Taoist Law

Chapter 106, Yuezhi

Du Xingquan was forced to come to Taiwan, listened to Zhao Ran, saying that Zhao, who is, you have to be ugly, you must blame me! When I nodded: "It's good today, I will take you with you, let you learn something!" I also said to everyone: "I don't say is Du bully him, this is his own Looking! "1T; / P>

Rong Niang took the sleeve of Zhaoran, pulled him to one side, whispered: "Can you do? He is still very powerful." 1T; / p>

Zhao Ran has not experienced the experience of a cross-site fighting method, so there is no bottom in his heart, but he can't really let Rong Niang take the battle for him? Do you want to be people? The heart is very good, it is good to close the door in the unligated mountain, but I don't know how many days, this closed door is not known, and I can't catch up with this monk feast. It is not used by the left and right, so hard my head: "Nothing, isn't it the overall fighting method, others do it, I don't do it?" 1T; / P>

I thought about it, I added another sentence: "You and the East, he can't kill me?" 1T; / P>

Rong Niang just wanted to encourage him to two, but he heard him very discouraged. He did not help him with him: "Hey, you." 1T; / P>

Du Xingyan rutheny and Zhao Ran said whispers with his ear, and he wanted to catch fire, and he wished: "The temple of surname Zhao is not playing?" 1T; / p>

Zhao Ran turned around: "It's coming. It is too small here. It is the town property. It is not as good as the public property. It is better to go outside." 1T; / p>

Du Xingzhi saw him, the eyes were green, and the eyes were biting, and the slot said: "Why bother, what you don't want to raise your hands? Where can I damage what object. It is really damaged, I'm doing me ! "1T; / p>

Zhao Ran's eyes bright: "Du Daoyou belts silver?" 1T; / p>

Du Xingyan is impatient, a silver ticket: "This is a thousand two, enough not enough to repair this temple?" 1T; / P>

Zhao Ranzhi storage picker,

Take out a "silver ticket" and said: "There is nothing means if the empty hand is better, let's have a number, how is a thousand two silver? How?" 1T; / p>

Rong Niang is a bit unbelievable, and Zhao Ran is angry and regarded, Zhao Ran ignored her. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran took a few days ago, and she made a note of one hundred and two, and she stated that the debt was Zhao Zhao, who was the Junshan Temple, but the payee of the index of the arms is "Zhang Teng Ming, Zhang Tengming". It is very clear that Zhang Tengming can be cashed with these owners. 1T; / P>

Of course, if Zhang Tengming is redeemed, the arms of his hand is more than 10,000. 1T; / P>

In order to strengthen the credibility, Zhao Ran is a little thoughts, and painted a simple Junshan Temple behind the arms, it seems to be quite like "silver ticket". 1T; / P>

His idea is that practical demonstrations, even if it is dismantled into 10,000 denominations, Zhang Tengming is also very difficult. So dismantling a smaller quotation, see if you can get it. 1T; / P>

This is a way he comes to Wang Meng Sens, putting "Cheng An" to think out after his head, showing that he has already got it in the hands of "Cheng'an", two convenient to exchange, or brought a fight Amount as a bet. 1T; / P>

Of course, such an ingredient can only be used in the monk, and the other party will accept it. He is now taken out of the fish. 1T; / P>

You do not want? That can't, why don't you say it before? After the completed, I said that I have to change it, I still talk about the rules? 1T; / P>

He has already done a psychological preparation for Du Xingzhi. Anyway, even if he bite only this, there is no casino, but when Du Xing is giving the bank, just try it. 1T; / P>

It can only be said that the two people focus on this fighting, Du Xingqi really didn't see it, and the voice: "Good!" 1t; / p>

Zhao Ran said around: "Eastern brothers, all friends, please, please refund, I have eaten Wang Mesen's big loss, so I just took the answer between Du Xingquan and the answer, I have already quietly put eight months. The burst of the sub-array is set. 1T; / P>

The back garden is not big, but Zhao Ran also did not plan to take a lot of venues to fight, the back garden is full of spiritual power, the flow of the heavens and the gas machines cannot be familiar with it, so the surrounding method is only around Three five feet size, only this one, reflecting the strength of him on the same level on the array, it is refined to the extreme. 1T; / P>

If the Jade Emperor Cai Yun Shen Master is present, I am afraid that the beads will look out, and I have just been defeated in the north of his hand, I will have to be admired, but it is unfortunately there is not a proficiency. The law, his means can only be considered Dark Pearl. 1T; / P>

