Taoist Law

Chapter 95, true and false

Wang Mesen was shocked, and the dark road did not expect this temple that there is a set of cars.

He also has a set of cars, but with a blacraft, it must observe the terrain of Feng Shui, earnestly select the orientation, and set a place in a place in advance, there is no possibility like Zhao Ran, the enemy, You can set up the eight sub-blades.

This means, he only have heard, but never really have seen it, it will be unimracted.

But at this moment have been inserted, there is no reason to think about it. He is under the night, and he is seriously identified by his own, but it can't see it. It is only a vague direction, and it is inferred that the round of the first moon seems to be a blink.

Wang Yusen is still hanging there, ninety one countless bead is a "ninety-nine-year-in-law," in the top of his head.

"Zhao Temple wishes, there are five spiritual demon outside, there are unknown people, Zhao Temple will first break this method, you are good to shoulder the enemy!"

Zhao Ran, a Zhu Hongli fruit, like a jujube, and eat five, and eat five, and the mana of the moment will be completed.

Listening to Wang Meison, he replied: "Wang Daoyou is about, these are my Junshan Temple Temple, the beast, this is the people, for anti-misunderstanding, they are helping us to see the . You I fight Not yet ended, first played a result, I will go to the France. "

Wang Mesen is originally with you, you said early, I know that these spirit demon is your Junshan Temple, where will you give you a chance? However, your Junshan Temple is too busy, there are five spiritual demon to see a home care home, what is this Dong Tianfu? Haven't heard that there is a Junshan this?

Now he can only swallow bitter fruits, can't refer to Zhao Ran fighting law, if you don't say that Zhao Ran is looking for the external factors, what is the sneak attack? What's more, however, these spirits have nothing to do, it is indeed a side!

It is also a "" ringing, Wang Mesen faintly saw a blurred figure in the darkness in front of the dark, and it was calmed by Zhao Ran.

A law in his hand, "Tianshi" immediately played, shot the past.

Wang Mesen stared at the Tianshi of his home, and he saw that the Tianshi came to Zhao Ran, and his chest.

Is this going? He can't believe it. Sure enough, I saw Zhao Ran's chest, and the Tianshi sent the past from the ripple. After crossing the Zhaoran chest, he wore a circle from the other side, flying back home.

Wang Mesen is confused, obviously hit, why do the other party actually do nothing?

Zhao Ran stepped into his own France, standing with a hand, it moved, looked at Wang Mesen's Tianshand to go through three feet on the left, and couldn't help but laugh. When he was designed in the design of this array, he deliberately made the bad effect of "Sound East".

After this effect is open, Zhao Ran is controlled in the ball center, and wants to "refer to the western", you want "Distance to play the east", everything will look at the setting of his array.

After the moon fantasy gossip figures 2.o Refining success, the more obvious, not only the angle of deviation, but also with a layer of phantom, so that the opponent is completely impressed.

This moment, Wang Mesen is the case. After he recovered the Tianshi, the first thought is that this is a virtual, non-realistic image. So I stepped on the nine palaces at the foot, and I started to drop, and I was alert to the opposite "Victory", and I also search for Zhao Ran's "Truth Realism" while all said.

Zhao Ran saw his eyes and touched him, and his heart was so laughing, and he didn't say it, and the flying sword is directly smashed.

Zhao Ran faijian, I found out that Wang Yu Sen is observed. He will see that the future of Feijian is not very right. The quasi-head is not enough. The heart is not enough. It doesn't matter, it will not take it, the heart of the holiday, inevitable To really hurt. So put the gods out, and the whole god is concentrated in the darkness of the darkness.

The eyes of the eye angle, the flying sword came to the near, and suddenly he went to his left arm. Wang Mesen is awkward, the whole body manifestation is in the left arm, and the arm is instantly aggravated as iron.

Just listening to the sound, the flying sword was bounced by his left arm, but at the same time, he also sailed a little finger!

Wang Mesen immediately hurts a spirit, and the dark road is not a vain, it is the master! At the foot, speed up the frequency of walking, the whole person is like a flower butterfly in the dark, flashes a vain, and avoids Zhaoran's second round of flying sword attack.

Between several steps, turned to Zhao Ran, five fingers, the Tianshi suddenly became bigger, such as the iron ruler, I went to Zhao Ran.

It is also a wave of wave, the Tianshi passes through the , then passing the head of Zhao Ran, smashed in the darkness of the empty.

Zhao Ran jumped out of the side of the side, and the pine wind was again shot, and went to the right side of Wang Mesen.

This time I went to Wang Tessen, I didn't dare to go. The ninety-nine-year-in-law is running. The ninety one countless beads are intensive to rotate in front of them, form a thick iron wall.

A series of "stab" is hard to hear the extremely impact friction sound, flying sword pine wind and the bead envelope, repeatedly flying back to Zhaoran sleeve.

Wang Tessen is unbelievable, secretly this way? When this temple wishes to shout, it is too far away, why can I always get to myself?

I want to go, or the problem of this method, it seems that I can only take a quarry, and then the rest.

Wang Dusen hits, the abacus beads come back and fly, calculate themselves, for a while, he looked up to the sky in the sky, determine this round of Mingyue should be the eye, so decided to fight from here!

It is necessary to break the bright moon in the sky in the big trick, Wang Mengsen suddenly got a short blank in the brain, and the whole person stayed.

He stunned, did not understand what it was, this will not be a thoughts, ready to shoot again ...

It is a short-lived god in the mind ...

Wang Mesen returned to God, so that the heart was in the heart, and he had never heard of this type of illusion, and there is still such a big impact on the gods. Can no longer be stalemate with this temple, you have to break it as soon as possible!

...... Run ...

……what? What is the poor admission to do? Oh, I have to break, I want ...

…….Ok? This is where……

...... odd, poor, this is what it is doing ...

Wang Tessen is a little bit a little bit, and is working hard to think about recalling, listen to the sound and the voice sound in the unfamiliar sky, and it seems to be gentle in the ear:

"Dear Wang Taoyou, here is the picturesque Junshan, I am your intimate friend Zhao Ziran. On the occasion of this night, you still can't sleep? That let us walk into the story together time……"

"..., there is a mountain, there is a temple on the mountain. There is an old monk in the temple. There is a story to the small monk ... Xiao Mun still lifted his head, said to the old monk, dad, rain outside ..."

"... Ok, today's story is here, the night is deep, let us put down the hard work and tiredness of a day, close your eyes, do a good dream ..."

"Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, my mother is hands and gently hold you ..."

Wang Tessen heard here, smiled, closed his eyes, squat on the ground, his mouth overflow a stroy ...

Zhao Ran was shocked. I didn't expect that severe veteram of the moon fantasy, the power of the moon fantasy, which was so amazing!

Among the fields of the strong illusion of the moon fantasy, the first layer of Journal of Xuanlong's banned, the second layer of the second layer flicked successively, and played in a success! ......

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