Taoist Law

Chapter 107, Xinxin Friends

This is after Zhao Ran, after the tribute to the practice threshold, the first time I face the Huang Crown monks alone, all the pressures have to bear himself, and therefore, there is a truly understanding of the Monk Monk.

He originally imagined nine-day Xuanlong Big Boarding has never dare to make it now, not other reasons, it is fearful to method, spiritual power is strong than yourself, for fear that this means will have anti-anti-effect, all can only Continue and other opportunities.

I want to go there is nothing to do, Zhao Ran simply recovered the flying sword, the five elements did not fight, too waste, so he simply did not move.

Suddenly remembered the East to give him a Xuanjia tortoise eye, even busy, taking into the fracture compass in the hand, strengthen the power of the array, then hidden in the dark corner, silently waiting for the appearance.

This is the shortcomings of the moon fantasy, its essence is a magic, the killing is not strong, the active attack is not high, can only be sleepy, can not kill people. Zhao Ran now wants to know, after the serious and old, how much is the eye-catching trap, and the tube does not care.

Du Xing derived couldn't find a blur, saying that Zhao Ran is still anxious, there have been several times, I can't help but remind him. I just didn't expect any good way for a time. I can't tell Du Xing Dan - buddy, the moon on the head So obvious, are you ignorant!

However, Zhao Ran also wanted to pass, it can't be consumed, anyway, I wonderful medicine in China, and there were a lot of Zhu Hui's fruit to get blood. As long as I hide, I can't find it, I will calculate it. I can't take ten days and a half, I can consume you for two or three days!

You have a yellow crown, and I have a superstructure with me, and I haven't divided out the victory for three days and two nights. Do you have to face?

Zhao Ruen Tongda, so I am sitting on the Diaoyutai. This round to Du Xingwei strange, the opponent's attack means suddenly abused, and he felt a long time, look at the right left, and didn't understand what happened. In addition to black, this law is unclear, it is quiet, very very quiet, quietly somewhat.

It has a bright moon at the top of the head, otherwise it is difficult to get it in this gruel.

Strictly old refined blasting is really powerful,

Although Zhao Ran said that there is no way to take Du Xingzhi, but a heart is thinking, Du Xing Yan also can't find him.

Du Xingqi carefully defeated himself with Luo Tian big umbrella, and turned around in the array, and the seven-star sword around him stabbed a sword to him.

It has been transferred for a long time, and there is no presence, but it is a lot of man's consumption. Du Xing derived down, and touched one grain of the heart of Danza, and I started to count.

What is the temple named Zhao wish? Currently, this method is a magical array of illusion, and there is no attack power. Even if you are sleepy for ten days and a half months, you can't help it?

and many more! Ten or a half months! Thinking of this, Du Xing has rid of cold sweat behind it. If you are really a temple that is called Zhao's temple, you don't, as long as you are sleepy, you will become a big laughter!

One thought and this, Du Xing derived couldn't stand, a bit bite, finally removed from the storage belt, four - order - five lines.

This five-line timer has a certain chance to explore the gap in the abundance, which is extremely effective. Of course, whether it is accurate, and it is necessary to see the rating of the array, and the people of the cloth.

This correspondence is not in the "Positive Method" directory, it is a secret that the cave is inherited. This special effect is difficult, or it is not a general monk to refine, he has to come It is also very difficult.

Du Xing's demaper is reluctant, he also used to use it in the French array of a Richmond monk.

But he can't see the virtuality of this magic, can't find a blink, if you are sleepy by the monks of a Yu Shi, where is there a face to see the lady?

Thinking of this, Du Xing is no longer hesitating, and the shake hand puts the five elements.

I saw that the character was in the air, the one-color cloud, rolling in the French, fluttering, suddenly rising upwards, directly pointing to the sky, then gradually dissipating.

Zhao Ran hide in the dark, the spirit is a vibration, and it is very intertwined, and the heart is dark. It has this kind of congressional, which can find a blink of itself. Today is really open. Recall the "Positive Method" carefully, but there is no records that have been recorded, and I don't know where it is.

I saw him with his long-body, in powerful, jumped to the seven-eight feet high, in the truth, so that the palm of the palm of the man was thrown out.

The seven-star Swordification made a beautiful star man, and the disease is going to the sky!

Mingyue surrounded by a layer of flourishing dark clouds, shielding the moon wheels.

