Taoist Law

Chapter 103

[Title: Taoist Law Chapter 103 Chapter 103: Babao Mei]

The latest chapter of the Taoist rules 2K novel network welcomes you! This site name: "2K novel" complete pinyin, very good! Good-looking novels highly recommended: the war, the gods, the mystery More than ten monks, there are people in the pavilion in the Pavilion, and there are also scattered and the family.

Inside the people, Zhao Ran didn't know, in the recommendation of the East, Qi Zhongze, Rong Niang and others, and it was rumored to each other.

Seeing the darkness, Zhao Rui is alive and others take a dozen red lanterns, hanging around the wall. Jin Long and others are going to have a fire, but I see a shine bead, one of the lanterns, one lantern, no fire, shining the back garden as white.

It turned out that this is the real value of the night, and Zhao Ran can be so angry. I can't help but have a bit of my heart on the family of Rong Niang. I want to listen to the Oriental and others. Which of this girl is so? Sake.

I saw the lights, the bonfire also burned it, but the butcher did even end, with two cooks and drove the mutton, Zhao Ran, I have to take the gates, I have to open it, I quietly retreat to the corner, my heart On the question of the thank you for a while.

Speech at the public, Zhao Ran is still more, similar to the speech word, nothing more than welcome, review, thanks, hope. But what you want to say, the wonderful people who speak, you must add some tips.

For example, try to make these monks in the field, you can take a joke, you are not familiar with, you must fully express your gratitude, which insert a few little jokes, say a few concealed meat, this is If you carefully think, you must do it, you can't show it, you can have it.

Of course, in order to be able to infect people, Zhao Ran also added the hardships when he was in the abdomen. In the end, he can also pull the big refining teacher Chuyang City, saying that there are not a few monks heard that he is Temple, don't you see yourself? Just, what is tigering the tiger's skin Zhao Ran very much!

In short, this speech should be fully expressing his gratitude, after all, no matter whether it is the face of the oriental face or the face of Rong Niang, you can come to Junshan in the road, celebrate the position for himself, and give yourself Face, these will be our own people, try our best to maintain.

Seeing that the abdomen is almost the same, I will see the Dongfang to respect the little pavilion, and the mutual worship is under the pavilion.

Only listened to the Oriental Guide: "Today, this feast today is very new, very natural, idle, in line with the essence of our Taoist, I am very happy, thank you, Rong Niang, and carefully prepare. Original This feast is a collection of Rong Niang's post, but since she regards my east, I will call her, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Let's drink a cup first. After drinking, please thank you to everyone. "

Zhao Ran also took a wine glass, dreamed of wine in the cup, asked not to take out the odd flowers left by the Point Bai Mountain, juice drink or dessert after the meal? Eastern and Rong Niang makes my business so much, I am not going to go.

But I thought about it, I still were not willing.

Listen to the Oriental respect: "Please enter the power to enter the pavilion, thank you for your friends."

Zhao Ran put down the wine glass, and he was seriously crown. He stepped on the three-level steps. When he came to the East, he went to the East.

The East is married and jumped, and Zhao Ran asked with his eyes: "?"

Zhao Ran smiled and nodded, then turned around, see Rurphia whispers under the step: "Do you speak a few words first?"

Zhao Ran continued to smile, and then to the mutual: "Welcome everyone to come to the picturesque Junshan, I represent the four thousand people in the Junshan Temple, the four thousand people in the Junshan area.

I suddenly took the following unaccessible, Zhao Ran sorry, these people still lack the lack of speech experience, otherwise the atmosphere should be much better. However, it doesn't matter, you can express your gratitude clear, and I will have a deep impression on everyone.

So, he continued: "To tell the truth, the trail Rongsheng noctus has a small matter, just a small thing in the jungle of the door, is a small progress in the small road, but let friends not far away. It's a thousand miles to celebrate, and I am really embarrassed ... "

Zhao Ran's speech probably continued to have a fragrant time, not short, time is just good, after the speech, he once again held a frank, and gave a gift to the monks in the field, and then watched the pavilion.

The applause of the wrapping launched in the back garden, Zhao Ran saw that the Jin Long and other Junshan Temple, which were surrounded by the Junshan Temple, was applauded. As for the monks, they face each other, and then swept around Zhao Ran with a variety of strange eyes.

Zhao Ran felt uncomfortable, even if you recall what you just said, there is no mistake, and I have a moment, I have never collected.

I will listen to the East, I have coughed two throats, and then open: "Oh, today's feast, it turns out to be a double happiness! Zhao Shiyu Rongsheng noctus is a job, indeed, Well, that ... worth celebrating ... Well, That, below, we invite Rong Niang to thank you, thank you, Rong Niang, a yellow crown, is a ... Well, it is also a big happiness ... "

Zhao Ran's face rose red, and she can't wait to find a drill. The latter Rurn said that there is no important, he also didn't listen to the roots, fleeing from the moon hole, returning to the house, returning to the bed, put the whole head plug in the bedding, lasting, lasting ... ...

When I didn't know how many times, I listened to someone to knock on the door. Zhao Ran listened to the footsteps is that Rong Niang is undoubted, and it is not ashamed.

Rong Niang continued to knock on: "Is anyone?"

"no one!"

" ", Rong Niang took the door, see Zhao Ran took the pillow to be covered with the head, curled up in bed, reach out, and seeing him by the bed, seeing Zhao Ran's face, suddenly, I can't help but laugh : "Haha, Zhao, Zhao Ziran, how are you so funny!"

"Don't build your happiness on the pain of others!"

"Haha, okay, haha ​​... What, congratulations, Zhao Migan, Rongsheng, Most of the Empress, Du, Haha ..."

"Let me turn his face with you!"

"You are so fun, one inch, this girl touches."

Zhao Ran's hand opened the hand of Rong Niang, said: "Don't face your face, touch people don't touch your head, have you heard it?"

"Ok, haha, let's talk about it, I am here to give you sincerely ..."

Zhao Ran sat up, stared at Rong Niang, very serious, "" I really turned over! "

Rong Niang smiled a while, sitting on the bed, reaching a piece of paper on Zhaoran brain: "Respectfully wish Zhao Damu Zhao Mandu, this is a gift!"

Zhao Ran received a paper page dropped from the forehead, found that it was a word, and it was actually a five-order!

Rong Niang smiled and said: "Don't be angry, don't you, who knows that you will be promoted?"

"What is this?"

"Yuyang Dan fire, as long as you fight, kill what the mage is, don't blow the ash, what, satisfaction?" Rong Niang smiled.

"Well, I accept your apology!" Zhao Ran is very sincere answer. 2K novel reading network

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