Taoist Law

Chapter 89 About Memory

On this afternoon, Xuanyuan Guan finally released the announcement, and the success of the big agenda, everyone can return to the government, the county.

Within the entire transfer, everyone is packing up the canning, the road to the road, Zhao Ran came to the house of Zhulan, and saw him and the other two Lizhou Temples, and he hit him. wave.

See Zhao Ran to find yourself, Lan Zhiqi: "Zhao Temple, is there?"

Zhao Rong said: "It's still a matter of Song, you really don't want to go? I can tell you by telling you, if you have passed, this opportunity is not easy to miss."

Lan Zhi asked: "This time I changed the Du Jun Institute, do you still go?"

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Don't go, I am old ... I can't open the people of Junshan!"

Lanzhi has a feeling: "The same, I am the soil-growing hydrated man, the land raised me, there is a family of people in the people, and I have grown up my feeding, now I am giving back to them, how Can you leave? Zhao Temple is really a model of my generation, my heart is selfless! "

Zhao Ran's face is slightly red, coughing, said: "That way, let's go to the Zheng Tuch Hospital of Lizhou."

Zheng Tuchway also cleaned up the arrangement, see Zhu Zhiyi and Zhao Ran, laughed: "Mo Zhaojing Temple wishes this to go to Lizhou ... oh ... investigation?"

Zhao Rong said: "I really want to go now, but there is no way, can't walk, Junshan has a lot of things to handle, can only have a day."

Zheng Jun Hospital said: "Then I will be held in Lizhou."

Zhao Ran smiled and then said: "Du Jun Institute, I have said it, Zheng Jun Institute will arrange anyone to go to Song Fang, directly let him go to Tianhe Palace to find Du Jun Institute, I heard that Tianhe Palace is expanded based on Songzhou Temple, and it is directly to Songzhou Temple. "

Zheng Jun Institute of Jun said: "Thank you."

Lizhou's same trend is Ye Xueguan, who left in the morning. They hired five driving cars, loaded some of the purchased Shuqian specialty, prepared to first go to Wen Wen in the south, and then went to Dufu, to Du Fu again Some goods, finally brought back to Lizhou.

Lizhou is very poor, away from the center of Sichuan Province, every travel is not easy, you can buy some things as much as possible.

Zhao Ran listened to the blue to say, they originally wanted to buy some kinds of seeds, cloth, salt, etc. in Du Fu, but this time I came out too much, I didn't raise enough silver.

Therefore, the goods that can be bought are relatively small, very regret.

Zhao Ran took out two hundred and two silver tickets to Zheng Jun Institute, saying that the Junshan Temple on the preparation fees for the Hydraulic Region to the Hydraulic Region, mainly used to improve the reception conditions, and bear the cost of accommodation in the future Junshan Temple.

When the Zheng Jun Institute, he understood it, he was very touched, holding Zhaoran's hand shakes for a long time.

Song You is located in the northwest corner of Sichuan Province. Only Longanfu, Baoying House and Zhangzhou are all the way. The same witnesses of Long'anfu will send Du Teng to build a Taoine. The same trends in the Zhangzhou government want to go to Chengdu first, so only Zhao Ran followed the team in the Baoying House, all the way to easily .

At this big one, I gave Zhao Ran's two temples that were impressed, one is Lizhou Lan Temple, and the other is the Ding Temple of Baoying.

Ding Temple wishes to Zhaoran's residential discretion, because of the fourth place in the visit, Since Zhao Ran, "Ding", "Ding", called him, I didn't expect this Jun. Ding.

Ding Temple, I wish you a diamist of the Tienshan Temple of Baoying, Jianzhou (county), the countdown of the province's township principal book. Zhao Ran remembered that he had heard this temple, the empty empty, did not know the cloud, he listened, he worked for him.

However, Ding Temple wishes this person to have an advantage. It is very modest, and it is very humble to a humble point. At that time, he had helped his mistakes and desperately reviewed his shortcomings.

In addition to modest, there is another advantage that this king is to ask questions from sincerely sincere sincere.

Zhaoran, ranking first in the province, naturally became the best object of Ding Temple. He is as if he is always concerned with Zhao Ran, but if Zhao Ran just left Song Zhiyuan, immediately surrounded, and took out various problems.

Zhao Ran was very patiently given a question, but after the fourth day, he suddenly found that there were a few questions asked this Ding Temple.

Ok, Zhao Ran continued to answer patients. After the fifth day, there were several problems to have been asked the next day; when it arrived on the sixth day, the same ...

Zhao Ran is curious, the secret is only three days of memory of the monarch?

Unfortunately, there is no time to continue to verify. In the seventh day, the team has traveled through the entire Longanfu, arriving in Longan and Baingbin.

Take the Qingkou set that night, Zhao Ran said with Song Yuan Yuan talks about the ground. I said that I said that I wish the Temple.

Song Zhijing: "This temple named Ding, I can't see it. I just went to Baingbin, I still didn't know much, I have listened to the situation two days, and he has been in the Juxushan Temple. It has been three years. The province is the most, this is definitely going to take it. "

Zhao Ran is a little bit of good feeling, of course, this kind of good feeling is because of the opening of the other party, still with a bit of pity, he will not say clearly, so he helps: "I feel this Ding Temple is good, but this is the internal service of the brother, I don't say much. If you want to take him, it is also possible, but if you can give him a little time, I am willing to help, take a Waiting to Trip Mountain Temple to see what is it. "

Song Yuan Road: "The most old year, this is really too embarrassing me, I'm going to see you in this few days, do you have to pay you?"

Zhao Ran's head: "He is very humble, it is more good, always come to learn together, there is a stuff."

Song Zhiyuan sinks, said: "It's just that, then give him a year, if the Jiajing twenty-year credit book, he still counts the first, then don't blame the teacher."

Ding Temple wishes to be unknown, because of the two sentences of Zhao Ran, he freeed a mistake. It won the grace period of a year, so when he studied, the effect is the effect, first study attitude must be correct.

Early the next morning, Zhao Ran sent outside the Qingkou intertwined, with the same trend with Baining House. After the Song Zhiyuan and others, he embarked on the way back.

But it is not the way to go back to Junshan, but go to the acuppy. Reading network

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