Taoist Law

Chapter 102 is a little more

[Title: Taoist Law, Chapter 102, Women's Repair is a bit more authors: eight treasure rice]

The latest chapter of the Taoist rules 2K novel network welcomes you! This site name: "2K novel" complete pinyin, very good! Good-looking novels highly recommended: grass root stone clothing anti-scale big master holy market snow Eagle lord one read Eternal Long Wang legend Taikoo Wang Wuliang peak five-line Tian Xuanjie door chose day to remember Zhongze, laugh: "Zhao Shi, know to be in this temple In the banquet, I rushed over and slowly rushed over, and I took a way, I used you, with a tilter bottle, Zhao Shi Mo, haha. "

On the side of the girl, I went on the shoulder on the Zezhi Ze, and the powder face was red: "What is the oil bottle, broken mouth! Anyway, it's okay, come out and walk away, dissolve, I don't think, Zhao is not Will you rush? "

This kind of powder punch, I saw that Yan Zhongze took a breath, and she was angry: "Thirteen, you lightly ..."

This girl is in the second time, Zhao Ran, who went to Qingyun Mountain, who met in the second time. Zhao Ran is very interested.

Just Zhao Ran's first, always can't compare the peerless postage of Zhou Yumei, and other women can only be considered in the middle, and they are not too cold, and this little girl is crying. I didn't expect to see it today.

Zhao Ren is slightly embarrassed, and he said: "Middle Silosteen, many years, have always been good?"

: "Very good, Zhao Brother is okay?"

The rest of the person is shining, and I am laughing and arching: "Zhao Temple wishes, remember me?"

Zhao Ran Shi: "After seeing Meng Dynasty." This is Meng Yanzhen, which is seen in the Quli Pavilion, from the Yangshan Academy of Sichuan Province.

Meng Yanzhen said: "Today, the Junshan Temple is about to, Meng Mou can't help but want to make fun, but also hope that I don't want to disappear." I haven't waited for Zhao Ran, he has turned his head to Xiaoxi, the road : "When the adequate tactist talks about the understanding of the crown of the Huang Crown, the fool is not ambiot, and the heart is a few doubts, but I hope to discuss one or two people and the Mysters."

Zhao Ran said that the original teacher got into the Huangshou, but it was no wonder. When I was in the Qingyunguan four years ago, I didn't say it. Is this a young girl who is a happy sushore? Well, it is no wonder that it seems to be more beautiful than the original. It seems that it is more temperament.

Don't mention how to be born, how to deal with Meng Yanyue, Rong Niang rush Zhaoran hooks his pointed: "Come, give you an introduction to my friend."

Zhao Ran followed up, the two came out of the backyard, and came to the gate of the temple. Zhao Ran asked: "Who is coming?"

Rong Niang looked at: "Just received the flyer, immediately arrived."

Zhao Ran waited next to it, I thought about it, Q: "Is this this movement is not a little big?"

Rong Niang is white. "" How much is this? It's a small family. "

Zhao Ran helpless: "Girl, you are all angry, my little family, I have never seen the world, okay?" Donned me, said: "But still thank you, you can bring so many people to come to Junshan, I also rose a big face in this Junshan Temple. "

Rong Niang put his hand: "Thank you?" Also said: "You don't have much money to spend more."

Zhao Ran smiled: "I recently sent a small financial, my hands were rich."

Rong Niang "Oh" has a look at the distance, and ask: "How much?"

Zhao Ran stretched his hand in front of him, and Rong Niang was surprised: "100,000? So many?"

Zhao Rong said: "It is exactly that it is a 10,000-five silver, nine thousand borrowings."

Rong Niang: "That hurry back. Borrowing this thing is not reliable, get the hands and silver!"

Zhao Ran sighed: "Don't do it, just this 10,000 cash, still spend my big meal, it is cheaper, but also the butcher and Shen wealth." In the case, the dragon hill Zhang Gongzi roughly said , and

In Zhaoran's description, this Zhang Gongzi relied on the world, turning his face, he was forced to have no choice but to come to the maintenance owner and butcher.

Rong Niang glared at him: "Why don't you call me? Take it out of 10,000 silver, you are generous!"

Zhao Rong said: "I will give you a flything, you don't return, who knows you are doing."

Rong Niang angry: "I am not given to you later?"

"It's so long, and the lily is cold."

"You can't wait any more? Are you very lack?"

Zhao Rui, this thing, is of course purposeful. Seeing the attitude of Rong Niang, there is an end, so he said: "In short, it is necessary to not return, it is better to consider, I have a lot of borrowings here, how withdraw?"

Rurui's hand stretched: "Take 20,000 first, I want to try it."

Zhao Ran was borrowed by two: "Don't lose it! And, we want money, as long as the silver does not hurt people, don't put things big, I can't clean up."

Rong Niang will borrow, it is incomprehensible: "Know, this girl is in the hearts."

Zhao Ranzhen gave a Niang Niang's corner, and there was no, and the dark road could not be repaired? The two sentences are big, and if you don't come hard, you will get ridicast: "Your big master is so saying!"

I am talking about, the two horses will come along the road, and they will go to the front. Zhao Ranzhi looked at it, and he sat in an end of a female crown, Wen Yula; another right is the young Taoist, the gods, and the sale.

I saw Rurong frog frowned, and I said: "How to bring him, damn!"

Two Ma Chi arrived in front of the female crown, and smiled from Riroganyi: "It's good to arrive."

Rong Niang snorted, with the young Taoist who had a woman's crown, the female crown sighed, whispered: "He is not to follow, but I have more mouthfuls, don't blame me, I have no way."

Rong Niang pulled the female crown to Zhaoran introduced: "This is the friend of this girl, Zhejiang Miao, the road to the law, the custom home is Hao, the name of the name ..."

The female crown "" has a sound, walking with Rong Niang's ears, a long time: "You have a dead girl, what all say!"

Rong Niang smiled: "Are you not too much? Is it not good? Simply said that the real name?"

The woman crowned a big red face: "It can't ... Just ... you have a dead girl!"

Zhao Ran quickly resolved the embarrassment, the first performer: "Zhao Zhao Ziran, now is a Junshan Temple, and I have seen the law people."

Hao Sikui Shi said: "The whole disciple has seen Zhao Temple."

Rong Niang looked at the young Taoist who came up, she passed: "This is Du Xing Yan, which is true."

Du Xingzhi has heard that Zhao Ran is a local temple, and did not put it in his heart. He casually held a punch, and he went to Rong Niang said: "Rong Niang, brother, I don't ask, you won't blame me."

Rong Niang didn't have a goodness to turn his face. He took the first temple door, and Du Xing was busy in chasing in, Hao San, Zhao Rong,: "Temple wish."

Zhao Ran is busy return: "Rusong people please."

It's going to go in, someone behind it, I shouted a scorpion in the mouth: "Zhao's brother, my brother, I am coming!"

Zhao Ran turned and saw it, but it was the mainland of Shen.

PS: The answer is revealed, guessing book friends send the city, the cinema to the cinema and the movie to the poor, the poor road will be redeemed, each two movie tickets! 2K novel reading network

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