Taoist Law

Chapter 100 New Duty

Dong Kun did not die in the end, the answer is obvious, is this asking? Zhao Ran looked at Bai Tengming, Bai Teng Mington suddenly, will Zhao Ran to one side, whispered: "Now there is no abbot, only the Xu Tonglong, many things, I don't say much, not Its position, does not see his affairs. "What does this mean, Zhao Ranxi understands, be careful to test the way:" If you can further ... "Bai Teng squad nodded and shook his head, said:" Where is it Good things, huh, just, if it is a turn to talk, it is necessary to take this person. Because of the private waste, this person is really not the material. "Zhao Bei nodded:" Go back, I still There is something to go to Qingcheng Mountain. If you want to invite the old, I will talk to me. I don't know if I have a good time. "Bai Tengming also smiled:" I also have a few old friends in Qingcheng Mountain. I haven't seen it for a long time. I miss it. Zhao Rong said: "Somet, I will take the time to take the time in the temple, I will go to the Xi Zhenwu Palace to find it?" "Al, I will wait for you in the Xi Zhenwu Palace." The two talked about follow-up Zhao Ran began to ponder what Dong Kun. To put it up, Zhao Ran is too young. This is a county to supervise the government, and it is indeed a little horrific. He was originally intended to let Dong Kun helped himself a few years of pit, waiting for two years. Just doing things and yourself, it is necessary to be awarded. When this time, it is not light, and the cost of using him is really unbearable. However, these are later, now I will take the job to the hands and say it. As for the problem of being too light, if he can help the white Tengming, is it a problem with this help? Good performance in Dong Kun today, although the black face is sitting in the Sanqing Hall, but after all, there is no challenge of the traditional order, but he doesn't have the strength, so Zhao Ran's movement is successful. But then come back, Dong Zhikun is really trick, Zhao Ran is not afraid. The movement of the three is not a promotional hall or the square, does not need the college Taoist public, and the Xizhenwu Palace can be appointed. In the big agend, Bai Tengming announced that the Xi Zhenwu Palace announced that in view of the prestigious performance of the Junshan Temple in the 19th year of Justu, after the discussion of the Xi Zhenwu Palace, the Xuanyuan Guanjun agreed, based on the Junshan area, establish Junshan Special Passing Area, the southeast of Yugang County into the arrow range of Junshan Special Paigman. The specific scope includes: the core of Junshan is the core, west to Jiangyou, the south of the south of the south of the south of the south of the Youth, and the capital of Baingbing, the capital of the government. One of the above-mentioned range is divided into the jurisdiction of the Junshan Temple. Due to the one-third of the Tunan Special Brigade District, it is one-third of the entire Yanyu County, and the Junshan Temple will wish to use the unprotive hospital, and can set up the ranking. The last sentence is very important, give the Junshan Temple self-recruited, grant, and the right to make the right, whitening, is a complete personal right, no need to watch the nest of the nephew. What is this personnel? Can be awarded the eight people,

Among them, the main hall of the Temple, the main, the main, the same time, with the same level as the royal family, all of the commonly known "five main 18". At the same time, there can be twelve people in the fireworks.

The post of Taoist and the fire is gave, but the West Louu Palace does not have so much money, except the temple, the four patriaries, the main and the patriarchal patriarchal salary, and the smashing and The fire, the money, the money, must be solved by the Junshan Temple.

Of course, after the upgrade of the Junshan Temple, cut the land and believers in the county, the unprotive, the incense money will inevitably reduce, this reduced part, it is necessary to make up by Junshan Temple.

According to the approved by the Xizhenwu Palace, from Jiajing for 20 years, the Junshan Temple will pay the incense-free fire money in the Junshan Temple, from two hundred two liters to 2,000, and it is the original ten times.

Dong Kun Shen face his face, and he participated in a complete big agenda, then got up. As he left, there were several people who were waiting for Sangtang. When Jiang Zhiheng left, it was a little hesitant, but it was only hesitated.

Zhao Ran also understands the two moods, the relationship between the two sides has already publicly determined, and there is almost no room for alleviation. When Dong Kun was in the same year, when Zhao Ran left the opposition to the ticket, he left, and the interest of the roots did not make up the cold butt. Today's Dong Kun and Jiang Zhiheng are not?

Looking at Zhang Ze after Jiang Zhi's constant, Zhao Ran's interesting and reproduce, shouted: "Zhang Temple, first anxious to return to Longshan Temple, I will go to you again."

When Zhang Ze suddenly, he was so hanging from being stumbled by the threshold of the hall.

After the end of the big proceed, under the Host Western Tour, the Hostus of the Turkey and the Zhongshu, the unprotive court opened a small "Sandu Dado". After Zhao Rong Rong, he wants to do with Yuandu, Zhu Cheng. A "formal meeting", accompanying and high-powered Liu Zhiguang, the tour Zhang Zhihuan, the knowledge of the people.

Since the death of Luotou's death, the colleague has been a few decades, and Zhu Cheng has been unsatisfactory, and the spiritual god has a clear recession. At this moment, it is an qi weakness. .

Bai Teng's state is very unhappy, reputation: "Old Yuan, Lao Zhu, you both are than I am old, how come this lazy appearance, do you say something serious? Why don't you say the Westward Warm? "

Yuan Mu kitchen and Zhu Cheng said that it is positive, and there is a powerless complaint: "I have said that I have not been ill, I have a lot of illness, so the body is not suitable." Another simultaneously said: "Old capital Speaking, now we are all aged, simply let us resign. "

Bai Tengming said: "What is wrong with it, today is the days of Zhao Ziran, who is you doing?"

Yuandu Kitchen Road: "It's a good thing, I am a good thing, I am happy with Lao Zhu. But I will do what I can do again? No neighborhood is discouraged, there is anything in the hospital It is Dong Kun who says that we can't do anything. It's okay, there is a Junshan Temple to be carefully taken out, is we? It is better to return to the hometown, and you will have a year. "

Zhu Qi said: "Yes, Lao Luo was taken away, I didn't want to repeat the same mistake, I went home to tease and grandchildren," I have a few days. "

Bai Tengming: "What Lao Luo is awkward? Don't say, complaints are sent here, you are the Three Subsidi of the Ease of House, speak attention to the size! If there is any words, let's talk, first talk about it."

To be told, Bai Teng Ming has bordered the clock. Zhong Tenghong said: "Today, the unpopular hospital three is a talker, the business reached the middle road. Xi Zhenwu Palace is proposed, and the unprotive hospital tour Zhang Zhuan enters the West Richu Palace to go to the West Rhizhawu Palace. Also recommend, turn the NET Guest Hutang Zhu Zhizhong as a tour, the original knowledge passengers, from the manager Zhao Zengran, and there is a disagreement? "

Zhu Cheng said: "I am a handsome endorsement, but today I have no Dong Kun, this trial of the Month, these three counts?"

Yuan Tufu also said: "Dong Zhikun is a supervision hall, he does not agree."

Zhong Tenghong said: "Yesterday, I have already asked Dong Kun's opinion. He agreed to this matter, but his body is not suitable, it will not participate in the Three Site."

Yuan Mu kitchen and Zhu Cheng said two times, said: "That's it, can I have any objection? Of course agree."

Zhao Ranqi, Yuan Du, and Zhu Cheng, said: "When I entered the unprotive hospital, I received a lot of two teachers, and I won the two teachers today, I also hope that the second division continues. Advanture. The two teachers have something to do, and the teacher will not dare. "

These two are ranked from the chair and returned: "If you are polite, you are our eyes, it is your own person, everything is good." ...

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