Taoist Law

Chapter 110

See Zhao Ran's customs clearance, Yan Zhongze hesitated: "Zhao Shi, who is born into the yellow crown?"

Zhao Ran nodded: "Into the yellow crown." I thought about it, "I haven't gone yet, then ... I closed a few days?"

Ruru returned a finger and swayed.

Zhao Ran said: "For a month? So for a long time ... Sure enough, there is a thousand years in the mountains ..."

Seeing Lu Niang shook his head, Zhao Ran carefully asked: "It is impossible to be a year? ... Is it ten days? Oh, it seems that I am still very talented ..."

Rong Niri sighed: "If I tell you, you only have a time to get a time, you will believe it? If you don't believe it ..."

Zhao Ran: "... don't lie to me ..."

The Doumen monk is not more than Buddhist gates, and the Buddha is paying attention to "understanding", so there is often a Buddha's monk has not had a chance of more than ten years, and suddenly there is a case of impulse.

Taoist monks also focused on understanding, but the situation of epiphany appeared, often need to be closed for a long time, in order to adjust the body, through the operation of exercises, let the situation in the gas sea have a more way to evolve, thus entering a new one Cultivate the realm.

When Zhou Yu ink is broken, it is a long time in the heart of the cliff. Of course, the reason why it has been closed for so long, and there is also a problem in the state.

When Jiang Tonghe crackster, it has been closed for three months, which is normal.

Rong Niang succeeded in the yellow crown last month, and she closed the customs for two months.

When I was breaking the baili, I closed my customs for more than a month.

As for the East Gift on the Yumangge,

It's still a few more than a year and a half, and this is a more miserable ...

Of course, there are special exceptions. For example, I stand in front of you, I watched it, I slept for a few days. That is the result of being tossed by the treasure bottle.

From this point of view, Yan Zhongze is a bit similar to that of the Tao Tao, who wants to take Zhaoran, "License", the way to get Zhao Ran, the madman is to torture himself, and ordinary people cannot be synonymous.

So what about Zhao Ran?

When he broke into the earride in the top of the Jade Emperor, he took only three days. At that time, Cai Shushu, Dongfang respects and Eastern Gifts and others were very amazed, and this situation was "qualified". At that time, these were still sigh, saying that if Zhao Ran couldn't work, he will definitely become a big enchanting in the Taoist monk in Chuan.

According to the common sense, Zhao Ran is born into the jade, then it is more than three days. But he did not expect it that it only used a time.

Tonight's Junshan Temple dinner, the protagonist is a Rong Niang, but Zhao Ran is born, but also grabs three times. Once, it was rushing to speaking, I was ugly, the second time, the cross-level defeating Du Xingquan, the third time is a time to get into the yellow crown.

Zhao Ran is very sorry: "Rong Niang, I can't help but I don't intention ..."

Rong Niang's reply to this is, gave Zhao Ran.

So the banquet continued, the theme has also been properly adjusted, and a content that celebrates Zhao Temple to win success.

But Zhao Ran did not receive any greetings. Although he hinted it a few times, he always didn't pick him up. Even the feast has joined the topic of congratulations, but no one is true, everyone still congratulate Rong Niang The Lord, let him be slightly depressed, the dark road is equally broken, how can the difference in treatment are so big?

After two days, the monks started to leave, Zhao Ran, one, one.

The first thing to go is to the East, and the Rong Niang invited, but it is a dozen monks who are not familiar with Zhao Ran, and they will return home before and after. They have come to meet the feast, but they don't want to see a scene of the scene of Zhao Ran's drama.

Among them, several monks, such as the waters of the Xianxia Hall of the Xianxia, ​​and there are also scatters from Umon Luo Jinshan - the road is quite vulnerable, and the people are active and Zhao Ran exchanged the fly. Zhao Ran went to their respective mountain gates.

The butcher and Shen wealth is also speaking to Zhao Rong. This brother listened to the scatter of Sichuan in a feast, saying that it is a Jacong Mountain with Tubo, growing a long yellow back The meat is extremely sweet, and the brothers are preparing to go to the top, and taste this kind of food.

When I went wrong, my face seems to hide a few excitement, he comes to Zhao Rong: "Dupil this time to come to Junshan, this intent is in the brother, you have to stay here, talk, scattered, you can now seem to become ...... "

Zhao Ranwei, seems to have encountered anything happy, so he said: "My brothers and brothers are bright, and the god is full, isn't there any good things?"

Yan Zhongze haha ​​smiled: "Zhao Shi also understands the phase? Haha, you said yes, it is also a brother, my opportunity. When you broke out, when you broke out, faintly passed the sound of the wind, and there was a feeling, some problems The more I want to pass through these two days, so I plan to return to Qingyun Mountain to close the door, maybe the machine is in front of it. "

Zhao Ran is speechless, there is always someone in front of him, when is it easy to think so?

"Do you still walk the door of the Sichuanfu?"

"Last year is wrong, I changed a brother."

Zhao Ran regrets: "I just entered the Huang Crown, I just thought about returning to Huayun Mountain to do the duty to do it. The brother is not going to divide the demon with me?"

shook his head: "Where is there so many demon? Always go back to handle short breaks in the parents, I will be troubled by you, I will know if you do it. Accept your mediation, encounter fried, people directly on the mountain gates to tell. "

Zhao Ran smiled again: "Listening seems to be a bit interest."

Yan Zhongze Road: "Perhaps you can not say it, but I can't help it. Tell me that I will tell me, I will introduce you to the grandson of our Qingyun Hall. When walking, I can do each other, and take each other."

"Thank you" "I thought about it, I'm asked:" The brother and your Sichuanfu's scenery know? "

Yan Zhongze said: "Our Shoufu Shoushou Palace is the Monitoring House? Cognition, I have a few times when I walk for the Sichuan government. Do you have anything to find him? I can be referred to ..."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "I have a festival with him ... Do you have his handle on your hand? Or the evidence of his unscrupulous events?"

Yan Zhongze Shen Wei said: "This person's style is not bad, do things are also cautious, I have not heard of it's illegal ... Do you want me to help you pull a line and tune?

Zhao Ran sighed: "End enmity, no mediation."

Yan Zhongze asked, Zhao Ran said briefly, then said: "If you get any news, you will only have me, don't worry."

I nodded, and I was awarded: "I will remember, but you must be cautious, a family is supervised, if there is any accident, not only the province shake, the world will vibrate. Just like the last time, Zhang Anfu Zhang Mark Institute The case is still in the general view of Lushan, and I have to ask every year. "

This is reminding Zhao Ran, and a house is not a small person, and it is not a reuse.

Zhao Rong said: "Don't worry, I have an inch."

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