Taoist Law

Chapter 104

[Title: Taoist France Chapter 104 Chapter Carrier Author: Babao rice]

The latest chapter of the Taoist rules 2K novel network welcomes you! This site name: "2K novel" complete pinyin, very good! Good-looking novels highly recommended: Korean entertainment acting masters, never night kings, fight against scales, the Snowy Eagle, the Lord, the Eternal, the legend, the Taikoo, the king, the door, the five-line Tianxiao, the door, a big, a big, lost a big After the face, Zhao Ran is gains with a five-order consensus, and finally recovers some self-respect. Under the persuasion of Rong Niang, the courage back to the feast.

The East smiled and touched him: "Don't be afraid, it is not too shameful, and it is also a banquet to talked to tonight, helping the wine, and the same trends you impressed, one mention Zhao Temple I know that it is a major tube of the Ease of House, and it is also rumored. Haha! "

Zhao Ran's face: "Oriental brothers don't hit me again, I originally rushed to manage the good thing, now I have become a laughter of others, how do you manage the Junshan, a three-point place. Due to the brother, Rong Niang is in the yellow crown, you don't remind me? Do you want to be a good one. "

The East said: "Rong Niang said that it is a surprise, haha, who can think of it is so clever, tonight, there is really no white to come, laugh, I'm almost breathing ... Well, also Don't be frowned, although I don't know what you are busy in the ten-way jungle, but the promotion is a good thing after all, give you a little bit, is a brother's greetings. "

Zhao Ran received a black and white small beads in the Oriental Delivery, holding in the palm, non-gold non-jade, but I feel full of spirituality, I can't ask: "What good baby is this?"

Dongfang Dao: "This is the kind of impairment of the Xu Shusu to the Beibeihai hunting. It can refine the spiritual power of the world to use the spirituality of the world. This is the effect of the glazing itself, but if it is embedded in the instrument Among them, it can greatly strengthen the power of the ruler. "

Zhao Ran is shocked: "Good Baby! How much can I enhance?"

"What kind of instrument do you use now?"

"Or when we got the Zuo Yunfeng's apprenticeship."

"Green Muchuang has no good things, but you have no problem with Huangshou. If you embed a mysterious turtle eye, it is estimated that you can use the Master."

Thank you, the things that Zhao Ruarded occasionally don't seem to be good, and the compensation is very surprising. Thinking of this, the eyes are in the middle of the back garden, and the bonfire has found the Zhongze. Seeing that he is talking to Yan, and the two will hang Meng Yuzhen.

Zhao Ran smashed his face, put on a crying expression, and slowly went away.

"The brother, Middle Sini."

"What happened to Zhao Shi? Is there anything unhappy?"

"Oh, don't mention it, the adequate is lost ... I didn't slow it now! Do you say that I am so easy? He is not saying it, but also ... Hey, always depressed ..."

Yan Zhongze smiled: "I am ready." From the arms, I took out a big silver ticket. The Zhao Ran in the plug, "I will be a guest in Junshan, how can I go to the door?"

Zhao Ran's finger, some small surprises, five hundred two!

Sikiş sikiş,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Zhao Ran is slightly embarrassed, and it is fast to take a silver ticket. Dry cough and a scorpion, said: "Cough, then what, mainly I am a Junshan Temple, and tens of thousands of people are counting ... It is also something wrong. , Junshan is poor, in order to let the people live in good days, they need big silver. No silver, the people have to be hungry ... "

, , : "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Zhao Ran also understood that she really understood, said: "Okay, I represent Junshan people, grant your two Junshan's honorary title!" Say, turned to Meng Yuzhen.

Meng Yanzhen looked at the muddy,

Zhao Ran said that this Meng's brother is very good, so I am so happy to wait for him.

I only listened to Meng Yanzhen: "This gift is what I have just learned. It is the first sentence. He also congratulated Zhao Daozhi Gao Sheng, which also met with Yan Girl today ..."

Zhao Ran turned: "There is something there, I have passed first, let's talk about it."

