Taoist Law

Chapter 90 2 Old Man

From Qingkou Town to the Polarless Mountain, about Mo near Baili, has not yet opened the official road. Zhao Ran is very fast, rolling the mountain, the river Yue Ditch, almost a straight line, and the afternoon arrived in the unpolated mountain.

It seems that yesterday, I just got a big snow, thick covered in the mountain road of the Polarless Mountain, when Zhao Ran arrived, the fireworks in the garden were swepting the snow on the mountain, and they were tight.

Zhao Ran saw Jiajing and Zhou Hua, and the two took a big broom. He was swept on both sides along the stone step.

Zhao Ran is now the Temple of the Junshan Temple, the characters of the eight major delegates in the unprotive housing, and he has heard that he knows that he still has a monk in the library.

The net of the net room is Zhao Ran to learn the classmates of the scriptures in the passage of the passing hall. When you come over, come over and talk, simply talk about two sentences.

"You are busy with you, I just talk two words with Jiakhan and Zhou Hua."

"Well, Zhao Shi ... Zhao Temple wishes anything, although the speech is yes. Do you need to go to see the teacher brothers? The EDQU has not come back."

"Next, there is still something today, I will go back to Junshan."

The net house is also too lazy, standing on the stone steps at the bottom of the mountain, shouting a scorpion: "Jiajing, Zhou Huai!"

The two people looked up and showed each other, and then they were together, and they crossed the fireworks who were sweeping, and they went directly to Zhao Ran.

Seeing Zhao Ran, two people are very embarrassed. Four years ago, Zhao Ran was rushed to the Junshan Temple who didn't exist, and when he was not very optimistic about the Temple, when he tried to ask Jiaken and Zhou Hua, there is no intention to go to Junshan.

Zhao Rong said that there is no understanding, just mentioned this, but the two people have no interface, Zhao Ran will make it.

After two people left, they did not be deliberated, no matter Dong Kun, still Zhang Ze, I really didn't put it in my eyes, but I would like to have something more difficult. Until now, the two are still in a water house, a net room, no change.

However, this is normal, most of the fire in the Taoist Fire is this, waiting until ten years of fire, you can resign return township, there is no difference.

It's just that the small Junshan Temple actually prosper, not only in the Yugang County, but it is also known for the entire Longanfu.

Zhao Ran is more shaking into a fairy in the library, and the sound of the earthquake.

The two don't know how to change, just holding a big broom, and he said: "Temple Wish ..."

Zhao Ran smiled and asked: "I seem to remember, do you have a fire for ten years?"

Jiao is sigh, said: "It is nine years, next year, goes back to the country next year."

Zhou Huai also said: "I am more than two months old."

Zhao Ran asked: "What is going on after the coming?"

The eyes of the two people bluntly reveal, I don't know how to answer.

Silence for a moment, a way: "Go home Wen ..."

Another way: "Go home, come to the middle and long generations ..."

In the Ten Wan Dynasties, the most of the fireworks, the most is that there is no chance to be affected.

After ten years of expiration, after dedication for the family's peace and rich, they can only choose to return to their hometown.

These people are not the eldest sons in their homes, even most of them are born, in this decade, know how to drill, mix well, have a vast, open, and go back, they are relying on them. First, etc., you can accumulate some money, and the door also supports them to separate the portal; inactive, in addition to mixing a beefa, usually feel confused and discomfort.

Jiajing and Zhou Huai belong to the last situation, and the uncertainty of his future life, leading to their unknowns. If the fireworks in Xizhenwu Palace is the same, although she is not lacked, she still comes to Junshan. Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran said: "I am probably in the situation in Junshan, I have a big improvement than starting at the time. When I enter the unprotive court, I am quite a passage of two brothers. Now I have some ability. Can be slightly more expensive. "

These two are immediately listening, and they are looking forward to the color.

"I have two suggestions, one, you will continue to do ten years in the unprotive court, return home, want to be an official, Wen book test, save you a county test, the government does not have problems, then I can't do it. Or want to buy a family, I want to do business to buy and sell, I also want to get out of you Zhou ... "

"Second choice?"

"Second, don't want to leave the door, first go to the building, please resign, although the year is a decade, but in advance, two years is nothing, I know that everyone is waiting for the fireworks every year. The quota, you are giving the way to the side, the custom house is happy. After the words, go to Junshan to find me, but I can only continue to be a fire, I have to think about it in a few years. "

After listening, these two hesitated for a while.

Seeing him, I can't determine myself, Zhao Ran said: "The fire of the Junshan Temple is different. This is not anxious. This matter is not anxious, go back and think about it, please resign directly, please resign. Junshan. Don't want to There is no relationship between the door, it is still a good friend in the future. "

The compactment of each person is different. Zhao Ran can only tell this step, Jiazhan and Zhou Hua will have missed a chance four years ago. I don't know if this time I can hold it.

Zhao Ran did not have too much stay in the Ease of House. After the words, he rushed back to Junshan. Although only one month left, but let Zhao Ran are like the feelings of the world. Before you have never thought, you can achieve this, even before it is ten days ago, he is almost considering self-remnational repair, and send this door to this option with the building.

When leaving, Junshan is only a thin layer of snow, but it is already silver, and the snow is full. Zhao Ran is very satisfied, which indicates the harvest of the coming year.

Zhao Ran entered the Jade Hall, found that there were several Junshan people who were praying in the fragrance. They didn't have a good thing. Not only the golden is not there, Lian Lin Dynasty, Qifeng is not there, not helpful, the heart, the guy, the day is just just Ok, is this starting to slack off?

According to the rules of the Junshan Temple, Guan 2 and Lujin are responsible for the safety and inspection of the Junshan area. Zhong Santo's weekly day often in the villages, and the people who have been uploaded by the people. They are not normal. However, Jin Ji, Lin Shuangwen and Qifeng and these three have learned the scriptures, and there is a duty of the vanity. At this time, it will be lost. ...

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