Taoist Law

Chapter 87 Du Teng

According to the rules of the door, it is the final depository after the publication, and even the overall qualification is eligible. Of course, if the summary does not recognize this person, the follow-up will be troublesome, not only Du Teng will be in the sky, the heroes are not stable, but the Xuanyuan Guan will also have to eat, Li Yunhe has to be responsible with Zhao Yunlou. So Du Teng will choose this nominees that don't take your head, and you will have a lot of handles.

But these things are later, at least now, the Lift of Du Teng will be iron. It is said that the next day, it is to participate in the "lunch" ceremony of Du Teng.

Because the Tianhe Palace has no half a shadow, the people of Sanfu, the eight major deacons are still on paper, so the "lunch" ceremony of Du Teng will try to learn from this province. Through this province. In the case of the premise, it is warned.

On the night, there is a variety of utensils needed for the value of the value of the Taoist layout. In addition to Zhao Ran, Longanfu almost all the Taoist Taoists in Ye Xueguan went to help.

I don't know where to temporarily pull the Sanqing Daozao, arranged in the Zhengtang, and arranged Zhang hanging silk books, temporarily found a single winning man built a Fa, and placed a "law" on the Fraternity. In order to provide a prolonged, the fu, the law, the "lunar" ceremony is held.

As for the instrument cover, singing the scriptures, embraced the instrument's guards, and naturally, the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoists is familiar with, and it is a lot of trials.

And Du Teng will be self-employed, it is hiding in the room, and after the night, after the "Lift" tomorrow, it needs the manuscript of the "Sheng Abra".

In addition to this manuscript, Du Teng will also have written three letters in a row, and these three letters are going to the country.

He won the public in the way, and the general view can only pinch the nose, but it doesn't mean that there is no way to pack you. Even if I have a "lunch" ceremony, as long as I am annoyed, I will notify you to report on the Lushan report in three or five months, so I can only cry. But let you go to a idle passion for twenty years, it is better to be a state of the government.

When Long Anfu has been busy all night, Zhao Ran steals a lazy, beautiful sleep,

His past this day is indeed enough.

Du Hu Shizhang held the third day of this big agenda, which is the third day of the big agenda, which is normal. After all, seven years have never been held in a big age, and the delay is a few days.

At the scene, I woke up last night. It is said that it is just anger to attack, and the body is not a big problem. Du Teng will succeed because of his discomfort, but it seems that it has resumed rationality, and all the Taoist Taoist priests of the Sichuanfang must attend the requirements.

Under the eyes of hundreds of Taoist, Du Teng will wear a purple robe. Head wears Xingyun crown. He holds jade, and the heart is honored, and the four directions of Xuanyuan is the four deacons. Under the Hui Hui Hui, enter the Zhengzioshi, the fragrance is worshiped, and the ancestors will protect the Temin of Daming, and the road is prosperous.

Thereafter, Du Teng will go to the Fund, into the law, and preach the understanding of the original origin of the road. Also said that Du Teng will really be good for the mastery of the meaning. Let's talk about the exhibition. The language is also easy to understand, and there is no sense of feeling, and Zhao Ruitou has a few traces of him once.

** After completion, Zhao Yunlou ups the word, and not congratulations, and advised that set. Later, Li Yunhe awarded him Santan Rings, and it was a ceremony.

Originally, there are still many small scientific rules, but this situation is different, the conditions are simple, and there is no more overground.

The public promotion ceremony ended, the mission of the Yue Teng was also completed, and his laughter did not laugh, and then he gave a congratulations.

The publication ceremony has such a big leak. From a certain point of view, it is equivalent to failing to complete this monitoring, I don't know how to rely on the overalls of the big giants, of course, there is no thought to stay again. Business.

He is an angry at this moment, and it is also awkward. It is ready to return to the details of the Lushan, waiting for the overall ruling.

Before leaving, the Yue Teng went to the view to see the scene, see him lying in bed, and the gods were appointed, so I sighed: "What is this bitter? I said on the day, don't we don't know how to be branched, now? I don't know going back How to conftront ... "

The scenery shakes the head: "If you don't take the opportunity to get the opportunity in the future, there will be opportunities in the future? Just don't come back."

