Taoist Law

Chapter 88 3rd Talk

After listening to a small temple, I wished the pavilion of a small temple. Du Teng will have a new understanding of Zhao Ran's emphasis, so I will think of a moment, think about it for a while, said: "Zhao Liangran courageous, ability It is also enough, and I am now good at preaching, but also good at governance. "1T; / p>

Zhao Yunlou nodded and plus the words: "Junshan Temple has ranked first in the province last year, this is not accidental, his ability, we are all clear, Du, you will say it directly." 1t; / p>

Du Teng took a noddation, said: "His ability is strong, just the number of years, it is too young, suddenly dialing to the high, this is not helping him, but hurts him. This time Hundreds of things gave me, exactly the unprotive hospital last year, so far apart, so I think, can I put the level of the Junshan Temple to half-grid, and there are also the way to the Jurong Temple. Profile also mentioned, and serve as the unprotive court, such a responsibility ... um, the responsibility is equal, I believe that you can better stroke him. "1T; / p>

Li Yunhe suddenly inserted: "This idea is very good, very new, you can start from the Junshan Temple, try it, if the effect is good, you can even implement it in the province, to make things work and achieve effectiveness, you can consider The upper half. Just, you are also in the West Zhenwu Palace Tour, you will also call them today, and report to me immediately. "1T; / P>

"Yes, the departure hall is relieved, and it will be reported to the Monitor before sunset." 1T; / P>

Zhao Yunlou added next to: "It is best to give him a person who adds a sense of public or tour, and the high-performance staff." 1T; / P>

In the Tangmen Ten-Party Jungle, the palace, the hospital, the abbot of more than 80%, the supervision hall will choose in these three two-time, not from the three duty, usually, will be consciously I feel almost meaning. 1T; / P>

Therefore, Du Teng will immediately clear, and point it to the head. 1T; / P>

After the Du Teng will go, Zhao Yunlou asked Li Yunhe: "Supervision, so arranged so much?" 1T; / p>

Li Yunhe smiled bitterly: "This Zhao Ziran,

One through the chaotic punch, the whole of the situation is stirred. Do you want to say rewards, this is a job? "1t; / p>

Zhao Yunlou said: "The scene is the scenery." 1T; / P>

Li Yunhe nodded and shook his head: "I can only do this. I am in order to let him go to Xuanyuan watching the position of Xingxing. I have experienced a year. I have been in place. If I returned to the nephew, the number of years is not an occasion Does the star are not smaller? Xuanyuan is not a problem ... But the proposal of the Du Teng will, it is obviously Zhao Liangran himself, I don't agree, I want some people to be separated from De ... "1t; / p>

Zhao Yunlou smiled: "I think he is a heart thinking, and of course, maybe I want to do things, I am afraid that there is nothing to go to the guests ..." 1T; / p>

Li Yunhe said: "You are looking for a time to hit him, this time, you can be two, you must never be three, otherwise don't say the day, I will not agree!" 1t; / p>

Zhao Yunlou nodded: "This is this." 1T; / P>

After returning, Du Teng immediately founded Zhao Ran to give him a plan, and looked at it carefully. Confirmed and he had just in the Li Yunhe. Looking for Zhaoran. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran lived in the same cross-hospital, not a few steps, knocking on the door, no one in the house responded, Du Teng will have to return. 1T; / P>

When passing through the door of Song Yuanyuan, I saw the door to open, I saw Zhao Ran's figure in the house. The Du Teng will be attentive, this is the case of selling people, and the Song Zhi is also in the same. 1T; / P>

Song Zhi and Zhao Ran are chatting, seeing Du Teng will stand in the door and is knocking on the door. 1T; / P>

The two stood up and the Du Teng will welcome it in the house. The relationship between the two sides has been to bite each other, but there is such a cooperation, and there is a lot of enemies in invisible. 1T; / P>

The Du Teng will greeten and greeted the two people. Sit down: "I just went to find it, I can't see this door ... I won't bother?" 1T; / P >

