Taoist Law

Chapter 91 Dragon Tiger

Zhao Ran took the fire, hurriedly greeted a few pilgrims, chose fragrance, squatting, and chanting. These pilgrims are aware of Zhao Ran. See Zhao Xianshi, the heart is more and sincere, and after the inquiry, I will seek Zhao Xianshi's grace blessings, Zhao Ran is satisfied.

After busy, I sent a few pilgrims thanks to the pilgrims of Bi Zi, and Zhao Ran returned to the Jade Hall, and I went to the boy to find Jin Long and others.

Just entering the subsack, I listened to someone who was in a hurry: "You don't have this account, the East line will take the road for three months, which is a thousand and five hundred and eighty stone. Is this a net consumption?

I listened to the voice of Jin Long, and I defined: "The Junshan Temple with Jin Ji Mikou is the food purchased according to this price, there is not much spent a text! No fold!"

That man: "How much is the time price? Doumi forty-five text! How much is your purchase price? Or forty-five text, transport food to Junshan without a discount? How is it? Don't say that only 80 miles, last year The state is troublesome, and the left is supported. I have been calculated. The average of the average Baiyi is half into a half. It is still the plain. How can you have a half into the eighty miles! Unless you have a large storage device, you can Tao Gate is adjusted to the White Mountain battlefield to grain, but you can get together? That is the weighing tool, kill me, I don't believe you, Zhao Temple, I wish this kind of manager ... "

"Jin Ji rice shop is shipped, the discount is their business ..."

"Does the Junshan Temple do not take orders in the golden business shop? You just said it, you have 40%! I will ask you, the Jin Ji shop accounts for the seven-pointed stock of Jin Ji, the Junshan Temple accounts for a gold record Two out eight, how can you say that Ji Ji Mikou? "

"In short, it takes so many silver, and there is no one in the real thing!"

"If you do this, the revenue of Jin Ji Mihou will be reduced by this feet ..."

Zhao Ran listened to the quicker, and the heart is Musk for a lot of books? Saying that Mr. this account is very powerful, actually understand the internal cancellation of related transactions, but inspects.

When I entered the house, I saw five people sitting around the table, and the table was full of various accounts and record books.

Jin Long, Lin Dynasty, the handwood cabinet, Qufeen and all, and several people look around and Zhao Ran, almost a few years old.

Several people quickly got up, Jin Dao said: "The brother is coming back! Give the brothers, this is the Dragon Taoist Wang Chang, Wang Taoji is a powerful person, I have just been two days, I have helped the Temple of our Junshan Temple. Many misplaced things in the document ... "

That person got up: "Is Zhao Temple Zhu? It's a poor road king Sen, and I have seen Zhao Temple."

Dragon Hill? Zhao Ran stunned, my heart mentioned a little vigilant, is this a person who is compliant with himself?

"Zhao Zhao, Zhao Ziran, I don't know if Wang Tao is a lifetime of Dragon and Tiger Mountain?" He is still surprising, he has never heard of "" character or "Sen" word.

Wang Meiken said: "The poor road is a dragon, it is not familiar. It is a two-day in Zhao Temple. It is a two-day in the ribbon. The nineteen nineteen nineteen of Jiajing However, the poor modernity remember, in the "credit book" of the general view, the credit value of the Junshan Temple is 336,200,000, so that the per capita will reach the thirty-eight Guild, this number will Not too high? "

Zhao Ran is very surprised, which has also had a lot of interest in this world, this year, the average calculation is not surprising. Many times, the government statistics local mu yet, and occasionally use this concept.

However, in Taoist, Zhao Ran has already united in the Sichuan Province of Ye Xueguan. Never people have per capablicated calculations, so he listened to Wang Mesen, saying "per capita thirty-eight". It has produced and discussed the willingness of the one or two with him.

"You can't be so calculous. In fact, the believers of the Junshan Temple more than 15,000, including some regions around, such as the northwest line, along the East, and even some believers in the Town Town. My It is speculated that there are about two thousand people. "

Zhao Ran said, Wang Duison Zhang said: "If you add it, the per capita credit value reaches twenty-eight-eighth princes, even if this level is far higher, you know the Tianshi Temple under the Longhu Mountain ... "

"The Qingcheng Temple under Qingcheng Mountain is higher."

"No." September Gui. "

"Tell this question, I want to ask Wang Taoji, what do you think is the biggest factor affecting the mean value? This is the problem of my hard thinking since I have never had a lot of life. My monarch temple life is rich, the people are reluctant, so per capita letter For the first, I originally thought that let the people have a good day to eat, wearing a good day, which is the only way to improve the per capita credit value, but ... "

Wang Yusen hit the praise: "This question is very good! But, the fact is not this, right?"

Zhao Rao said: "Not bad. Take Lizhou, there is a lot of livelihood in the lives of the mountains, which is not a little bit more than my Junshan Temple. I have a wish to talk about there, where they live there. In the rude hut, some even in the cave in the cave, a child is only a quick cover, who wants to go out, who is wrapped in it. Eating is also looking at luck, luck is good to play a good prey, a few Ten people have a good job, the luck is not good, the whole family is hungry for two days ... "

Wang Mesen asked: "But their per capita credit value is very high, right?"

Zhao Ran's head: "Yes, I have been half half of my Junshan Temple. It is much higher than a lot of rich places. The more dangerous, the more I firm, the more you are, the more you are, the more devout."

Wang Meiken said: "Indeed, you are now now. Do you have a rich, credit will have a lot? Is there a lot of money? Still talking with the number, I have talked with Lushan This problem, what he is to manage, I am not convenient to tell you, he told me a number, Xia Guo's wealthy wins and wins, and Dingou is twice that of Dubi, but you know Jiajing for 18 years, Is the credit value of these countries? "

Zhao Ran is very intertwined, and the sound is urged: "Let me talk about it!"

"The Buddha's door is used as a poor and Luo Luo, which is a hundred Luo, which is equivalent to the Ten Guo of our way. So told you, Xia Gu is about two thousand or two million credits, and Tubo It is a thousand and eight million! Not much more than the summer country. From this point of view, Tubo can have a Buddha in a Buddha in every forty years, and it will understand. "...

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