Yue Teng said: "Say everything is late, I will try to distinguish you after I go back, you will calm down this day, don't do anything."

The scenery is smile: "I want to put me all, but I have repeatedly said before, Zhao Zengran, must be treated seriously, but there is no one to listen to ..."

Yue Teng nodded: "It is our looked at it. Who can think of a small temple, I wish you just turn it, hey! When you really open your eyes ..."


After the public, the Du Teng will be held separately by the Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou, mainly, is mainly the architecture of Song Dao. Including the setting of the Temple of Taoishan Road, including architective.

Xuanyuan Guan did not want to drag again, directly put it out and gave it the original set of agreed, handed over to Du Teng and asked about opinions.

When Du Teng will be the Baizhen of Xizhenwu Palace, it is poorly poor to Xuan Yuan's view. Therefore, when this public is pushed, Xuan Yuan's view will support the Du Teng meeting. I originally had two difficulties to take it.

However, after today's success, the Du Teng will have a step, but the attitude is reversed, and the performance of the day is like the expression of the cloud, which makes the Li Yunhe and Zhao Yunlou. At the time, the impression of him is gradually twisted.

After a simple consultation, Du Teng will take a little understanding of the Song Ming Program thrown out of Xuanyuan, and after a little bit of candidates, it is almost all accepted, let Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou is very gratifying.

The front of the Du Teng will be very smooth, and the short half is over, based on the reversal of his opinion, Zhao Yunlou asked a question.

"Teng will, this publication is really unexpected. Of course, Xuan Yuan Guan will definitely send a text to the time, try our best, is there anything else yourself?"

This is reminding the Du Teng, there is a doorway there, you will hurry up. While we will try our best, but there is not enough to grasp, you just became a Tianhe Palace Tourism Hospital. It was taken away by a total of one piece of paper, and when everyone, the gray face of everyone will not look good.

Du Teng will smile: "Multi-thank the supervisor, please worry, please rest assured, Lushan, I still ask for a little bit."

How many Zhao Yunlou knows that some Du Teng will, after listening to his confidence, it is aware. Xuan Yuan Guan Nowadays and Du Teng will temporarily become the relationship between the total fate, at least in this matter must be held warm.

Just as the Du Teng will prepare, Zhao Yunlou suddenly asked: "Nomination publicly pushed your Junshan Temple Zhao Zhaoran, how do you plan?"

Du Teng will, he is always in the middle of the two days, and the fullness of the brain is, and it is almost forgot that Zhao Ran's thing is.

Zhao Ran was streamded by the scenery, but he not only knew, but also saved the lively and thought, who would think of this actually led Zhao Ziran so fierce resistance, in one fell swooping, the lady, finally I am!

At this moment, Zhao Yunlou solemnly asked Zhao Zhaoran's arrangement, and saw that Li Yunhe listened to it, his heart was a feather, secretly said that is the true root of Xuanyuan look dissatisfaction with the scenery?

He just used a unconventional "jumping" means to go to the stage. How can I arrange to make them satisfied?

Du Teng will continue to make a sharp turn, and quickly recall the scheme of Zhao Ran on his table before night. Fortunately, he saw it, although it was just casual browsing, it was not serious, but it was still impressive.

Slightly thinking, the opening: "Zhao Ziran Tu Zhuo Zhuo ..." Just said this sentence, immediately noticed that the face of Zhao Yunlou in the side suddenly became very embarrassed, immediately wake up, and quickly changed: "Hey, tell the truth, the year I took the hand with Zhao Ziran, and I didn't harmonate, but I have to admit that Zhao Ziran is a talent that is longer than the business. Some of his thoughts are very interesting. Sometimes I feel a little whimsical, but I've been very good ... "

I heard here, Zhao Yunlou nodded: "You can think of it, you also explain your gas and pattern."

Du Teng will said: "Everything is praised ... Therefore, I thought that I should add a burden to him."

"Talk about your intend." ...

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