Du Xing is really dangerous, this is a bright moon, since the eye has been found, will it be difficult? I regret it again in my heart, secretly is really stupid, this round of Mingyue is so eye-catching, why didn't you think about it? This is really black, just a pity that a good five-line truth!

Xiangmang is on the dark cloud, and suddenly opens the black cloud, revealing the clouds, and more Wu Yun is generated in the middle of the way, and it will turn back to the moon.

This illusion really has some doorways, and the temple of surname Zhao is not a place. Du Xingyan pointed out to the seven-star swords.

Xingmang Sasheng, breaking a layer of dark clouds, finally came to the Mingyue.

I just lost the trail, flying swords, and stabbed it, and a fire was floating in the dark, surrounded by Du Xingzhi's big umbrella burned.

Is this struggling in dying?

Du Xingzhang supported the gods to support Luo Tianshi, with the attack of the two sides and the sky, and continued to instill the mana to the seven-star swords, and the star is remarkably reminded.

Finally, the seven-star sword will be blocked in the last layer of the cloud, and he is in the bright moon!

The radiant light in the sky, and the whole month will be bright as white.

It's almost, Du Xingzhi is hi, and struggle to mobilize the mana to maximum.

A huge roar sounded, the moon is gradually turned into dark, turned into a dark shadow hole, Du Xingru, it's okay? Still not broken?

The moon fantasy gossip traps is moving, and the eye is turned to death!

When Du Xingxue was confused, the seven-star swords connected to his own heart were involved in a huge force, and the black hole formed by transforming the moon wheels.

In a big shocked, Du Xingquan made the whole body's mana, and the moon-opening black hole is full of control of the seven-star sword.

This method of practice is made by the serious and old man in the refining troops. The materials used are also the treasure of the treasures, and the compass just embedded a large lift method and the fight against the PV. Eyes, even if Zhao Ran is just a district, this is Du Xingzhi is broken? Where is the seven-star swords, so easy to grab it?

Du Xing derived a trap of the moon fantasy gossip. At this moment, it was a sweaty shirt, on the tip of the nose, the big droplet of the droplets was generally rolled. He is already panic at this moment, and it is bad in your heart!

Zhao Ran's opportunity, immediately joined.

Du Xingquan suddenly felt a dizzy in his mind, could not be shocked, secretly, what kind of evil, don't absorb your own seven-star swords, is also consumed in your energy?

I quickly touched the two-piece, I was in the entrance, but after taking it, I didn't seem to play this. This, Du Xing is more chaotic, and the secret is not lost? Tang Zhuang Huang gave a bier, how did this see people? Do you have to become a victim of the other party's Vietnam.

Du Xing was flustered in the heart, but Zhao Ran was surprised, even three times smiles, this is still still having a good life, it is still a yellow crown monk, and the tolerance is really strong enough!

Zhao Ran wondered the moment, began to imitate the skills of Wang Mesen, trying to change in the rhythm.

Receive a regular manager, try it ...

Mana increase the output, deep impact!

It seems that it seems a bit effect, and Zhao Ran decided to continue to change the rhythm.

Tasting twice ... Deep impact!

Yes, this seems to have reactive, come again!

Three shallow, deep, more effective, continue!

Repeated trials, including Zhu Fuli fruit to make up for both the mana, Zhao Ran finally found the output ratio of the best mana attack.


Nine fast!

Zhao Ran did not have fun, Du Xingli began to unlucky, and all kinds of thoughts have come up. The feeling of dizziness is more strong, and the frequency is getting faster.

"After it, will it really have to defeat?"

"What should I don't care?"

"... um? Yang Dan? Why should I eat Yangxin?"

"Oh, I'm, I am with a bass fight!"

"I really want to lose it to a jade, Rong Niang will look down on me?"

"Rong Niang ... Where is Rurney?"

"... ? How is it so black here? Where is this?"

In the dark, suddenly returning a kind and gentle voice, making people like a spring style:

"Dear Du Daoyou, hello, welcome to the picturesque Junshan, I am very happy that you can join us, become a glorious Junshan Friends, I am your intimate friend Zhao Ziran, value this night, Will you still have to sleep? Then, please follow me to enter the story. Time ... I have a mountain, there is a temple on the mountain ... "

When Zhao Ran announced, "let go of a day's hard work and tired", "sleep in a classic old song", Du Xing Yan finally fell to the ground, soft, weak, mouth, smile and long Long hared, sinking.

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