Taoist Law

Chapter 99 is an old friend

Liu Zhikui knew Zhao Ran, and he did not stand it. "Zhao Shi, you must send ..."

Zhao Ran touched his own hair, but the hair was long, he said: "Well, it is a bit of a good fire, and the people are fighting, and it is not careful."

Liu Zhigui smiled: "Zhao Shi brother is in the immortal, brother envious ... Yes, I heard that Yesterday, I went to Yugang County, why not going up the mountain? I can be here early."

Chen Zhihuang also said: "The teacher is good today, it can be seen that people are happy, this words are not to be bullying. Today, fight and call a teacher, I don't dare to call it tomorrow. Haha!"

Zhang Zhihuan smiled before the greetings: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Zhao Shi has always been good?"

Zhao Ranzhi, I was deeply appreciated to everyone: "Zhao Ziran saw the teacher's brothers. Last night, it is too late, and it is afraid to rest, but it is laborious, and it is laboruated. Everyone goes down the mountain, it is really fearful, and it is extreme! "

Liu Zhiguang first, in the leadership of Zhao Ran, the rest of the people were surrounded behind him.

Zhao Ran took a greetings, basically did not fall, so that every next mountain welcomed, I felt the kind and respect of Zhao Rongyi. Especially for a few new, most of them are a long time, I will come over, I have seen it in the curiosity. At this moment, I'm really true. This Zhao Temple wishes to be a character, with him, there is a sense of Mochun.

It is possible to go to the mountain in the morning, most of them have a certain amount of confidence in the accepted hospital, and a few deacons who are heading don't have to say it. The label is the same as the door to the door. He was familiar with the classmates at the time of the past, and he served as a good job because of his sake. Such as Mo Zuxing and others, it also benefited from his operation and turned the oil and rich Tad.

Don't look at these people when Zhao Ran is crowded, there is nothing to help, some even deliberately alienate, but Zhao Ran is not very mindful, Ming Zhe is the temperament of people, it is not hard to blame others. You, no one is born to owe you. Conversely, as long as Zhaoran is hard, these people will become a basic disk that he is in the unprotive hospital, so he is also uncomfortable.

Because of the attributes of the dish of the dish of the dish, Chen Zhizhong is a bit virtual, and consciously falls to the third position, so Zhao Ran is Liu Zhiguang and Zhang Zhihuan.

Zhang Zhihi still remember that the admission procedure he was handled for this ragged young man, eight years later, people have come to the field of today, it is really incredible, and it is not awkward.

At the time of the earth, I will listen to Zhao Rong himself: "I still remember that when I entered the Ease Hospital, I was Zhang brother to help me register into the file. After more than the photo, this situation, so far, I still remember."

In one sentence, Zhang Zhihi is not suitable for a short sweep, and it is said: "It is still the result of Zhao Shi's own efforts. In the so-called cone, it is not buried."

Liu Zhikuang laughed at the side: "Zhang brother has to be high, and in the future, the door of the West Louu Palace will."

Zhao Ran listened, I realized that the Du Teng will be a person, but also a little more satisfactory, and suddenly take the three major tourism tubes to the ring.

Zhang Zhuan did a tour in the unprotive court. It was more difficult to go up. Go to Xizhenwu Palace to start from the guest door, and we will be more likely to be more likely to be more likely to be equal to the eight actors.

If you go, if you put it, it is the county home supervision or square feet. Even further, try to fight for the three things of the West Richu, there is also a chance, so this is a good thing for him.

After Zhang Zhuan, Zhang Zhiwong came down, and the road to a tour, which leaned the space for Zhao Ran and whispered.

In the ten-party jungle, I want to have a smooth success of the Monitoring Eating or Fangzhang, and the resume is best to have a patrol, aware or high-time experience. Otherwise, there will always be "unhaffected job". I can't serve.

Just like the unprotive housing, Dong Zhikun, who has not experienced these three emphasis, directly from the "three-yield" of the "three-yield" in the "three-yield", and it is always a person. Behind the rebound, the advantages are often forgotten, but the disadvantage is always amplified.

Zhao Ran wants to go further, these three major delegates must experience their one, this is the reason why Song Zhiyuan took the initiative to refer to Du Teng at the time of Ye Xueuan on the same day.

The acuppy is not high, everyone picks up, not always on the mountain gate.

In the Hall of the Uncle House, it has been filled with people. Seeing Zhao Run a line of rushing, he got up and greeted it out - the head of the head is the West Louu Palace. He followed by the Xi Zhenwu Palace tour, the original Hualiyuan supervised the hospital Zhong Tenghong.

"How did I tell you?" Zhao Ran is very surprised, and even the first step of seeing a few steps.

Bai Teng Ming will join Zhao Ran, laugh: "How can I run a trip?" How can I run a trip? "

Zhao Ruen said: "Thank you for the old people!" Also came to Zhong Tenghong Shi: "The Old Nursing Council has come, and the investigation of the survival of the Nursing Hospital.

A "old supervision hospital", closer the distance between Zhong Tenghong and Zhao Ran. When Zhong Tenghong was supervised by the Houji Hospital, and Zhao Ran is actually separated from the distance. The two are not close, there is almost no in-depth conversation, even in the important entity of Zhao Ran, he at the time. It is not Zhao Ran.

But in any case, I am arguing that the people who are in the sky, Zhao Ruyi recognizes that there is no Zhong Tenghong nodd, Zhao Ran is never possible to occupy a valuable fireworks in the hospital, and I want to give the house to the house.! It is even more likely to be a monk, a monk, a monk, and the ten party Jungle Temple.

Zhong Tenghong nodded: "The unprotive thing is my business, who isn't coming? Go, first go your hands is jiguang." Said to accompany Zhao Run to the room next to it, the room has prepared a clear water wipes. Zhao Ran wiped his hand, the whole bunch of clothes, listened to Zhong Tenghong.

"When you are waiting for the appointment, you try not to conflict with Dong Xin Kun. He has no gift, you have not seen it today, always don't have a good energy."

"What happened to Dong Kun, and even the command of the house also dared to resist?" Zhao Ran is a bit surprised.

"He may have drilled the horn pointed, very unfortunately, and the old man said that he was black with him yesterday, he promised to participate in today's larger."

Zhao Rong said: "Nothing, he does not affect the participation, isn't it?"

"The words say this, but he is not good at the court, not attending the court."

"Old Nursing House, he looks like this, don't consider him?"

Zhong Tenghong shook his head: "After all, it is a person who has been arranged by Du Fang's hand. Just take it down, there must be no go on the face, unless he is dying." ...

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