teng will win.

Not right, Zhao Ran suddenly remembered a question, the rules announced in Yue Teng, "Who have been investing more, who is wins", as long as there is no more than half, Du Teng will receive more than the scenery, or not Winning. This means that Du Teng will still need a hundred and sixty-four.

Slightly worried about a moment, Zhao Ran is relieved. His purpose is not to push Du Teng will be on, but the hind legs to be launched. As long as the scenery does not get a half vote, he can't take the Tianhe Palace Tour, and Xuanyuan Guan can re-nominate another candidate, then he has nothing to do with Zhao Ran.

Under the eye on more than three hundred eyes, the result is finally singing and singing in the heart of bamboo.

Abandon 68 votes.

At the scene, the ninety-five votes are more than the calculation of Zhaoran.

Du Teng will be a hundred and sixty-four votes!

Du Teng will have achieved more obvious advantages, not only a large leading view of sixty-nine votes, but only half a ticket, or half a ticket is more exact.

Is it so clever? Zhao Ran is a bit can't believe his ears!

When the scenery was stunned, all kinds of tastes flooded in the heart, and they were swearing in their hearts. They took the , , Zhao Yunlou, Liu Yunfeng, even Yue Teng is on. After a while, I complained from Ai. I only feel that the sky is in the earth. It seems that I can't stand myself.

He is the most powerful or herself, thinking that he is stupid to give the Du Teng will vote, and you can't wait to be a ten eight slaps! If there is no such bamboo, can Du Teng will just over? I can't get this position, Du Teng will not get it!

Du Teng will be excited to find north, get up and turn two laps, and I don't know where to go. I suddenly walked to the scenery of the scene, holding a boxing to him, deeply appreciating a gift: "Thank you Jingjing, contraction!"

The sky is pitiful, this time Du Teng will be happy, one heart thoughts, the most crucial invitations of the scene, he is sincere, a little irony.

Unfortunately, he really didn't pay attention to the scenery, but in turn, the last reason to give the scenery, and slammed it, and reached out, pointing at the nose of Du Teng, just angry, But suddenly the sky turned, the eyes were black, and the squats were planted on the ground, and the personnel did not wake up.

Du Teng will be stupid this, just stand in place, muttered in the mouth, keep explaining: "It is not my own thing, he is fainted by himself ..."

I was confusing in the hall, there was a surrounding, there was a lively, and there were more sneakers to leave. Also some people go to the side of Du Teng, congratulations on the whisper, while briefly introducing their own resumes, leaving the impression before this is about to upgrade to the provincial three-level .

Zhao Ran didn't have this kind of idle, and Du Teng will go to the Hengqi Trunchery Institute. The only relationship is that he has a relationship, that is, he finally launched the landscape, and there is more future. select.

As for the scenery, he is a monk, or do you want to see? Just kidding, can't go to the past, in case the surname is really dead, he will not take off the suspicion of "Darkly" in the past!

Song Zhiyuan has never been in the past. He is the same as Zhao Ran, and the Du Teng will not be dealtled, and the reason why he is a Tianhe Palace Memun Institute, purely a combination of interest. Now that since it achieves the purpose, there is no need to get together, and it will make people look at it. As for the scene, the scene is suddenly fainted, but he will make him a lot, and the dark road is really a day!

Therefore, Zhao Ran and Song Zhiyuan will come out and go out with them, and there are 6 Teng En.

6 Teng En is particularly happy today, the so-called current newspaper, this hatred is too fast, and the haze of depression at the chest has been sweep in a few days, and the mood is very comfortable.

On the side, he smiled and smiled and Zhao Rong said: "Xiao Zhao Temple wishes the Talence, courage to enter, courageous, see the group, I wish you a lot in Long'anfu, how to give me the old 6 ? "

Song Zhiyuan jokes: "Old 6 Do you still have people with me? How do you want him to give you a hand? I still want him to come to Baingbin to give me a hand."

Although he is a joke, 6 Teng En understands what he meant, this is to open a price out, then put away the smile, think about a moment, said: "I am in any county under all the county, how is it? I have seen your resume, it is too young, less than 30. When you are over 30, you can serve as a county. "

Zhao Ran is two seventeen old this year, this is really too small, even if it is good, I want to go to a county, or too sensational.

Therefore, 6 Teng En's meaning is that it is three years. When Zhao Ran is 30 years old, he will mention him as a county to supervise the House, which is already full sincerity. Even if it is Song Zhiyuan, Zhao Ran really went to Dao Ningfu his site, and it is also ready to wait for Zhaoran 30 to mention the county hospital supervision.

Song did not nod, praise: "The old 6 is the courage. But I have talked with the Li Jun Institute before, I want him to pick a county, serve as three, but the Li Jun House is. This time After the age, I will prepare to talk about the Li Jun Institute. "

6 Teng En is very surprised: "Three people? What do you do with the head? Xiao Zhao Temple will not be planned to endow?"

Song Zhiyuan: "Don't forget the scenery, he did the three things in Xizhenwu Palace."

6 Teng En said: "That is an exception, when you must have an example."

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Thank you for the Song Dynasty, 6 Supervisory House ..."

6 Teng En said: "Say what to lift it, so too life."

Zhao Rong said: "Good, 6 supervision hall, in fact, I have already planned, and wait two days to see, if you can't, it's really troublesome."

PS: Nearly Japanese books are praised by several big on Weibo, the poor treasure is full of strength, grateful! ...

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