Waiting for these people to retreat to the wall, Zhao Ran asked Du Xing Yan: "Du Daoyou doesn't need to speak?" 1T; / p>

Du Xing Dao: "Tell you a little earrior, you still need a long story?" 1T; / P>

This is different from the routine. The anti-party of the war should not be taken forward. Who lost who is far from Ruru? 1T; / P>

Ok, Du Xingli is not allowed by the routine, and Zhao Ran does not have to remind the other party, but it is just a way: "Du Daoyou is ready?" 1T; / P>

Du Xingzhi is pleasing: "Are you ready? Let's get started, I will let you three ..." 1T; / p>

Just said here, Du Xingli felt that we were dark, and it was in a darkness. I suddenly listened to the crisp sound of "", and a sleeper moon gradually rose to the sky, hanging on the top of the head. 1T; / P>

Du Xing Daoxin, is the original name Zhao is a Master? How is the Master of the Master, a Master of a Richmond, what can you have anything? 1T; / P>

I can't afford it, but Du Xingquan is also a monk who can't experience the experience of the fight. I know that there is no negligence, so I will have a seven-star sword of the family, suspended to the side, carefully observed the surroundings, silently looking for this The eye is located. 1T; / P>

Compared with Wang Mesen, Du Xingquan is much higher because of the realm, so there is much more manner, and the means is much more rich, but he is not as good as Wang Meisen, so it can't be seen between it. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran knows that the Yuezhi challenge is not so easy. He is going to fight, and there is no sense of life. So many friends next to it, is it a killing of Du's dare to kill? Two, as Du Xingru said, his little earrison challenged the Huang Crown exercise, as long as the time to be entangled, even if you lose it or lose. When I last fight, I didn't test all the effects of this set, and I took the opportunity to practice. 1T; / P>

Therefore, Zhao Ran will open your fire. Flying Sword Pine, the flying sword is full of empty, surrounded by Wang Metro. 1T; / P>

Du Xing Dan is quite uncomfortable for the "Sound East" of the two sorts, and some hands are busy. Defense, leaving two blood marks on his neck. 1T; / P>

The entangled moment, Du Xing is angry, and a shot of a storage belt, flying out a big umbrella. This big umbrella is a Tiantian big umbrella. It is his high-end beam of the high-end beef. 1T; / P>

Du Xing derived Cauretian big umbrella and shielded the body. After Luo Tian's big umbrella opened, he was dripping to rotate and released the Yulian's five enemy. Reception of the Emperor's defense, the Qing dynasty, the Qing dynasty, the Qing dynasty, the golden gas defense Zhengxi, the Mandan water, the central, the central, a yellow emperor is hung in the top. 1T; / P>

YAN Yuan Wuqi refines the ruling curse in the Cave Yuancui, gotting up the night, and the lower demon, if it is the evil, the clock utility is extremely obvious. But unfortunately, Zhao Ran is not evil, so the utility is not from the discount. But even if this, this cave is now, Zhao Ran's attack is not going in. After the flying sword is empty and the sword is the wind, it is immediately brushing, and it is completely unable to close. 1T; / P>

This is the disadvantage of Zhao Ranzheng as a realm of low, and he perfuse the mana on the flying sword in the flying sword. It can't open the five gas defense of Du Xingzhan, just get harassment. 1T; / P>

Taking this work, Zhao Ran will steal the five-line fire feathers of Wang Duison, a second-order yin and yang fire strip with four first-order fireworks, a group of groups to Du Xingquan. 1T; / P>

Zhao Ran is a cognition of the law, so when the stealing teacher will learn, but in the calculation, it is lacking the fire. The effect of the five-line fire is not called out, it always feels lack. What did you have, you can't cause powerful compression for Du Xing. 1T; / P>

Not long after the fight, Zhao Ran felt very tricky, the gap between the realm is there, flying swords, fire characters These routine means, there is no big role. 1T; / P>

His side has an example of a variety of transient fighting methods, such as homelavous brothers, such as the Oriental respect of the battlefield, and it sounds very easy to kill, but it is really easy to go to the hand, and you will have a low hand. That category. 1T; / P>

In front of you, this Huang Crown is like an elephant, and let him go to the right, and if you can't get it, you can't let people feel tight! 1T; / P>

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