Taoist Law

Chapter 94

Zhao Ranzhong, the fire of the green wood, suffering from the fire of King Sensen, the more you want to be more and more than you, clearly, the other party is a very simple tactics, because of the first machine, it is very precise, it is very precise, it is completely It is really wronged!

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran is also awkward, and the bitterness of the teeth is forcibly separating a manner, and the legs are perfused, ready to avoid the opening. On this instant, the green martial arts appeared in the green wood.

If it is downs with others, this work is endless, and there is an endless chance of fighting with each other.

Different from Wang Mesen, the five-line character of his five families seem to have a sense of perception, and seize the broken flow of water.

No matter what I didn't care, I took a family of five lines of fire characters and burned my eyebrows. His whole person took a group of flames to leap to six or seven.

A flame on the body is burning in the bears, and the golden and other people who are watching the battle are shocked.

Lin Shuangwen excited: "Temple wish this is a big trick? Sure enough, it is magnificent!"

Jin Long Shen said: "Listening to Luo Dao Chang said, Huayun Hall is the most strong, is this the trick of the fire hole?"

Qufeen and hesitate: "It seems that it is not too strong? Temple wish this seems to be trick? Do we want to be on the shoulders?"

Jin Jiu and Lin Double Denwen disdainted aimed in the song and glance, Jin Li lacked him with him, only Lin Shuangwen is good to remind him: "Children's home, don't understand, don't understand, don't talk. How can I wish? You have to Temple wishes to be confident, waiting to be a good show! Right, hurry to prepare the water and wipes, and wipe the temple for a while. "

Qufession and: "..."

Zhao Ran was burnt, this is also his root bone, and it is in the full state of the Yu Shi, and I don't know how much the mana that cannot be converted.

If you don't have a difference, you will burn directly.

He is in the air of the sea, and the flames of the body are fully confronted. If people fall, it is difficult to put out the flames of the body, they are going to set the moon, and suddenly see the cold light, and they are on the foot. between.

Zhao Ran, the manifold of the Green Muchuang hood, just caught the next wave of fire, while the flying sword in the storage wrench, blocked the cold, and the rush, but it was a token. .

Wang Mesen's foot pointed, the trailing is, the five-line fire is continuing to shoot, one wave of wave of Zhao Ran passed, the order is going to fly, and the flying sword is not happy.

This Zhao Ran is more powerful, and the extraction is sweating, and the whole god is always in the resistance, and there is no reason to think about the reason.

Wang Tesse is also surprised. For this fighting method, he stepped more than two months, and everything is also expected to have an overwhelming advantage. But his big and small fighting method has experienced a few ten games, but the same order of the supershern monks, there are not a few people who can stick to this temple.

Don't look at him simple list is a five-way fire character, plus a "Tianshi token", but the use of the use of the use of ordinary monks, otherwise, how can I compress Zhao Ran, can't make it? The means, only have to open the green wooden hood and the flying sword - the flying sword is still Zhao Ran, who is burned once.

In this case, Wang Mesen also distressed. He has already played nearly a hundred first and second-order.

Dragon Hill's materials are more, it is easy, that is not white, conversion into a silver, even if you have a confidence, it has already spent five, six hundred two, as Long Tiger Mountain Zhangjia's far branch He is really a rich body.

If the material from these fire characters is from nine girls, Wang Mesen definitely does not use this way.

The current situation is that the family is not rich, Wang Mesen is spelling silver, and the waist is wrapped around Zhao Ran in the fight, and the roles between the two are stringing, and they will not support.

At the time of the stalemate, Wang Mesen suddenly felt the cool, just like the venom beast, it is not self-contained. I have steal the eyes in a hundred busy, I see a group of birds and beasts are watching the battle, there are white cranes, green cows, brocios, , green cattle sitting on a white rabbit.

Spirit! A bunch of spirit!

When Wang Yusen suddenly shocked, he didn't listen to the left brother. The mission is a spiritual demon. How do you suddenly take it? While thinking, take out the beef gearcatula in the storage cap - half a large abacus.

He put the abacus on the top, and the ninety one countless bead on the abacus flew up and set a big array on his head. This is "ninety-nine-nine-nasm-natter-scholastic aberration."

Zhao Ran is suffering in the fire, and I don't know how much it is, I suddenly felt a soothing of the rhythm of the fire, he keenly seized the opportunity, took over half of the mana, and splashing the inquiry in the storage Go out.

Fire characters, yin and yang fire characters, black and white gold characters, generous disturb, no more than ten, in a hurry, in a hurry, the guards will also throw out two.

These fellows with Wang Mesen's five-line fire strokes, and the green melon is out of the bright flame wall.

After the flame wall, a seven-feet of copper metal faint shadow flashed in the flames, quickly co-affected, the double arm sleeve shield, "" loudly, heavy shield is on the ground, will Zhao Rong is strict and strict.

Until at this time, Zhao Ran was slowly eager to come from Wang Turnson's attack.

Zhao Ran is also playing angry, just now, it is a small half of the time, even the tricks have not yet hit it, and they can't stand back, this taste is uncomfortable.

He is now being positive, and it is a successful Yu Shi, and the perception of the heaven and earth gas flows is far from the year, and the shake hand puts out the eight sub-marks of the moon.

The eight sub-blasties did not have a dull layout of gossip graphics, but there are far away, have a secret, respective cards in the surrounding terrain.

Although it is not gossip, it is like gossip, this hand, revealing a gap between the truly high Master and the ordinary array of Master.

Wang Meisen is so good, such as his monks, usually have a deep study on the method, you can know, five lines of fire characters, ninety-nine, one for attack, one for defense, make Pretty good.

A monk of a runner, can take the mapping method here, and it is difficult to be valuable, and even the master in the Master.

But unfortunately he didn't open the sky, it is better to be talented to Zhao Ran - Zhao Ran finally can use the root of the bone pressure, so the array of the arrangement and Zhao Ran have no law, and the roots are not at a level.

Just listening to the "", a crisp sound, Wang Yusen suddenly was dark, blinking between the eyes, slowly rising a round of bright moon, alone in the top of the head, scattered with Yingying Guanghui. ...

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