Taoist Law

Chapter 93 Accounting

Seeing Wang Yushen since sincerity, Zhao Ranzhen also secretly thinking, the dragon hill will inevitably do not think of this, and will continue to find Cheng An. Also, even if the dragon and the mountains have money, they can't stop Zhang Gongzi so 100,000, and 100,000 to the external land, people do not disperse the accounts, definitely not sleeping.

Dragon Hill is not stable, naturally, I will always stare at Xin Cheng, Xingqing, will touch the clue sooner or later, and I will clearly get it in my words. I will inevitably involve yourself. This is what you can't get out, or you have yourself.

But do you really want to take the borrowing of the remaining nine thousand silver? To be honest, Zhao Ran is a bit unwilling.

When you didn't get the silver, these borrowings didn't have any difference in his heart and white paper, nothing more than nausea and disgusting. Since the payment of 15,000 or five thousand two, Zhao Ran will take these than the silver, and there is still a back, Zhao Ran distressed.

I want to go, Zhao Rong: "I have a good relationship with Cheng An, his business is my business. So, let's fight first, you lose, don't mention peace with me, change one to me again. You will win, I want to help you contact Cheng An, resolve the misunderstanding. How do you see? "

Wang Tessen nodded and sighed: "Temple Zhuzhen is a matter of love, the so-called friends two ribs, not outside, yes, since the temple wishes to take things down, then we will win. If it is a poor way to win. , I also hope that I wish to help solve it. If it is poor, I will replace people again - I wish you all true, I will never take the realm. "

At the moment, the two came from the Junshan Temple to come to a wild area outside the temple. The Mushan Temple is small, and the monk fight is easy to destroy the temple. The last Luo brother and left resulted in fighting the temple, and the floor tiles of the Xuanfang have destroyed it. It is the gold for a long time to find a craftsman. On, there is more than ten silver sons in foot.

How will Jin Dynasty, Lin Shuangwen and Qifeng and Isomeors miss the fight between "Xian Shi"? It has already been followed at this moment, and you will be far away, stand on thirty babies, waiting for the onlookers of this exciting scene.

Zhao Ranzheng, just move, listening to Wang Shusen again: "The threshold threshold before the poverty six years, five years ago, and two years ago, I have a number of people in the temple."

Zhao Ran speechless,

The heart has been nonsense, and I have to say: "Clever, I am also the threshold of six years, five years ago, I'm going to Yu Shi, two years ago, and the Taoism. I said Wang Dao, you What else is there ... ... "

I am talking about it, Wang Mesen has been working, five or six flames are sprinkled directly, and the flames of the sky will be covered in a hot.

Zhao Ran said that it is broken, this is a mid-action. By a busy schedule, you will take the green wooden hood, and it will protect the body.

Wang Mesen's big sleeve, and five or six fire characters, and the fire will be more and more strong.

Zhao Ran once saw the fire character of Xia Zhuo Shi, and he used to tact in the big Qingshan and a inexplicable little girl, could not be familiar. But at this moment, he was made up of the fire character of Wang Mesen, which was unsatisfactory.

Wang Mesen's fire character is different from others, and Zhao Ran is burned, and it can't be counterattack. There is a lot of first-order flames in his storage ring, second-order yin and yang, second-order black and white gold, second-order thick novel, etc., but it is not a man.

The hard-top, Zhao Ruo, Wang Mesen's fire rule of fire is not a full-scale fire character, but the five fire characters are a wave, four first-order flames with a second-order yin and yang fire, form a five-line fire characters .

A five-line fire character is burned over, just at the moment of Zhao Ran, it is not bad. Every time he has passed a row, I just got a breath, and the opponent's next wave of fire was entangled. Forced him to perfuse the mana to the green mite.

Zhao Ran helpless, the foundation can't be a counterattack, let alone the moon, the moon, the gossip, only to promote the hard top of the green wood, and the hard work.

Just like Wang Ten Sen, you will be around yourself, walk around the foot, hit the fire in the hands, and hit the fire.

While fighting, Wang Mesen also said: "Zhao Temple wishes, you will accept it. From see you first, a half time, you will sink in the right shoulder, left the left shoulder twice; The interval between fifteen interests; the breathing is five long three short, and the hand is small, and the hand will affect the hand. There are these numbers in the hand, the poor road is already enough, to be exhausted, It is a bunch of hands, and informs the temple in the temple, there is a first-order fire in the pool, and there is a first-order fire, and the second-order yin and yang fire is eight hundred and sixty, enough to consume it with the temple ... "

To say that Zhao Ran is now in the mood, it is no longer mentioned, just a heart, the truth is high, it turns out that this is from one more time, it has already begun, it is still fainting and people. After talking about it for so long, the so-called eating a long time, this is really learning.

Zhao Ranfei is quite thick, self-sufficient can be top half, the brain is fast, Wang Meisen is a five-line array with five characters. How long can this wave?

It has died more than 300 first-order fire characters, six orcharies second-order yin and yang fire characters. Heart is not hurt, this will get five or six thousand two silver? Do you not say only one thousand two? However, people have not bad, and now, in the order of silver, the law is wrong, and the material and money are sometimes not a matter for the Longhu Mountain.

Hard supported the two column fragrances, and the golden and other people who watch the war are not right.

"How to I wish you all the best? Waiting for this squid to burn?"

"I have listened to the temple, and the refining fake fightened is very spent. This has already played a thousand two? Hey, this trao really is a big hand, this money is to donate to our Junshan Temple?"

"Temple will not be a game? I heard that Longhu Mountain is very powerful ..."

"Don't say, I have to have confidence in the temple. What happened to the dragon mountain? Last year, the Dragon Tiger Mountain? Different by the brothers wishing the temple, I wished it? Temple is the building ... What is the building?"

"Building". "

"Yun! The building is too much than the Long Tiger Mountain!"

"how do you know?"

"Lounder, listen to this name, more momentum!"

"Dragon Hill This name seems to be more powerful ..." ... "

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