Taoist Law

Chapter 108 wants to listen to the story?

Zhao Rui Long Liqi, the heart of the yellow crown is the Huang Guan, Du Xingzhi, although not like Wang Mesen, and even the eyebrows are burned, but the heavy pressure brought to him is not the same. The gap between the realm is like mountains, and the psychological obstacles caused are very large.

However, it is a victory, and you have a successful challenge, this feels quite comfortable!

This game lasted for a few hours, because it was in the French array of Zhao Ran, Dongfang, Rong Niang, Yan Zhongze, etc., only a three-five fertile round cloud, at all, see the detailed situation in it.

After waiting for a long time, because I can't see the random, I can't see it, and everyone returned to the normal state. In addition to and Zhao Ran's proficiency, the rest of the people spread around, or exchanged the tribute, or talk about not Later leisure.

Rurder's eyelash, staring at the cloud, and the concerns on the face.

Dongfang respects comforts around her: "Zhao Shi's law is very special, you also have seen it, and in my view, this method seems to be more on the same time, not in the same day, Zhao Shi still has one Fighting. "

Rong Niang shook his head and said: "Du Xing Yan is the child of Zhejiang Chauge Pavilion ..."

The East has a pick-up: "Cave Yuan Du Jia?"

Rurn nodded, sighed.

Du Jia is a more prominent family in the Taoist, but the future of Du Guang Ting, who faxed Du Guangchao.

After Du Guang Ting, it was divided into two, one left in Sichuan Province, and took the and Pavilion established by Du Guang Ting. This is mainly written, for the sake of the monk, the Duzi in Huayun Pavilion is eager to represent people.

The other of the Du's main system, when the Lushan is sitting, the branch has successively succumbed to Du Guang Ting, so I chose Du Guangting, Tiantai Mountain, who started to practice in her early last year, establishing a spiritual market, occupying Zhejiang province. This is a road that is a passage of the cavity, which is a righteous monk.

I heard that Du Xingzhi is a Du family of Dongyuan, and the Dongfang respect is a bit worried. Du Jiayongyuan is a long branch of Du Guang Ting, so the heritage is extremely profound, unpaid it, the baby is not mentioned. I know how much, this Du Xing is a one or two, Zhao Ran can't eat it.

The East thought of thinking about it, said: "Even if it is defeated, there is nothing. His little jade, cross-border challenge Du Jia's yellow crown, although it is more hurt, this is not a matter. I still don't believe that Du's dare to kill him. If this is true, I don't want to leave Junshan.

Due to talk, the cloud in the field suddenly turned up and gradually dissipated. The mutual lottery in the back garden is busy.

I saw that Du Xingli was lying on the ground. The mouth was obliquely, and the hamma did not stop down his mouth. Zhao Ran squatted his cheeks and gently patted his cheeks. Get up ... "

The mutual clerk couldn't help but feel stunned, and Rong Niang took a look at Du Xingquan in the sleep, asked Zhao Ran: "What is going on?"

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Nothing, I see Du Daoyou too tired this day, so I told him a story to sleep ... Hey, I saw that I watched it very fragrant, I am afraid it for a while. Wake up halfway, sleep, solve the lack, restore the spirit of essence, it is good for two days. "

Said, Zhao Ran waved the gold for a long time, let them get Du Xing, send the room.

Rong Niang thought about it, didn't want to understand, ask: "How did you win? How did he fall asleep?"

Zhao Rong said: "Don't you say it? We talked for a while in a while, seeing him more tired, giving him a story, and he asleep him."

"What story? So big power, talk about it?"

"Do you really want to listen?"

Rong Niang hesitated for a while, I remembered that Du Xingzhi's appearance was like a woman, and the liver trembled, shakes his head: "Forget it, still do not listen."

The East smiled and laughed. He knew that Zhao Ran didn't want to mention it, he didn't ask. This is also normal, who will take your own winning and negative means? When I wanted to win next time, I still want to win?

So said: "Zhao Shi Yan wins, it is good, and the brother is not easy to fight today."

Zhao Ran is busy: "It's a good boy to the brother, so that I am in power, otherwise it is really not good to say who will win."

Rong Niang asked: "Oriental, what baby you give? I have to."

Dongfang Dao: "Nothing, it is the Xuanjiao tortoise for Cai Shi Shu, just. What are you still, there are so many people in my family, still rare this?"

Zhao Ran thought, now I still don't know the life of Rong Niang, this friend has a little failure, busy ask: "Rong Niang, what do you do at home? Listen to Tu Hao? I like it, I like it. Tu Hao is also the most hand, let me play a autumn wind. "

Rong Niang said: "What is the most annoying this girl, what is your home?"

Zhao Ran turned to Dongfang: "Oriental brothers?"

The East said: "Rong Niang is not allowed, I can't tell you, except me, I am afraid that only the surname Du know, don't you look back, you ask the surname Du's? Oh, there is also the true law Rusong. "

Zhao Ran helpless: "He still fell asleep, there is nothing to say to him, this person is in love with Rong Niang, a rare woman is definitely anxious. What is the name of the Rong Niang? This can always talk ? "

Rong Niang revealed to the East: "Don't say!"

The oriental smiled and shook his head and left.

Rong Niang stared again: "Do not listen!"

Zhao Ran : "Rare!"

Rong Niang said: "There is a short man in listening to these parents, it is better to practice, this girl is all yellow crown, when are you chasing it?"

Zhao Rui: "The yellow crown is great?"

Rong Niang is very chest: "Of course, this girl is closed for two months, repairing it, the important thing is repeated three times, the yellow crown! Huang crown! Huang Guan!"

"Hey, I am stylish!"


"You are waiting! This temple wishes this to go back, not rushing a yellow crowny to come out! This few days, the Junshan Temple is given to you, give me a good."


"Good do not learn, specialize in this temple, I wish these messy words."


Zhao Ran and Du Xing Yan have added a lot of talks to the banquet, and the monks have been gathered in one place, and they are also reluctant to sleep. The atmosphere in the back garden is still very lively.

Refront, Zhao Ran, no heart to continue to participate, a few steps from the back garden, and rushed back to the house.

Remove the "three books" to himself from the storage pneumon, put it on the bed and open it. Zhao Ranping breathed breathing, got up, seeing a little white light flying from the text, the moment is not entered into his own eyebrows.

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