Zhao Ran asked: "Du Hu Shizhang ... haha, right, should be Du Jun Institute, is there anything in Du Jun Hospital?" 1T; / P>

Du Teng said: "Let's say what you say, the ability and talents are all obvious. The Song Taoist Institute can be said to be a clear understanding. You go to the Junshan Temple for four years, and take a well in the well, Last year, the credit ranking has also got the top of the province. This all people are watching in the eyes. I am going to go to Song, you can't let go, I don't want to let go, I mean, I want to let You also go to Songmao with me ... "1T; / p>

Zhao Ran said that we are not saying good? How come again? 1T; / P>

After all, Song Yuan was so spicy. It is seen that Du Teng will sell it, but give the stairs: "It is a person who has been an old man. He still wants to stay in Long'anfu, and also ask Du Jun Institute to take a look." 1T; / p>

Du Teng took a nod to determine that Zhao Ran will not go to Song Chan, simply sell a bigger human condition: "I really want to let go of the red original, from the temple, three years later, etc. After 30, let you host the entire red original, how do you mean? "1T; / p>

Commit to this kind of thing? It depends on the time, the three-month commitment should have no problem, but if you have been half a year, you have to quarry, as for three years, Zhao Ran will never consider. 1T; / P>

Who is the three years? Don't say three years, what will be changed after a year? Sometimes it is not necessary to commit other people, it is not necessarily a promise who doesn't want to perform, most of the situation is a promise person, it can't control the situation, and it is powerless. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran said: "Thank you Du Jun Institute for love, but I still want to stay in Longanfu, maybe I think about a few years later, I will go to Du Jun Institute is not too late." 1T; / p>

Du Teng will said: "In this case, then I will not be reluctant. I have to leave Longanfu, some things still have to deal with the hand, I intend to tell Li Jun House and Zhao Laoyu, refer to Pan The way of the Mushan Temple puts the specifications of the Jushan Temple, and the surrounding parts are included in the Xunshan Temple. It is to add a burden to it, and it is willing to be willing to be willing? "1T; / p>

Zhao Ran is willing to be willing, this is the condition he proposed to Du Teng before heaven. These words are actually Du Teng will talk to Song Yuan. 1T; / P>

After talking, Du Teng will give him a decision, Song Zhiyuan and Zhao Ran send him to the door, and there is a lot of enthusiasm. 1T; / P>

When I left, Zhao Ran reminded the Du Teng Club: "Du Jun Institute, the things over Lizhou, also look at the inspectors to remember the heart." 1T; / P>

Du Teng will laugh and sway: "Remind, let them send people to Tianhe Palace to find me. You must pay attention to God, the scene of the scene, I am afraid that I will stay with you." 1t; / p>

Zhao Ran is a bit surprised, this is said from the Du Teng, it feels quite uncomfortable. 1T; / P>

At this 13-day big age, Xuanyuan is commended the talents in the ten-way jungle in the Temple of Baiman Mountain, held a grand worship, and announced the entire Sichuan Dowen Ten-way Jungle. The transfer of the center of gravity is more resolved, and the rule of the rule of the whole Song Fan area has been solved, and the road frame of Song You is, it can be said that it is full of merits and high efficiency. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran regrets that this agenda is too compact, and his whole people are trapped in it, and they can't go to work in the mountains. I heard that many people in the Taoist practice have rested in the white horse mountain, perhaps can see several acquaintances. 1T; / P>

He also wants to inquire about the results of Baiman Mountain to see if there is a senior general of the summer army, or there is a record of the class, he is really a bit worried about wildlit. 1T; / P>

From the battle report of the Chief House of the Chief Experue, there is no wildlife or capture record. But because the time is too short, especially the front of the front line, the Ming army heavy soldiers and main energy are there, and many things have not come to the spot, so they do not rule out the possibility of unlucky wild. 1T; / P>

It's just the inner soldiers in the army. No one is energetic to help him collect the news in this area, he can only stand. ... 1t; / p> ...

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