The butcher and Shen wealth is sitting next to the bonfire. The two don't have to drink, and one person is brought into the wine, and the hands can catch a leg, fight the old life, and the oil is smooth. The corner of the mouth is not stopped, and it is sprinkled on the trousers.

Zhao Ran came over, sitting next to them, looking at the bonfire, stivating: "The two brothers are so comfortable, the younger brother is depressed, but the patriarch is a laughter ..."

The butcher interrupted Zhao Ran. From the crotch, I touched a high wooden box, "" "

Shen Causa also smiled and reached out, copying a half-man high wooden box, put it around Zhao Ran, slowly said: "I and the tune brother are about a good, this is my gift, I will go to the temple for the first time. I don't know what to send, it is clever, you will upgrade the official, and we will make a fortune in the future. "

Zhao Ran suddenly smiled: "How is it so embarrassed, haha ​​... is in this way, the younger brother is not well."

First open a small wooden box, just see the chicken legs of the halo halo, I am afraid that there are more than a hundred.

Zhao Ran's leather jumped, and went to see the big wooden box. Sure enough, there was a lot of more than ten huge prosciutors in the box.

He knows that these two things seem simple, and the fact is that the butcher and Shen Cai's careful "refining" are delicious, which has a good effect on the auxiliary cultivation. Zhao Ran did not lack the spiritan medicine, but this is really fragrant in eating, I want to have a lot of temptation to the gang spirit, and I have a good congratulatory gift. I am a smile. Thank you.

Zhao Ran's gift has received a lot, happy, accompanying these two drinks. He took out the book in the bottom of the box, and the segment was a set, he didn't drink a few mouthfuls, but I didn't know how much but worry.

The butcher drunk, suddenly crying, the painting wind turned very fast, wiped the tears of the beard, holding Zhao Ran crying: "The brother, I am not easy for so many years, ... too is too easy ... "

"Yes, life is hard, the practice is bumpy, it is not easy, the old brother is crying, hey!"

"... ... not, my bitter, you don't know, I have a secret telling you ... Don't you say it, in fact, my name is Zhang, this famous Wing ..."

"Ah, this name ... really mighty ..."

The butcher cried and screamed: "I also gave birth to Jiazi, Yu Funun, talking ..."

"The gray fly is destroyed, this knows, but it seems to be Zhou Taoyou?"

"Hey ... no, talk room, beautiful beauty is coming ... I really can't stand, I have to go to the meat, and I have been buried here."

"Yes, the Tuc's brother is really chic ..."

"Please call me my brother ... It's not easy, too much, which is too much ... What is Zhou Taoyoy? Drink together!"

Shen wealth is laughing on the side, picked up the jar and scrateches with two mouths, shouting "happy!"

With these two bodies, I took the legs for a while, and I barely dried two wine, and Zhao Ran was very uncomfortable. It is not that he is not good, Zhao Ran does not want to drink the reason. It is the two drinks to the wine, and Zhao Ran listened to the wine "" repeatedly echoed. I doubt that these two people are not drinking a bite, so there are some sights.

On the mouth, "two brothers are eaten, drink well", and the butcher is desperately guaranteed: "Reassure, I will definitely keep secret ..."

Say, Zhao Ran got up, looked at it, see Rurong and Hao Siki sitting in the pavilion, eating fruit fruit is chatting, and the two are around the Du Xingzhi.

Zhao Ran's skin started to jump, the three people eaten, the fruit of the fruit and the table were different. It was the Bai Mountain Jun to reward Zhao Ran. What Zhu Fulu Fruit, Tianli Bean, Laurin Lankan, Liuye The like, there is three major trays.

These good things, Zhao Ran is hidden in a corner of the sputum, but also a small psychedelic array is used to cover, but I didn't expect to come out by this gimmick.

Under the distressed, Zhao Ran is busy rushing, and he greets with the three.

Rong Niang greeted, moved out of a position, Zhao Ran sat down, copying a six-leaf melon, I got it, my heart is eating back. 2K novel reading network

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